Thursday, April 22, 2021

If I were a federal employee this post would be cause for my termination under the Joe Biden administration

The Biden administration and his political party, want to punish you for saying, covid-19 came out of a China lab located in Wuhan and God forbid, you say, it was an “act of war”, releasing a biological on this Nation and the world … wow,  now that would be severely punishable, yet China gets away with its biological attack … what is next for the Biden administration to declare … Pearl Harbor was just a “limited air strike” by an unknown country?  Because historical facts be dammed,  we do not want to offend anyone by telling the truth!... Yes we live in an age of "feelings over facts"...

Saying, the covid-19 virus originated in Wuhan, China will soon be illegal for anyone to say, now it is only "illegal" for a federal employee to say such … the Biden administration wants everyone to “stay in line” and keep your mouth shut so you will be competently silent, when he totally sells the Country out to China. I am waiting for Biden and his evil cohorts, to sponsor a bill against attacks against Caucasians, which are occurring with more and more frequency, written and verbal violence on the internet, on the streets and even in TV shows and movies … I know a college kid who is constantly harassed on campus, by people of “color” shouting to her,  she has “white privilege”, which scares her and intimidates her and this is happening across the nation … where is a bill to protect their rights???  ...instead "white students" get this in universities and colleges  around the country ...

meanwhile the below law is before the Senate

The tragic irony there are many, many people of color, who disagree with what is happening in our country as well, for they have worked side, by side with people of all races and ethnic backgrounds for years with no issues... they see Americans as Americans (like I do) who stand together and have fought  together to help each other out... it is not "us", who are trying to make "us' hate each other ... it is the same forces, who are pushing an "experiential vaccine, on us " within this country, indeed the world who are trying to instill hatred and fear between races... This is multi front war on all of humanity, for its will ... for its values... for its physical and mental health... for its natural love of neighbor, no matter the race ... for the minds, bodies and souls of its children, which is any society's greatest asset ...

Americans are not "anti- Asian/ Chinese"... we are anti any country that attacks us and the global community,  with a biological weapon of mass destruction, which China did ... and it was an act of war against this nation and the entire world and not being able to "legally" say so... does not diminish that fact ...  

We are currently being "brainwashed", via the media in the USA on level only seen prior in Nazi Germany, Russia and ironically communist China... there are TV commercials galore about the covid-19 vaccine and how we can only be "safe", by taking this experiential vaccine... and commercials suggesting we are all racist ... first it was through BLM and now it is through ads saying, " we are  racist against Asians" and attacks against Asians has gone up ten fold since the covid outbreak... no it has not, the anger against Communist China has gone up a 1,000 fold for what they did in attacking the world,  with a biological weapon and our Country did nothing to retaliate, nor did the world against China, which will only cause China to do so again ...  and now they try to make it "our fault", saying we are racist...          

and sick ...sick  ... sick ... we know that China purchased the coronavirus as a bio-weapon from a  lab in the USA ... and the Obama  administration knew this was going on ..

and now we are being told to speak about this is a sign of racism and there is bill before the Senate to  punish us if we do ...

and what do the vast majority of Americans do ... why they actually get "giddy", when they are able to get an appointment to be vaccinated with an "experimental vaccine" for a bio-weapon released on the world, by China ... this is not 1984 and George Orwell this is the Twilight Zone on steroids