Saturday, April 17, 2021

More Platelet parties exposed it seems Johnson and Johnson are not the only ones throwing the mind blowing parties… just “breathe” if you can, with that clot in your lungs and read my recent post

Coagulations to all who received the experimental covid-19 vaccine, I tried to warn you again and again this marriage who end in pain and suffering for you ... I stood up and said I opposed this marriage ...but you got married anyway 


CNN reports today …

Doctors say they are homing in on the cause of blood clots that may be linked with certain coronavirus vaccines, and said their findings have important implications for how to treat the condition, regardless of whether vaccines cause it. Bingo!!! You took the vaccine now they have a patient for life … and you will be on blood thinners for life… And WOW … fucking WOW … not only are these vaccines causing you to have deadly clots … they are causing you hemorrhaging at the same time… in essence they have fucked,  with your entire vascular system, in addition to raping your immune system …  

Even though the link is not firm yet, (bullshit,  they would not have pulled it off the market, if it was not linked to the vaccine)  they're calling the condition vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia or VITT. It's characterized by unusual blood clotting combined with a low number of blood-clotting cells called platelets. Patients suffer from dangerous clots and, sometimes, hemorrhaging at the same time.

So if you give a blood thinner to stop the clotting … you increase the patient’s hemorrhaging … gee wiz … thanks for the cvoid-19 vaccine guys!!! And aren’t you the cool ones who believed the CDC and took the vaccines … post this finding on your Facebook accounts … yet still the CDC, Fauci and Biden’s administration  are pushing the vaccines

The clotting and hemorrhaging issues have been linked most firmly with the AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine, which is in wide use in Europe and the UK.

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Food and Drug Administration are checking to see if Johnson & Johnson's Janssen vaccine also might cause the blood clots. Both AstraZeneca's vaccine and the J&J vaccine use common cold viruses called adenoviruses as a carrier and some experts suspect the body's response to those viral vectors might underlie the reaction. AstraZeneca's vaccine is not authorized in the US.

A team led by Dr. Marie Scully, a hematologist at University College London Hospitals, studied 22 patients who developed the syndrome after receiving AstraZeneca's vaccine, and found they had an unusual antibody response. (No shit Sherlock)  These so-called anti-PF4 antibodies had only been seen before as a rare reaction to the use of the common blood thinner heparin.

The findings support a theory that an immune reaction might underlie the rare blood clots, but the findings don't yet explain it, Scully and colleagues reported in the New England Journal of Medicine Friday. What may be going on is a reaction by the immune system with platelets to cause uncontrolled clotting.

If vaccines cause it, it's still very rare and unusual, they wrote. It might not even be happening any more often in recently vaccinated people than among the population in general. (FYI it was happening in the “general population”, those who were not vaccinated we would have heard about it … they would have shouted it from the rooftops… “unvaccinated getting blood clots”… it simply is not true and never happened, only those who have taken the covid-19 vaccine have this “rare occurrences”, apparently not so rare if they pulled the vaccines off the market)