Saturday, April 17, 2021

I come to bury Caesar not to Praise him... Prince Philip was a "true racist" and a eugenicist to end, the man was a "royal" creep

The Latin phrase De mortuis nihil nisi bonum (also De mortuis nil nisi bene [dicendum]) "Of the dead, [say] nothing but good", abbreviated as Nil nisi bonum, is a mortuary aphorism, indicating that it is socially inappropriate to speak ill of the dead as they are unable to justify themselves.

Maybe the above phrase, do not speak ill of the dead was the first “censoring of truth” and looking back on the Greeks and their “Greeks Gods” could there have been any society more “inappropriate”…

Be that as it may … “truth trumps death” … for the dead stand before God when they die and they must show “their deeds” to their Creator and as the Bible says … “all things done in the dark will be revealed” … so it is better to shine light on evil deeds now, so others do not try to emulate them in this life and suffer the same fate as the evil person who originated them…

Today is the day they will bury Prince Philip and I will not whitewash his life due his death, such would be a lie … I am not into “fake history”  

 The truth behind the man always becomes distorted when it is your “firm” that writes the history books … such is the case with Prince Philip, an evil man whose code in life was “eugenics’” and thinning out humanity …  Philip spoke of viruses and food shortages as a good way to kill off people ... such a "sweet  grandfather"...  

First Prince Philip was a “whore master”, his marriage to the Queen was laced with affairs on the side … but this is almost expected within the royal family … Philip was a serial cheater, it had to be his title that attracted women to him, for he was no “looker” to say the least … to much “inbreeding” in the royal family… Philip was from a “German line of royals”  

 They have “titles” but no morals… they do not need to have morals, they have an extensive global PR system that covers up all their “crap” like a cat in a litter box …

 ‘I saw Prince Philip and his friend Penny gliding around the dance floor… they didn’t give a damn who saw them’: The Duke has been linked to at least 12 women across seven decades of marriage – and the rumors won’t go away, says his biographer…

 Prince Philip was known for his verbal and degrading assaults on people … 

To a 13-year-old boy who dreamed of becoming an astronaut: “You could do with losing a little bit of weight.”

Everybody was saying we must have more leisure. Now they are complaining they are unemployed” (during the 1981 recession).

“Still throwing spears?” (question put to an Aboriginal Australian during a visit).

“How do you keep the natives off the booze long enough to pass the test” (to a Scottish driving instructor).

To a nursing home resident in a wheelchair: “Do people trip over you?” (Prince Philip was f’n clueless and lacked in style and class when speaking to people) 

“The Philippines must be half-empty as you’re all here running the NHS” (on meeting a Filipino nurse at Luton and Dunstable Hospital). 

Prince Philip to European aristocracy was an embarrassment - the man who attempted to  flaunt the ugly truth from under the thin veneer of his bourgeois etiquette.

Royal racism... 

BBC’s transparent attempt at whitewashing notwithstanding, Prince Philip’s racism is actually quite priceless because it came so naturally to him. He was not faking it. He was just offensive.  he was the long panoply of his racist, sexist, elitist, misogynistic, class-privileged and unhinged prejudices is a mobile museum of European bigotry on display.

Today people of the privileged class have learned how to camouflage their racism in varied codes and convoluted bourgeois euphemism. The kind of bigotry that Prince Philip exuded and staged is now considered rude and vulgar, old-fashioned and outmoded, presumed classed and pointed at the lower social strata. The precious advantage  Prince Philip had was  he was a royal from the heart of British (and European) aristocracy. but in truth he was just a "royal" asshole  ...

Prince Philip the Duke of Edinburgh arrives at Cambridge University for an honorary doctorates ceremony in 1994 [Reuters]

The Prince was the repository of all the colonial past and all the class privileges of the present. His racist remarks should not be whitewashed or camouflaged. They need to be properly, accurately, and verbatim cataloged in the British Library and made available to future generations of scholars and critical thinkers, anthropologists of the racist foregrounding of European imperialism for careful and close analysis. Like an in-depth study of evil ...

Expressions of Prince Philip’s racism were not “gaffes” as the BBC and other British outlets embarrassed by their vulgarity branded them – though one can see why the BBC is rushing to term them as such and brush them quickly under the proverbial carpet. For the world at large, however, at the receiving end of British and European racist colonialism, those “gaffes” were in fact priceless relics of an age now deeply camouflaged under lovely-looking and liberal euphemisms. We as a result need to treat them as archaeologists treat any other relic and fragment they find. Based on such remains, they reconstruct bygone ages and the forgotten truths they reveal and conceal at one and the same time.

The guilty conscience of a fallen empire

The kind of racism Prince Philip exuded is reminiscent of the very spirit of British and other European imperialism at its height. This is the way the British thought when they ruled India, the French when they ruled Algeria, the Italians when they conquered Libya, the Belgians when they owned Congo. 

Prince Philip was a museum piece – a living, breathing, mobile, jolly good fellow, smiling, handsome, charming great-grandpa who happily walked about, utters obscenities while his entourage try to cover up for his “indiscretions”. But these are not “indiscretions” or “gaffes.” He meant what he said and he says what he means. He is the living memory of an entire history of imperial hubris now being actively repressed to offer a more liberal, tolerant, cosmopolitan character for the British and, by extension, “the European”. 

Prince Philip, a relative of Hitler’s Nazi men

The controversy swirling around the Prince doesn’t stop there. When Philip was just 18 months old, his family fled Greece after the monarchy toppled. In 1930, when he was 9 years old and away at Cheam School in Britain, his mother suffered a nervous breakdown, all his sisters married within 6 months of each other (two marrying high-ranking Nazi officials) and his father ran away to Monaco with his mistress.In an investigative documentary film titled ‘The Crown’, Prince Philip, who recently died had dived into his personal life, examining Philip’s past and present demons. Shown as a cheating, partying womanizer, Philip in real life was linked to numerous women – including two cabaret dancers.

While Prince Philip, age 16, was still at Gordonstoun, his sister Cecilie died tragically in a plane crash. At her funeral in Germany he marched next to men in Nazi uniforms. Philip has never confirmed the family’s Nazi ties, but none of his sisters were invited to his 1947 royal wedding to Queen Elizabeth. In the book “Royals and the Reich,” Philip told author Jonathan Petropolous that his family was jealous of Jewish people for their financial success, but he didn’t recall specific Nazi connections. Here the Prince had lied. In reality, his sisters were married to Nazi officers.

Nazi fan British royals

In October 1937, the Duke and Duchess of Windsor visited Hitler at Berchtesgaden, where Hitler had been vacationing since the 1920s. According to biographer Frances Donaldson, in her book “Edward VIII”, the Duke gave Hitler full Nazi salutes during his visit. While some say this trip was more to receive support for Edward and his wife, the Duke’s actions speak louder than hypotheses. The royal family did not support this visit.

Just after the war, American diplomats uncovered 400 tons of German diplomatic papers, at Marburg Castle. Named the Marburg files, they included a cache of documents damaging to the royal family called the “Windsor File”—some 60 documents (letters, telegrams and other papers) written by people working around the Duke, including German agents, during the war.

Among these documents are details of the Nazis-devised plan “Operation Willi,” where the Germans would gain control of Britain and overthrow the monarchy, returning the Duke to the throne. The Germans viewed the Duke, who was perceived to be ambivalent about the war, as a better ally than his successor King George VI. In order to get the Duke on their side, German agents tried to manipulate the ostracized royal, even attempting to convince the Duke that his brother, King George, had plans to assassinate him. The documents were leaked to the British government, which tried to suppress them.

Nazi-filled childhood of Prince Phillip

According to documentary evidences, Prince Philip had a Nazi-filled childhood and he also was a great fan of Hitler. He lived in Germany with his sister, who also was a Nazi. Philip took part in parade with Nazis. Although Buckingham Palace denied these facts – in reality – all of the information is extremely true. Philip, the son of a broken – yet royal – household, was passed around to numerous European branches of his family during his youth, eventually ending up in Nazi Germany. His sisters married into the German aristocracy, and many became closely tied to the Nazi party. One of them, Sophie, even named her child Karl Adolf in honor of Adolf Hitler.

When Philip’s sister Cecile was killed in a 1937 air crash, Philip was photographed at her funeral in the German city of Darmstadt alongside Nazis.

Prince Philip’s family members were directly linked to Hitler and Nazis. During his early age, Philip also was a great fan of Hitler.

While most of the media outlets in the world are shedding tears and publishing obituaries following death of Prince Philip, being a sensible and individual, no one should show any sympathy to this Nazi supporter. 

Many believe that it was Prince Philip that was the mastermind behind the death of Prince Diana in Paris ...

When Mohamed Al Fayed told the Diana inquest  that Prince Philip  was a Nazi whose family name was Frankenstein, (said in anger)  or something like it, he was being - shall we say - a little unfair.

The Harrods owner claims the 86-year-old Duke of Edinburgh was the mastermind behind the international conspiracy to murder Diana by setting a French MI6 agent, armed with a dog and a battered Fiat Uno, on a collision course with her Mercedes in Paris on August 31 1997. "It's time to send him back to Germany," he said.

Look at this 99 year old man hanging onto life … when he would call elderly people such as himself in this photo a “useless eater” and needed to die… yet he hung on and used every medical option open to him,  to do so ...

 every elderly sick person was a useless eater to Prince Philip and should be starved to death or killed by a virus… yet the evil man lived for 99 years, with the best of medical care, eating the best of food  … 

… reminds me of Mother Teresa … she would give the sick a cot to sleep on in a large room, even young children, never got them medical care and just waited for them to die (to me that is a form of eugenics), but Mother Teresa bastardized human life even further, for she had the nerve to say … their suffering “pleased God” … what an evil bitch she was to say and do such things … yet when she was sick, she was given the best of medical care in the best of hospitals across the global…  everyone should suffer to please God, according to Mother Teresa, even young children in her “homes”, but for her call 911 immediately and get her the best medical care if she was sick 

Mother Teresa should have been given a “cot” to lay on and allowed to die in pain and suffering in the same room,in the same fashion,  she placed all the other sick into and forced them to die in those circumstances … if she believed in “offering up” pain and suffering in the name of God … she should have practiced what she preached and did so for herself… instead she took away the free will and dignity of the sick and dying… did not offer them medical care … God does not do such, Satan does, Satan sucks the life blood and spirit out of people and causes pain and suffering  … God offers “mercy, care and love” … Mother Teresa offered a cot and pain and suffering, which sadly and demonically the Church justified… by giving her sainthood…     

 so let..... "the dead bury the dead” … 

Although I am not a fan of Meghan Markle and she over played the “race card” in her interview with Ophra … I have no doubt Prince Philip was not a fan of hers nor is Prince Charles, yet they would not say so publicly … as a matter of fact Prince Philip and Charles were and are not a fan of half the planet … they think they are all “useless eaters” and need to be eliminated and if you took note and take note of Prince Charles in his body language, he is smug to say the least and very condescending,  when he speaks