Friday, April 9, 2021

Biden thinks China's Uighur Genocide is a cultural normal ... what the F%^# !!!!


"He added, "No American President can be sustained as a President if he doesn't reflect the values in the United States. So I am not going to speak out against what he is doing in Hong Kong, what he is doing with the Uighurs in the western mountains of China, Taiwan and One China policy by making it forceful, and he gets it. Culturally there are different norms in each country and their leaders are expected to follow", Biden said

After Biden's  address, he received backlash as some of the Twitter users accused him of defending brutalities against Uighur Muslims by not asking his counterpart to openly speak about them.

A strategic adviser for former U.S. President Donald Trump, Boris Epshteyn called Biden's remarks "horrible".

You can read more below

Every liberal is saying,  separating a child from its parents at our southern boarder is cruel ...even though many of these children are not accompanied by their parents,  but by child traffickers and drug cartels...  yet they all remain silent on the separation of  Muslim children, from parents in China ... children and families are tortured and killed by China ... why Joe Biden even said about these "Muslims in China" it is no big deal ... it is China's cultural norm ... 

Every Jew across the planet should go to the Western Wall in Jerusalem and give thanks to God that Joe Biden was not President during WWII , for Joe Biden would have said ... the Holocaust is no big deal ... it is just Germany's  cultural norm ...

And college students and liberals really need to get their heads out of their asses and do research on political issues and not just listen to their liberal college professors and main stream media that is nothing more than propaganda for the socialist Dem's