Sunday, April 25, 2021

The "moral Tyranny" that surrounds us


Here’s a justly famous quote from C. S. Lewis on why the danger posed by a nanny government can be much more oppressive than that posed by the consolidation of economic power:

Of all tyrannies a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

That’s taken from his essay, The Humanitarian Theory of Punishment, and it speaks well to the difference between political and economic power. While Lewis is writing within the context of government power in the administration of criminal justice, just think about how perceptive Lewis’ observation is when applied to the ever-expanding reach of our current government regulation and those who consider themselves “moral”, who are actually “busybodies” and want to tell you what to do, every step of the way, even if you are “morally” against their belief system.

We hear much about, “criminal justice reform” of late and rightfully so, it is unequal, just think of the “justice” someone like Hillary Clinton or Hunter Biden received, by breaking the law as opposed to the ordinary Joe or Jane, who gets the “book” thrown at them. That is “tyranny and a privileged class”, who place their twisted morals on us, which is they are better and we are not and we do not have the right to think or act independently of the law, while they do…

Because this “moral tyranny” has gone unchecked, for so long in this country and around the world, it now has bleed into the “general population”, most especially in regards to the covid-19 experimental vaccine, as to who has been vaccinated and those who “morally and scientifically” find it to be a fake and dangerous…

Covid-19 has allowed the "State / Government" to become the ultimate "nanny state", from telling is to "stay in our houses" to giving us a curfew , to telling us what to wear (face masks) to telling us how to "socialize" with others or the lack thereof ... to giving us an "allowance" called stimulus checks, or unemployment checks after they did not allow most to work,  to "teaching" us religion is not "essential" so you cannot go to Church, thus reinforcing  that it is only  the State that is "holy"...  

Changing behavior / routine  in a human usually can be completely done within 6 weeks... it has been over a year since the "mind control and takeover"  of humanity, via a global nanny state began... And you can see it, people are different they are "dimmer" in thought and spirit ... they readily follow orders now and they do not think deeply or long term ... they are like ... what a wild horse becomes, when they are broken and abused... never the same ... dead inside ... on the outside they look the same ... but when you looked into their eyes, there is  nothing there anymore, the light is gone  ... so sad... their "free will" has been compromised ...

Many times when a person or creature has been injured in such a fashion, they no longer see the injury as a matter of fact they start to identify with their "captors", it is called the The Stockholm Syndrome


What Is Stockholm Syndrome?

Stockholm syndrome isn’t a psychological diagnosis. Instead, it is a way of understanding the emotional response some people have towards a captor or abuser. 

Sometimes people who are held prisoner or are subject to abuse can have feelings of sympathy or other positive feelings toward the captor. This seems to happen over days, weeks, months, or years of captivity and close contact to the captor.   

 A bond can grow between the victim and the captor. This can lead to kind treatment and less harm from the abuser as they might also create a positive bond with their victims.

Someone who has Stockholm syndrome might have confusing feelings toward the abuser, including:

  • Love
  • Sympathy
  • Empathy
  • Desire to protect them

Stockholm syndrome might also cause the hostage to have negative feelings toward the police or anyone who might try to attempt a rescue

I have seen this time and time again ... you try to rationalize with those who have become total "tenants" of the nanny State and they will fight you not the way they are being controlled and terrorized by the State ...

The most famous example of Stockholm syndrome is ...     Patty Hearst (born February 20, 1954) is an American author and actress, and a granddaughter of American publishing magnate William Randolph Hearst.She first became known for the events following her 1974 kidnapping by the Symbionese Liberation Army, a left-wing organization.She was found and arrested 19 months after being abducted, by which time she was a fugitive wanted for helping them rob a bank ...  Not only did Ms. Hearst "bond" with her captors, she joined them ...

The above has happened to millions  of people over the covid-19 virus, the virus beginning far less deadly than the Stockholm syndrome and nanny State it created ... 

The followers and true believers of the "Fauci-Faust" have become like his storm troopers now and seek out the vulnerable and take them hostage ...

I saw this first hand last week at work ... when a "team leader" at the store personally took one senior citizen customer to the pharmacy located in the store , the store now has covid-19 vaccine ready and waiting to "shoot up anyone", who asks for it (like street crack , covid-19 vaccines are appearing in more and  and more neighborhoods)  ...

I did not know this until after this senior received her vaccine and she came over to me, the woman who I know and who I know was very hesitant,  about receiving the vaccine ... yet after getting such in the retail store, she was pale and visibly shaking, as if she had tremors or Parkinson disease that is how upset she was post the covid-19 vaccine ... dare I say,  she appeared traumatized ... I spoke with her and she said ... she had no intention of getting the covid-19 vaccine, but "Jen" saw her in the store and talked her into it and took her to the pharmacist and he gave it to her ... wow... fucking... wow ... here she is an 82 year old just out for a day of shopping and a store leader ambushes her and takes her for a covid-19  vaccine, inside the store ... does not call the woman's son to tell him, does not check to see if she has any under lining medical conditions... and then puts the woman on a senior citizen bus to go home alone!!!!  ... How dare this store employee do this to a customer ... talk about "moral tyranny"... she pushed a vaccine that is controversial on an old woman, without letting her family know and without knowing the woman's medical records and then sending her home alone ... 

Beware family members, this could happen to your parents and all senior citizens ... 

A friend of mine sent me the link below ... the video is interesting,  how the "state" tried to force the covid-19 vaccine onto to children,  without parental consent in CA  ... what I saw in the store,  I work in last week is just as bad ... a senior citizen being ambushed into getting the covid-19 vaccine in the retail store she shops in by management in the store  ...

The expanded version of the "nanny State"