Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Something "unnatural" is happening

I spoke with someone who believes all of this from covid to the takeover of our country is nothing but a smoke screen… that there is something big going on behind the scenes and this is a giant mind fuck on humanity to keep the real events, from being exposed to the public… this person to whom, I spoke is a psychologist and is aware how the minds and behavior of society can be manipulated…        


Everything that was done with covid in the beginning was wrong, healthy people should never have been placed into shut down, their immune systems would have kicked in and by now there would have been a high level of natural herd immunity… yes those with health issues should have remained in lock down …we sacrificed the entire population’s immune systems for a few, may sound cruel to say,  but it is “nature and natural law”, which is part of being a human being … death is nature and if you are a Christian it should not be something you fear or you try to artificially avoid.

Because of these forced shuts downs on the healthy (which was and is an affront to the human body and the way it was created) the “healthy bodies” had their immune systems weakened artificially by the powers that be and it made them “weak” shout downs not only made them weak of body but of mind as well … you do not form strong immune systems by staying locked inside a house … you form such by being out in the world and interacting with others, where you will be exposed to germs and bacteria, your body will react … and form its own antibodies … will you get sick … yes … will you die … the numbers show from the covid virus there is a 99% change you will not die … that is really good odds, I should be so lucky in playing the lottery with those odds!!!   

The lock downs in retrospect were an effort to destroy the healthy as well as the economy, and when this happens the “fragile and the ill”, the ones who needed to be “shut in”,  have no chance at all,  for it is the healthy and the economy that keeps such individuals alive … so no one won this war on covid, except the China, big pharma and all those who have shares in the vaccine and of course Joe Biden for by the covid virus, the Presidential election, voting was manipulated to allow Biden to win.

I expected,  a “spike” in the virus once the economy started to open up, it had to be for that is “real science”… you suppress a healthy person’s immune system for months, by keeping them locked inside, there will be a blow back once they reenter into “humanity” and have interactions with the environment…so these so called second waves and third waves are just the “formerly strong and health immune systems” of the healthy individuals now lagging behind a bit and playing catch up with its immune response …

That being said there is something else happening … something that is really scary to me … my fellow co-workers, we who have been on the front lines daily since this all began and the vast majority did not fall ill to the covid virus … we saw and interacted with literally thousands of people a day for over year… and without PPE’s in the beginning of this “pandemic” … but we were fine … now though since the covid vaccination programs started, now almost everyday co-workers are becoming ill and testing positive for covid … we all have strong immune systems, for we never shelter in  place  and we “fought off” the covid virus in the past … I believe without a doubt the covid vaccine is spreading some type of “hybrid virus” to the general population through those who have been vaccinated … there is no other plausible explanation for the rate my co-workers are now testing positive for covid … when we did not in the past get sick and we worked daily and many times without PPE’s …