Thursday, April 8, 2021

They died after receiving the covid vaccine and no autopsy required or allowed

                                           we need a “Superman”one who fights for Truth … 

                                                       Justice and the American way  

Remember when the 2 year old child was attacked and eaten, by a alligator at a Disney resort (about 4 years ago)  and the parents said,  they will not sue Disney … I called bullshit on that when it happened and call BS on it now … there is no way Disney did not give that family millions and millions of dollars for the death of their 2 year old, just to keep them quite and to be able to maintain the Disney brand… which, is all about family and children… the death happened on Disney property and they had full liability for the incident, Disney was aware of the alligator  issues in the Lake … Disney did not post the danger of being near the water nor did they exercise at least minimal precautions, such as barriers or fencing around the lake and proper lighting  at night or just closing that area completely … Disney was 1,000 times at fault for the death of that child and you cannot tell me Disney did not have their lawyers reach out to the parents immediately, with a money offer, a big money offer and just like those who “settle out of Court” or privately on such issues there is normally a NDA,(non-disclosure agreement),   attached to the settlement … as in  keep your mouth shut … in order to keep such parents silent and even say,  “they will not sue” there had to be really big bucks involved, for no one is that stupid or of a cold heart to say … “oh well Disney screwed up, but we forgive them for killing our child will not sue Disney”… it was no big deal !!!  We just let the death of our their child go, no harm no foul … Even if just for the safety of other children in the future, the only way big corporations such as Disney react is when they are hit them in the wallet       

But the above story just went quietly into the night …

And this is what most of humanity is doing with the covid virus … they are just going “quietly into the dark night” or as Joe Biden labeled it when he was running for office “dark winter”… humanity has surrender their thinking, their logic and their liberties… they submit… they are less than animal like in their responses, for even animals defend their families and well-being…  once there was the “greatest generation” in my country … now there are “pathetic and weak generation /s” … who surrender and are passive instead of fighting, we might as well be France, as they surrendered to Hitler  … we need a “superman” … one who fights for Truth … Justice and the American way  ….

Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

We are all being cast into deep darkness ... and the light of truth is dying all around us

Now do you remember since last March (2020) all deaths were from “covid-19”… fall off a ladder cause of death … covid-19 … Die in a head on collision … cause of death covid-19…. Die of heart failure … cause of death covid -19 … Die of blood clot to brain or lung (even if it was your prior history to have blood clots)… cause of death, covid-19 … the list went on and on … so many ways “covid-19” killed people or so they told us … and if you should “miraculously survive covid-19”… you were doomed to be disabled in the future or so they told us…  in essence, if you take every disease and plague that every hit the globe and all those who died in all the wars on the planet, times those deaths by 100 and this is how deadly they told us covid-19 was and is to humanity … and many people believe it … what I cannot believe is how anyone can believe this farce … this psy-op on all of humanity … But they just go “silently into the night”   

And now yet another miracle in regards to covid (the virus that has miraculous powers to kill or disable), but only for those who followed the rules, remained shut in and did not go church, practiced social distancing and wearing a mask, yet those who rioted by the thousands in the streets shoulder to shoulder, the virus was smart enough not to infect those people, this super intelligent virus also did not infect those who broke the rules and went to closed hair and nail salons, or went to super expense restaurants, when all restaurants were shut down and the saintly Dr. F even told people,  they could have sex,  with random strangers they picked up online and they were not at risk for covid by doing so…. But if you held the hand of your dying loved one in hospice, by God,  you were spreading the virus and you were evil and immoral       … all of this told to us by big pharma and the global governments … 


These same people are telling us … the covid vaccine is safe and will do no harm (even though it has never been tested on humans, only animals and most of them died when they came into contact with covid in the “wild”) but “they say”, it is safe and it is better to have covid vaccine antibodies than your own natural ones!!!??? What the fuck  … science turned upside down with that statement, yet they make it and people believe it …

And now … no one dies from the covid vaccine or so they say … it was something else that lead to that death and having the vaccine was just a coincidence… nothing to see here … just the opposite of what they said prior, which was most deaths were related or caused by covid,  for the last year 

 … and still the people go quietly into the night and they do not resist or do research, they only read the propaganda put out by the CDC and WHO and big pharm… as if these agencies were deities and gods on earth …  


And now the ever so “saintly” and quack of a doctor Fr.”F” (who should read the  Hippocratic Oath  every day as to “first do no harm”) Dr. F now admits there are “break away” cases of covid in the vaccinated… of course there are you snake oil salesman,  there always has been and the “break away cases”, for the vaccinated are more deadly than if they did not receive the vaccine, as the animal studies showed   

 The Hippocratic oath dictates the obligations of the physician to students of medicine and the duties of pupil to teacher. In the oath, the physician pledges to prescribe only beneficial treatments, according to his abilities and judgment; to refrain from causing harm or hurt; and to live an exemplary personal and professional life. .... Let’s really and truthfully look into the life of Dr. F and his handling of aide’s research and other scandals he was involved in and let us also look into his financial holdings in drug companies and vaccines … for every vaccine  … Dr. F gets money into his wallet  


 I end with this ... you do not have to travel to Disney to have your child "eaten" by an alligator   ... your government is now proving the means of your child' death or future disabilities, severely compromised immune systems, and allergy ridden futures ... it is called the covid-19 vaccine... and unlike the parents of the poor 2 year old child who died (who said they chose to forgive and not sue Disney) ... you will not have that option for all vaccine companies have blanket immunity and when you finally realize what you did to your child, with the covid vaccine  ... it will be to late ...