Thursday, April 15, 2021

Tucker Carlson is getting to be a folk hero … as such his list of “woke” enemies grows and now Tucker takes on the golden "cow" the covid-19 vaccine


Anyone who reads my blogs knows that I am extremely “anti-the covid-19 vaccine”… not anti all vaccines… I have posted again and again and again … please before you take the covid-19 vaccine, do your own independent research, from sources outside and inside the of the USA, do not trust the CDC … and do not listen Dr. Fauci as a matter of fact, do a deep dive into Fauci’s past and lies he told about aides and other medical issues … this man is evil … and he could less about the health and safety of anyone he is blow heart / snake oil salesmen …

To my disappointment many in my family have taken the covid-19 vaccine some brag about it and think they are superior for doing so and post on Facebook their vaccine card … good grief … at this point, I just do not care they are adults and if they choose to take poison so be, many of them also voted for Biden and the state of our country is in now, shows how their decision to vote that way, was misguided and destructive for our country (and themselves and their children)  … sadly their poor choices will not really affect me, I am older  … my family members with small children do have a longer life span ahead of them (barring they do not die in the future,  from unseen complications of the covid-19 vaccine, which might not appear for months or years)  … but now these same family members want their young children to take the covid-19 vaccine  … to me such would be unforgivable and child abuse … this is giving a child a toxin, known to have killed animals in clinical studies ... as I mentioned in a prior post,  getting the covid vaccine has turned into "pop culture"... the "woke" of the world or those prone to propaganda ... group think is  a powerful thing, as is a mob mentality... there no longer is the individual/ critical thinking  only "mob think" ... a peer pressure of sorts ...            

you will notice the above video is blank ... yesterday it was not blank,  YouTube took it down, late last night ...  as usual YouTube is censoring your right to know ... the above video was of the Tucker Carlson show (a segment from his April 13, 2021 show) at which time Tucker spoke about the Johnson and Johnson vaccine ... thank God you can still see this video on Bituchte and here it is

After Tucker Carlson, said these things the CDC went into full "cover-up mode" and sent out sleazy Dr. Fauci  on the local news shows and of course on CNN,  to say what Tucker Carlson said was wrong and they pulled down the Tucker Carlson video off of YouTube so you could not watch, or hear "another opinion" in Communist China or Russia style  ... yet still many people are going to believe Fauci's  bullshit they will eat it up as a matter of fact  

and of course YouTube will never pull down a video of CNN or Dr. Fauci ... Fauci and Lying Jake ... even refused to show a clip of Carlson mentioning the J & J vaccine .... why lying Jake even said,  "to show the clip, he was sure it would not "help the cause"... the cause being forcing a dangerous vaccine on the public ... OMG ... the CDC never pulls a drug or vaccine off the market if there were only "a few" complications ... that is bullshit on steroids to think or say otherwise ... I would urge you to watch the Tucker Carlson video on bitchute ...

but in fairness, which is not being done to Tucker Carlson's video...  I will post here the "clean-up/ cover-up" try to repair the damage video CNN ran post the Tucker Carlson video ....

The  numbers on the J&J covid vaccine are being keep publicly low …  as are the other covid vaccine side effects ... and my young co-workers are scared to death now of the "one and done vaccine"... they should be and the other covid vaccines as well