Friday, April 16, 2021

Mankind and its folly


The only way to correct the planet at this point in human history is to destroy it, the level of evil far surpasses anything in prior human history, from the creation of viruses in Wuhan China that shut down the world to “trans-humanism” to creating a blueprint for the development of the planet of the apes, by creating a species part human and part ape… which, in today’s culture will immediately be given “special status” and human rights far and above God’s own creation.

All the credible mystics and visionaries of the past and current have stated, they have seen the planet being destroyed by the hand of God… this truly will be a mercy to all God fearing mankind …

My father had a saying … when I was young and feared the concept of ghosts and dead people… my dad would say … “never fear the dead, they cannot hurt you, it is the living you must fear”… I get that now … the crazy ass people of position and or academics who think they can mess with anything of natural order and lie to the masses about it …  

These “hybrid” animal/ human species are not new though if you have been looking through the “patents” registered you can see “patents” for such creatures being taken out nearly 20 years ago… by certain University / private labs and also by a few  Pharmaceutical companies, in their research divisions… the fact they are publicly announcing such creatures is new…  

God’s chastisements are more merciful than what man is doing to mankind and the planet …    

 Question for the Pope ….So where would your concept of heaven and hell be then … where would the half human/ half animals go… me,  I used to think that this planet was purgatory, now I am starting to think it is further south as in being hell…