Thursday, April 1, 2021

power of attorney and if need be a declaration of independence, from your adult children

When you give up your liberty in the name of "safety" in the end you have neither


Forcing mom or dad to get the covid vaccine… is it love or something else, such as a power play 

Sad, scary and with some it is pathetic …you need a medical power of attorney, someone you trust and thinks like you …

While at work this past Tuesday,  I met one elderly lady who was buying “liquid IV”, liquid IV is a jacked up version of Gatorade… such products have become extremely popular since the “plan-demic” started. Our store sells thousands of dollars’ worth of Gatorade aid and such sports drinks everyday… but “liquid IV” is allegedly  the next best thing to getting an IV  in the hospital  ( a Lactated Ringer's )  ….   Lactated Ringer's solution, sometimes simply abbreviated to LR solution, is a type of IV (intravenous) fluid that is given to patients who are having surgery, who are dehydrated or who are receiving IV medications…. Lactated Ringer's is a sterile solution for fluid and electrolyte replenishment. It restores fluid and electrolyte balances, produces diuresis, and acts as alkalizing agent …

Gatorade and any product that acted like an IV replacement for electrolytes was a hot selling item during the height of the pandemic (still is since the hype over covid continues) … people fear having diarrhea, vomiting, lack of appetite  or a high fever all of which, would deplete your electrolyte balance (this is normal if your body is fighting a cold or the flu) this happens for the body is trying to expel "toxins, viruses and harmful bacteria"  … plus most people are not hydrated enough and they are not getting enough trace elements to maintain proper electrolyte balance and this was true way before the covid issue broke onto the scene...

 … I try to drink a lot of water and I drink a small bottle of Gatorade everyday … plus I also have a case of liquid IV, I purchased it online last May, but I have not used it … it is for severe dehydration…and thank God I never needed it, but it is good to have in the house, dehydration can be caused by many things not just covid, eating a bad tuna sandwich or mistakenly eating lettuce that has been recalled due to e coli can cause massive diarrhea and the need for electrolyte replacement    … for the next step would be to go to the ER for a lactated ringer …

Back to the elderly lady I met … I asked her why she was buying liquid IV, was she sick or did a doctor recommend it..???... She said no to both of my questions … what she did say,  was her son was forcing her to get the covid vaccination and she did not want to get it and her son told her to take “liquid IV” prior to getting the vaccination in case she got sick, from the vaccine and her electrolyte balance was off ...  That taking liquid IV is recommended prior to getting the vaccine if you are a senior … WTF … you never hear about that in the main stream news!!! … The vaccine screwing with your electrolytes

It is true though seniors are like children in regards to being properly hydrated and most of the time unless they are on top of their health,  they tend to not have enough potassium  and other trace elements in their bodies, which are most important and also most seniors are taking several medications, (many are over medicated)  which will screw with their electrolyte balance, hence many seniors are unduly tired or get confused and forgetful ....

 as an electrolyte, potassium promotes heart and muscle activity. ... memory function is a key symptom that often causes problems in daily living. ... rely on electrical signals generated by sodium and potassium channels in each cell. ... Untreated hypokalemia can result in confusion, fatigue and impaired ...Weakness; Fatigue; Muscle cramps; Constipation...Potassium also helps balance sodium levels in the body... but too much potassium can cause medical issues as well and with seniors and children this balance is critical and at times very unstable ... so why give a vaccination that causes electrolyte instability??? That alone could kill you ... 

And WTF … grown children forcing their elderly parent into getting the vaccine!!! … “elderly parents” need to consider this… are your grown children into controlling you,  are they off the wall into the liberal agendas and government control … sadly if so and you do not believe in this,  you need to get a legal document that states such and remove your children as your “guardians”, which all blood children are to their elderly parents, they are the ones who can make medical decisions for you or force medicine on you even if you do not want it … which,  clearly this elderly woman did not want to do (get vaccinated) … it should be her choice … it should be everyone’s choice … but it rapidly is being forced on all of us … and it is almost  Biblical … mother against daughter, son against father… families are forcing this on each other …  

This poor elderly woman was almost in tears … she did not want to get the vaccine … but she wanted to travel to her winter home in Florida next winter and she said, by then you will have to have a “vaccine passport” … I asked her where did she heard that??? She replied … she read it online, Joe Biden said it … OMG she is right and she is a “victim” not of covid … but tyranny!!! We all are victims of this tyranny ... 

Meanwhile a woman who overheard this conversation (she looked to be in her early 40’s) said this … she had gotten the two vaccinations and she thinks they are cool and she is willing to get a “booster vaccine” every three months if need be … and this is why the world as we know it and humanity is rapidly approaching extinction …

  Personal liberties : They correspond to the liberties that all individuals possess. The most fundamental personal freedoms are the freedom of speech, expression, movement, thought, consciousness, religion and the right to a private life.• Collective liberties : They correspond to liberties for groups of people: freedom of association, and peaceful meeting 

Children can declare their “legal” independence from their parents … parents can also declare their “legal” independence from their grown children and unfortunately I think society is rapidly heading for this… or the elderly will be abused and surrendered over to the “State”… by their grown children  ....

This is not "new" many grown children over the last 50 years have placed their elderly parents into nursing homes... under the banner of "they are well cared for and safer there"...WTF ... they could not have been well cared for and safe with their families... as generations ago all of society lived in multi generational homes !!!  Many bitch about the destruction of the "nuclear family" and families in general ... this is not new... this really kicked into gear (nursing home dumping of parents and the elderly) during the time of the "greatest generation" WW II ... 

We will now see "vaccination centers" and the dumping of the elderly... being forced to do so by their grown children ... it is the next logical step of the nursing home dumping of them ... forcing them to get vaccinated and if not cut them off from family  ... which,   placing them into a nursing home did/ does to them anyhow ...  

Funny thing we can all sign independently, a DNR  (do not resuscitate)

     ... but soon, we will not be given the same liberty of "do not vaccine"... this is fucked up and right out of hell!!! And my heart goes out to that elderly lady and all of those who are being forced or shamed into taking a vaccine that has not been tested on human beings and is showing itself to be more deadly that the virus itself  ... 

And an update to my blog post,  from yesterday ... I spoke with a care taker yesterday,  from the large senior citizen complex across the street, from where I work (Cedar Crest) and the caretaker told me 92% of all the seniors in that facility had received the covid vaccine... I had mentioned to this caretaker that more and more of these seniors were coming into the store and they are no longer following "covid rules", such a social distancing and wearing a mask and even common respect such as covering your mouth if you sneeze or cough  ... and the caretaker said ... "well they are old and many senile and they do what they want" ... OMG ... they seriously are super spreaders of covid now!!!  The vaccine causes shedding of the virus and these seniors are perfect vessels to do so ... last year we were all told,  "don't visit grandma or grandpa you can give them covid and they might die, which was bullshit !!! This year grandma and grandpa are actually spreading the virus and giving others covid via their vaccinations and no one says a word about it...WTF ... 

My young co-workers are falling like flies, everyday more an d more are testing positive for covid and this did not happen prior to the covid vaccine and again I say ... I believe it is due to all the customers coming into the store who have been vaccinated and are shedding covid virus... they are spreading the virus like never before... 

My store is required by law to inform us if a co-worker has tested positive for covid  (yet they are not required by law to tell the public, because my store was labeled "essential" )  ... they cannot release the name of the person due to HIPPA and privacy laws ... they will text us that another worker tested positive and the last day that person worked in the store ... they will not tell you what department or where that person was in the store on the last day they worked ... so you are in the dark as to who it might be ....  but eventually you learn by the mere fact that person does not show up for work for a couple of weeks ... and most notability the ones testing positive lately for covid are those who work the front end of the store ... those workers come into close contact with all of the customers and in contact with vaccinated people ... this tells me it is the vaccine that is causing this spike in positive covid tests in the store .... and it is getting out of control, now it really is starting to become a pandemic due to the vaccine ... like never before and I am starting to wonder was this part of some plan ... spread the virus more, via vaccinations to force the virus to mutate and then put people back into lock downs, claiming the virus is spreading and blaming the un-vaccinated not the vaccine itself ...