Sunday, April 4, 2021

... it is an Easter miracle!!!!


Wow ...  this doctor is speaking the truth on YouTube and his video has not been taken down "yet" ...

Well... YouTube found this video and took it down ... go to learn the truth and just like on that first  Easter morning... the truth of what really happened was hidden, by the powers that be   

At long last a doctor who speaks the truth about “natural immunity” and your naturally produced antibodies … this bullshit that only the covid vaccine gives you immunity is just that … your body can and does as well (actually your body produces superior antibodies than any vaccine can produce) … yet I know more and more people who have had covid and still are getting the vaccine … they say, it is based on “science” to what "science" are they speaking??? Never in the history of mankind or “science” has there been a vaccine that affords you more antibody protection than natural immunity,  from your body after it has been exposed to the any given virus ….

The covid vaccine is a modern day version of snake oil … people who receive the vaccine think they are “bullet proof” and the woke / paid off  political system across the globe reinforces this “fake science” …

I am told over and over again the CDC and doctors recommend the covid vaccine, but are they taking it??? Especially those who already had covid and are fine now (as 99% of those who had covid are) …

I have seen this before … doctors pushing things and drugs that could kill you  … they are “paid” to do this or afraid to speak up for their medical licenses can be pulled  

  When Cigarette Companies Used Doctors to Push Smoking... now they are using doctors and an all out media and government blitz to push the covid vaccine ... history repeats itself ...

Before studies showed that cigarettes caused cancer, tobacco companies recruited the medical community for their ads.


What cigarette do doctors says causes less throat irritation? In the 1930s and 40s, tobacco companies would happily tell you it was theirs. Doctors hadn’t yet discovered a clear link between smoking and lung cancer, and a majority of them actually smoked cigarettes. So in cigarette ads, tobacco companies used doctors’ authority to make their claims about their cigarettes seem more legitimate.

(Drug companies are doing the same now using doctors to push the covid vaccine and they will continue to do this until society learns … If you do not learn from past history it will repeat itself)  

To the modern-day reader, the pitching of cigarettes as healthy (even to youth and pregnant moms) and the use of doctors’ endorsements may appear horrifying. Yet before 1950, they said there wasn’t good evidence showing that cigarette smoking was bad for you. That was bullshit they always knew and they covered it up 

A 1930 Lucky Strike advertisement. 

Yes, cigarettes did cause coughing and throat irritation. But companies used this to their advantage to promote their product as better than the competition. It wasn’t all cigarettes that gave you problems—it was just those other ones.

The first cigarette company to use physicians in their ads was American Tobacco, maker of Lucky Strikes. In 1930, it published an ad claiming “20,679 Physicians say ‘LUCKIES are less irritating’” to the throat. To get this number, the company’s ad agency had sent physicians cartons of Lucky Strike cigarettes and a letter asking if they thought Lucky Strikes were “less irritating to sensitive and tender throats than other cigarettes,” while noting “a good many people” had already said they were.

1937 Philip Morris advertisement claiming their brand cleared up irritation of the nose and throat.

Unsurprisingly, many doctors responded positively to this biased, leading question, and Lucky Strike ads used their answers to imply their cigarettes must be medically better for your throat. In 1937, the Philip Morris company took that one step forward with a Saturday Evening Post ad claiming doctors had conducted a study showing “when smokers changed to Philip Morris, every case of irritation cleared completely and definitely improved.” What it didn’t mention was that Philip Morris had sponsored those doctors. (what is not mentioned now, with the covid vaccine is who is sponsoring  the ads... pushing the vaccines, hiring the doctors to speak up for it and who is silencing the doctors who speak against the vaccine)  it is the drug companies and their power within the government and social media who are doing so, of course it is 

Philip Morris continued to advertise “studies” it sponsored through the 1940s, the decade that saw the introduction of penicillin. “The American public is thinking about medicine in such a positive way and science in a positive way,” says Gardner, who co-authored an American Journal of Public Health article about doctors in cigarette ads. “So framing it that way seems like it’ll help appeal to people.”

To this end, the R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company created a Medical Relations Division and advertised it in medical journals. Reynolds began paying for research and then citing it in its ads like Philip Morris. In 1946, Reynolds launched an ad campaign with the slogan, “More doctors smoke Camels than any other cigarette.” They’d solicited this “finding” by giving doctors a free carton of Camel cigarettes, and then asking what brand they smoked. The tobacco companies  sponsored their own studies ... hired their own doctors and paid for all the ads themselves ... just like the covid vaccine companies are doing now ....

The educated mind can clearly see similarities to what the Tobacco companies did to cover up the harm tobacco was really doing to humans and what big pharma is now doing with the covid vaccine, but the tobacco companies did not have the protection of the PREP ACT and blanket immunity given to drug companies over harm and death stemming from their vaccines .... 

at the very least if you are bound and determined to get the covid vaccine ... get an antibody test done first to see if you have antibodies for covid ... if you do,  prior to getting the vaccine read all the medical literature on what and how antibodies work in your body and how long they last... do not read current thinking on covid antibodies,  for they are "skewed towards the vaccine" and they are bias ... read literature prior to the covid outbreak  ... in other words the "real science behind antibodies"... 

By the mid-1950s, when tobacco companies had to confront good evidence that their products caused lung cancer, advertising strategies started to shift. “What happens is, all the different cigarette companies kind of work together to try to promote the idea that…we don’t know yet if it’s harmful,” Gardner says. In 1954, these companies released “A Frank Statement to Cigarette Smokers” arguing that research showing a link between cancer and smoking was alarming but not conclusive. Therefore, the companies were forming a research committee to investigate the issue.

If humanity is still "alive" in the next 50 years they will be reading about how dangerous the covid 19 vaccine was to humanity and how the entire pandemic was over played ... just as those who in the 1930's onward learned by deaths and sufferings how dangerous tobacco was to the human body and how the the tobacco companies covered it up and sponsored their own false medical studies and hired doctors to try and prove the benefits of smoking... we are reliving history with the covid vaccine...