Tuesday, March 30, 2021

God eternal within the body

Gregg Braden is an interesting fellow … I discovery him in the 1990’s … I was fascinated with his thoughts on “God within” and his book the “God Code”… I was and am interested in how people reach their higher self … in all religions or in their spirituality … Religious Theologians tend to bore me,  for they are usually fixed on their own doctrines, dogmas and they cannot seem to get out of the human box, which their religion places them into … so their thinking is extremely limited on God… those who believe in God and also have a mind that can step outside of doctrine and dogma are truly interesting to me …   


Gregg Braden is a five-time New York Times best-selling author, scientist, international educator and renowned as a pioneer in the emerging paradigm based in science, social policy and human potential.

I am going to bring this back to the covid vaccine and how it messes,  with your RNA … a “theory” if you will

I believe covid-19, came from Wuhan China and it was genetically engineered, not to kill (although there would be and was those who died, from secondary conditions) but to scare society so much they would take a “vaccine”; the vaccine being more dangerous than the virus in the long run,  for it is designed to change the internal makeup of the body itself and actually decrease the body’s ability to fight off viruses in the future, which would warrant more vaccines for those who took the original vaccine in the first place … in order to stay alive, in the future,  they will have to take more and more vaccines and each vaccine will alter the body more and more until it actually alternates the DNA of humanity … now since I believe China (its communist leaders) are truly evil, the depths of hell evil … I think this was/  is their intent … they hate God so much and those made in God’s image,  they want to strike at the very fabric of creation and that is the DNA of human beings … human DNA,  which Gregg Braden believes actually has the signature of God on it… I believe this as well and as an “alleged mystic” I know this to be true … there is a “God gene” there is God eternal in our DNA and that is what evil is after and the chosen instruments to get there is the covid vaccine and the vaccines to come … this is just the start to get into the human body and change its DNA … through a series of further vaccines that will be necessary for those who took the first series …

To make it even more evil those who did not take the vaccine, will be labeled a danger to society and either forced into camps or not allowed to leave their houses … until they obey …

There is a Tsunami of vaccines coming to humanity … and the current covid vaccine is equivalent to using “flex tape” to seal out the water of an incoming giant wave ..  

This literally is a fight for humanity … in both body and soul