Friday, April 23, 2021

Mom's worried about mercury in the air and a "nut allergy", but gives her kid a tuna sandwich and signs her kid up for the experimental covid-19 vaccine ... ah... the irony of it all

 … “the CDC tells women not to eat tuna,  when they are pregnant, for the fish are likely contaminated  with mercury and this will do harm to your unborn child”… they also advice everyone not to eat tuna more than once a week,  for the same reason, mercury could be in the fish and it will cause you neurological damage  yet most vaccines contain mercury and other deadly substances but the CDC tells you to get them … When Robert F Kennedy, Jr  brought this fact up … no one called him “anti-fish”, but when Mr. Kennedy brings up the same issue with vaccines and most especially with the unknown dangers of the experimental covid-19  vaccine … they call him “anti-vaccine”… 

People also rely too much on their private physicians … to let them know if something is safe, they do not do their own research. And I am sorry, but in the past and also now physicians are “owned” by drugs companies, and your doctor probably does not,  do independent research on any vaccine, they take the word of the CDC or the drug's rep  …and  they get "free samples" of new drugs that hit the market, to encourage the doctor to give them to their patients … physicians also get from drug companies free paper, pens, office equipment, baseball caps, t-shirts and other gifts and even vacation trips from some drug companies as an incentive to push their drugs. The perks from drug companies are endless,  everyday drug reps are in your doctor’s office pushing their new drug products to them. And frankly most of these doctors do not even read the inserts that accompany these drug products, they are too overbooked with patients to do so … so they take the word of the drug rep.

Prior to my marriage, I saw firsthand the drugs given to medical students, by pharmaceutical reps (I had dated a couple of medical students)… dangerous drugs that have since been taken off the market. I also firsthand, witnessed on a Amtrak train to Washington, DC, many years ago … two men seated a couple of seats in back of me … they spoke of having 8 million dollars,  with them, (bribe money) to be split between certain congressmen and senators, who could push forward a new drug onto the market … this is how bad the kickbacks to senators and congressmen are with big pharma  … that they have no fear of it openly talking about it on a train heading for DC and they have immunity that is the power of the pharmaceutical lobby in DC.