Owen Shroyer Breaks Down How Biden Moves Illegal Immigrants
From The Border to Your Neighborhood….
check the flight logs to see if these illegals are coming to a town near you ... probably and guess what the Catholic Church is helping them... housing them... feeding them... and providing paperwork for them ... much like the Catholic Church did post WW II with the Nazi criminals and the rat lines ...
Red Cross and Vatican helped thousands of Nazis to escape
In 1948, just three years after the end of World War II, a leading Nazi war criminal managed to escape from a prison in Linz, Austria.
Franz Stangl, a former SS-Hauptsturmführer and commander of the Sobibor and Treblinka extermination camps, was responsible for the deaths of almost 1 million Jews. Via Graz, Merano and Florence, he made his way to Rome and — most importantly for him — to the Vatican.
In Rome, Bishop Alois Hudal, a fellow Austrian, greeted him with the words: "You must be Franz Stangl — I've been expecting you." He then handed Stangl forged documents that allowed the Nazi war criminal to travel to Syria, where his family eventually joined him. In 1951, the Stangl family emigrated to Brazil. The man who perfected mass murder in the concentration camps spent years assembling cars at a Volkswagen plant near Sao Paulo.
Franz Stangl is one of thousands of Nazis and collaborators who, with the help of the Catholic Church, escaped Europve via routes called "ratlines" — some of which ran from Innsbruck over the Alps to Merano or Bolzano in South Tyrol, then to Rome and from there to the Italian port city of Genoa.
Now the Catholic Church is helping illegals... cross our southern borders ... just as they did with the Nazis ... and what the Catholic Church is now doing will collapse our country .... so the Church takes your money and they take government grants to do this, which makes all of us unsafe and forced to pay for these illegals for generations to come via your taxes ....and any and all social services Americans might need will go to the illegals and social security and medicare it will disappear and become free health care for all (illegals included) ...
Steve Bannon is right: the Catholic Church “needs” illegal immigrants
Why are Catholic Bishops Defending Illegal Immigration? They’re Bought?
If you’re a Catholic, then you’ve probably noticed the aggressive push by the bishops to defend illegal immigration, refugee resettlement, and other issues at odds with a great deal of the American public as well as their parishioners. Traditionally, the Catholic Church has actually defended the idea of a nation or community defending its interests. And when it comes to walls, the Vatican is still surrounded by one that was erected to defend St. Peter’s from Muslim immigrants and raiders.
You think your Easter donation stays in your parish … think again … money has to be shared with the diocese and the diocese, especially in Paterson is really hooked up with the modern day “rat-lines”, coming from our southern border … you are being played by the church … and in your “Catholic guilt” you buy into it … salvation is free there was no collection basket under the Cross … stay close to Christ and far away from “religious hustlers” … shaking you down for money… save your money, every last cent of it … for a time is rapidly coming where money will be scarce or gone and you will need to provide for your family and remember “charity begins at home” … the illegals will suck our financial resources dry as well as our health and school system…
And for all of you who "push the covid vaccine" and everyone getting tested for covid, these illegals are not getting tested ... they are not being vaccinated and on that rare occasion they are tested and prove to be covid positive... does not matter they are still coming to a town near you ... in a school, with your children ... you think the shut down, dumb down our children in the USA... wait until their classrooms are filled with illegal non English speaking children and the "woke liberals " demand that the school curriculum be centered on these children... standards will be lowered even further than they have been ...
Our Country was great and helped the poor and suffering, because
we could, because we had strong borders, we were strong and independent hardworking
people, who paid their taxes … we were a country based on rule of law … we are
not a “democracy but a republic” that is what our founders gave to us … the
Biden administration has to date (even to get elected) violated all the laws of
our Nation … Biden is truly turning this country into a shit hole and the Catholic
Church is allied with Biden on this issue…. most do not feel it yet, but you
will, all of us will … the country for
the next year to 18 months is still riding on the Trump economy… once that is
gone we will economic collapse and you think these “illegals immigrants” who
have no investment in this country other than to get here and suck off its assets, are not going to attack and steal from the “native people” that being us …
remember “Kate’s law” … our representatives could give a rat’s butt about what
happened to Kate and all the other “angel families”
Angel Families of
Angel Families of America, where we strive to
unite the family members
of victims of illegal immigration and illegal immigrants into a national
political activism effort.
We represent Americans of all races,
political parties, states, and walks of life, who
have paid the ultimate price for America’s unenforced border and immigration
We are a peaceful and racially inclusive organization that welcomes anyone in
who would like to support our Angel Family members in their efforts to see
citizens defended and protected from loss by the robust enforcement of our
existing borders and immigration laws.
Agnes Gibboney, Angel Mom
Angel Families of America opposes any form of Amnesty for illegal immigrants, including the Dream Act Amnesty, the Farm Workforce Modernization Act Amnesty, immigration reform Amnesty, and Biden’s U.S. Citizenship Act Amnesty, because these will lead to more illegal immigration and more Americans harmed or killed by illegals. Instead, we support the full enforcement of America’s existing immigration and border laws which require illegals to be returned to their home countries.