Friday, April 2, 2021

Nature Abhors a Vacuum that is real science, physics actually


I just want to give a primer, for future reference since there seems to be so much confusion as to what “science” really is nowadays … Physics is a kind of science. Even though the real boundaries of a type of science are not known, physics is often regarded as the science of the way things move or simply put; the science of energy. Physics deals mostly with the physical universe without including some chemistry, geology, and astronomy.

Ah, they know the science … that is exactly what they all say … true “human” science is not an absolute if it were there would be no changing of theories or approaches or advancements in science … also true science must allow differing opinions and intellectual discussions, the weighing of facts on both sides of an argument… so as soon as I hear, “they read up on the vaccine” and they know all the science behind it, I know for certain they do not… Nor does this group of people allow for and demand variations/ diversity , they who shout the loudest for “equal rights and my body, my choice”… they will not allow such in regards to the magical covid vaccine… so "real science is being pissed upon"...

What I see forming is a “mob” an ideological mob forming of pseudo-science and eventually the government will not have to push forced vaccinations of an untested vaccination, the “mob” of the vaccinated will…

It has become a social / trending thing to be vaccinated, and posting your vaccination card on your Facebook page … a sign of your alleged superior intellect and following the dogma of the government, which is becoming more and more of a tyranny.  

Sadly even those who have been tested and have antibodies organically against covid, now are questioning if they should get the covid vaccine … WOW … where is the science in that???  … To even entertain … yes, I am immune to the virus but let me take an “untested and mostly dangerous vaccine” …

In the past many of these same people pushing the vaccine were totally into organic foods (some still are)… they were almost religious about buying and eating, “organic food”… I once interviewed one such person and asked her … why???.... Does she spend so much more money on organic foods and is she sure the product is what it is represented to be… her answer was yes it is!!! The government watches over these farms and certifies them… well it turns out many of these “organic companies were fined and put out of business, for they lied to the consumers and they were not really organic” … organic foods was a huge trend as was Organic cleaning materials … that is until covid hit, then all those who said, “I only clean with organic products”, purchased bleach and Lysol, by the box full!!! … sadly this showed me in truth these “organic people” did not have a true belief in being organic, they did so for it was trendy at the time and as soon as it was no longer trendy they flipped their switch… and followed the crowd and brought the bleach … brought the toxic hand sanitizers and the tons of other chemicals to fight a virus … and the “real science” behind doing such is that they and the millions of others who regularly do this are creating “super bugs” as in bacteria that will mutate and become resistant to such cleaners and also to antibiotics  … so if they think covid is so scary (with only a 1% or less death rate) wait until the superbugs / bacteria appear on the scene created by the overuse of such chemicals.

Nature hates a void / a vacuum   

Now that is real science…physics actually ….      

But it is also true in psychology …

Human Nature Abhors a Vacuum, Too

Beware! The need for stimulation can impair your judgment

This post explores some of the less fortunate ramifications of our constant need for stimulation. Perhaps more than anything else, our arousal needs--and the negative emotions and states of mind we experience when these needs aren't being met--can interfere with our better judgment. People who suffer accidents and injuries or fear, for example, frequently do so because their personal arousal requirements compel them to take risks ranging from the not-entirely-prudent to the foolhardy or downright reckless.

Others may join religious cults or fringe organizations because they're frantically searching for a more fulfilling, spiritual life--but don't really know where to turn. Their need to fit in somewhere, to fill the internal void of un-relatedness, drives them (at times, quite indiscriminately) to put t In instances where our best judgment is not available, we ought at least to confide in someone who cares about us as to whether we might possibly be getting ourselves into something questionable. Are we perhaps on the verge of making a decision that hasn't really been thought out? That may be wrong-headed, or foolish? Many people I've worked with have told me that before they made what, ultimately, was a disastrous decision, friends and relatives had already warned them against it. So it's not simply a matter of informing others about what you may be planning to do, but listening painstakingly to their feedback--whether it's welcome or not. I'd caution anyone on the brink of acting impulsively to stop, reflect, and speak to people they trust before giving themselves final permission to embark on such a venture, or commit to such a relationship. Although it may be true that our need to fill a vacuum can productively direct our behaviors, it can also end up seriously threatening our welfare, their faith in an ideology that can easily lead them astray.

At the very least, you might ask yourself the question, "Am I driven to do this because I'm desperate to fill a void inside me?" If the answer is "yes," or "probably," I'd suggest--before going any farther--that you talk to others. . . . Or, if at all possible, go within and consult your own wiser, more prudent self.

The post Trump effect on the Trump haters

Somehow getting the covid vaccine, is getting to be a statement,  by those who hated Trump … since Trump is off the scene these “Trump haters” have an interior void to fill and it is manifesting in “we will take the vaccine”, the former Trump supporters will not, so there is a transference occurring to fill the void,  with those who hated Trump and who are now vaccinated, they can no longer "hate Trump, he is not in office", so they hate anyone who does not submit to a covid vaccination  …all of which is a tragic oxymoron, for even though I voted for Trump, I hate the fact it was his administration that waved all “testing and normal guidelines” to produce these untested on human vaccines … and it was the Trump administration that gave unlimited power to the CDC and big pharma ….  

At the end of the day,  I do not give a rat's ass who is President... I care about humanity and them being subjected to chemical or medical experiments in the name of "science" we fought WW II to stop such and I care about the truth ... and I refuse to bend to fear and fear porn 

I recently posted about “toxic masculinity”,  in this category, I would now place Donald Trump … I had thought in the past he was just a “showman” and a bit of a narcissist … amusing,  but a bit abrasive, yet having the best interest of Americans at hand… now I wonder … was I completely wrong about Trump or is he really not as “smart” as he repeatedly boasted he is  … he is and was the President who pushed forth,  “warp speed” vaccine for covid and by doing such he placed the CDC and big pharma in charge, of a virus that has only a 1% death rate, and Trump gave these people complete immunity,  which they will never give back … 

Trump expanded the PREP Act and by doing such he fucked up big-time and really hurt us all and killed many people and the deaths will continue as long as his "warp speed" vaccines are still being used and that will be forever now,  due to the giant Trump screw up in giving so much power to the CDC and big pharma   

Trump Administration Takes Action to Further Expand Access to Vaccines, COVID-19 Tests....“During the pandemic, the Trump Administration made broader use of the PREP Act to expand such ... so Joe Biden is only doing now what Trump's executive orders allow him to do in regards to the PREP ACT ....

Little know fact what Trump did, by expanding the PREP ACT caused more nursing homes deaths than even Gov Cuomo  did ... so Trump on many levels is just a bad or worse then Gov Cuomo is on nursing home deaths ... and Trump is also responsible for the dangerous covid vaccinations, which were  not  tested on humans prior to its use... Trump waved all those protocols, so his administration could claim it as their own  ...

 below is a story to demonstrate how dangerous Trump's expansion of the PREP ACT was and is ... Gov Cuomo signed an executive order allowing covid-19 positive patients into nursing homes... Trump signed an executive order allowing the expansion of the PREP ACT, which caused thousands upon thousands of deaths ... so all things being equal who is the demon here??? 

Lawsuits being filed across the country,  against nursing homes for negligence resulting in death 

At the urging of nursing homes, a law is amended and COVID court claims are slowed...(Reuters) - Garnice Robertson wants accountability for her mother’s death from COVID-19 caught while she was living at a Kansas nursing home that allegedly failed to prevent an outbreak of the disease. An unexpected legal hurdle stands in her way.

The nursing home argues it has complete legal immunity for lawsuits like Robertson’s stemming from COVID-19. It cites recent changes to a 2005 law by the former Trump administration that had been sought by the senior care industry.

The law known as the PREP Act was originally designed to encourage production of emergency vaccines during an epidemic by granting legal immunity to drug developers.

Riverbend Post-Acute Rehabilitation of Kansas City, Kansas, where Robertson’s mother allegedly became infected, is one of at least 36 nursing homes and senior living facilities that have cited the law as a defense.

Facilities across 14 states, where more than 650 residents died, have argued they should be immune from wrongful death cases - an early sign of how the PREP Act could be used by a range of businesses to fend off lawsuits resulting from the pandemic.

No judge has yet adopted the nursing homes’ view of the law, but those arguments, and disputes over which court should hear the case - federal or state - have led to months of delays, preventing Robertson’s lawyers from getting records and interviewing witnesses critical to her case, the lawyers said.

Robertson, whose lawsuit was moved to federal court in Topeka, Kansas by Riverbend, said she was upset by the nursing home’s use of the law.

“If I’m feeling the way I feel, how do you think all these other people feel?” she said. “It’s just not right.”

Riverbend, which is affiliated with the publicly traded Ensign Group Inc, and its lawyers did not respond to a request for comment.


The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act was originally meant to jumpstart U.S. defenses against a possible avian flu epidemic or bioterrorist attack.

It authorizes the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), during a public health emergency, to shield from liability makers of “countermeasures” such as diagnostic tests, protective gear and vaccines like those developed by Pfizer Inc, Germany’s BioNTech and Moderna Inc.

The PREP Act does not apply in instances of serious injury or death caused by “willful misconduct”.

When the PREP Act shield applies, the injured person instead can seek compensation from a government fund, although most claims are denied.

Former HHS Secretary Alex Azar invoked the PREP Act in March in response to the coronavirus pandemic, and since then the agency has issued amendments and guidance as recently as Jan. 12 to broaden the reach of the law.

The agency guidance included criticism of rulings that went against defendants, including Riverbend.

“They have made the arguments for the defendants better than the existing defense lawyers,” said Jonathan Steele, Robertson’s lawyer, of the HHS guidance. “It’s unprecedented.”

More than 100,000 residents of U.S. nursing homes and senior living facilities have died from COVID-19. Some attorneys said that without some form of immunity, litigation over a novel airborne illness that could be spread by asymptomatic carriers could swamp the industry.


So far, seven federal judges have issued preliminary rulings, and all of them sided with the plaintiffs and ordered the cases returned to state court, Reuters found.

Six of the rulings were issued before HHS amended the PREP Act in December to declare that for consistent interpretation of the law the cases should be heard in federal court, which was reshaped by former President Donald Trump and is seen as more favorable to companies.

Only a few of the rulings touched on the question of PREP Act immunity, which nursing homes can still use as a defense in state court.

Just raising the PREP Act defense can complicate procedures in a way that could impact future cases, said Mike Duff, a professor at the University of Wyoming College of Law.

“Time is money and complexity is time and the more complexity in a case means the less likely the wrongful death claimants will find lawyers to represent them,” he said.

Nursing homes have used that HHS guidance to try to move cases from state court, adding delays.

For example, the family of Vincent Martin sued Hollywood Premier Healthcare Center of Los Angeles in state court a month after Martin died of COVID-19 in April.

The nursing home, where at least 11 residents died, cited the PREP Act to have the lawsuit moved to federal court.

The federal judge, however, sided with the family and sent it back to state court.

In January, armed with fresh guidance from HHS, Hollywood had the case moved back to federal court a second time, where it is pending.

U.S. District Court Judge Dale Fischer said Hollywood’s request to stay proceedings while it appealed the order sending the case back to state court raised “a serious possibility of such removals being used in a cynical, strategic way to stall cases and to extract concessions ... from opposing plaintiffs.”

Hollywood and other facilities are not unreasonably delaying discovery, but are applying the law and HHS guidance which makes clear the cases belong in federal court, said Kim Cruz, a lawyer for Hollywood, in an email.


Robertson, whose case has been similarly removed to federal court, called Riverbend’s legal tactics unfair and she is waiting to gets answers about her mother’s care.

Her mother, Georgia Clardy, had been a resident since 2017 at Riverbend.

She was taken to a hospital in March for a broken femur and, during her absence, Robertson said coronavirus entered and spread within the Riverbend facility.

The lawsuit alleges Riverbend’s negligence included a lack of adequate staff, allowing infected employees to enter the facility and a failure to adopt social distancing.

Robertson said she would have brought her mother home from the hospital rather than returning her to Riverbend if the facility had told her there was an outbreak.

“Once I found out she was diagnosed with COVID nobody wanted to talk about it,” said Robertson. “That was very disturbing for me.”

of course the frail elderly and the immune compromised inside nursing  homes, died from covid, they can die from having a tooth extracted... they are literally predisposed to death via their preexisting conditions and age...  

The Trump administration released the demons on us in regards to "cloak immunity", when it comes to anything covid related... his administration expanded the PREP ACT ... so they can give us experimental drugs (or any kind of drug as long as it is in the name of covid and a national or global health crisis be the crisis real,  fake or pumped up ) ... they can kill us with said ... they can  harm us with said... and they can keep giving us booster shots and continue to harm us... all on the Tax payers dollar...  and they all have immunity and no liability ... sweet deal for the demons among us  ...