As one who worked during the entire pandemic and did not stay
at home and collect a $600 per week unemployment check … I was out there with, my fellow “essential workers” making sure this
country was up and running… the job was hard, risky and many times abusive,
from the customers who came in … yet I and my fellow essential workers stayed on our jobs … and taxes were taken out
of every one of our paychecks (unlike the $600 per week unemployment checks) …
the taxes of the essential workers helped pay for the $600 per week unemployment
checks that went to the unemployed in our Country… as a American citizen I did
and do not mind helping other Americans, who were forced to stay at home during
the pandemic … it was what a Country does for its “own”, like family … and in reality
the $600 unemployment check that my fellow Americans got during the height of
the pandemic, due to them being forced not to go to work … now seems like “chump change” as compared to what Joe
Biden and his administration is giving illegal immigrants at our southern
Border ($772 per day) for housing
and food!!! Plus these illegals get free
health care and schooling for their children (in classroom schooling), while American
children are still forced in many areas to stay at home and learn…
All of the above really ticks me off … the Biden administration
is not only destroying our country he is doing it on the backs of the American
taxpayers … is there any American citizen who knows the truth about what is really
going on in the Biden administration that is ok with all of this ???? If so,
you seriously have a self-hatred thing going on …
As for the senior citizens and those Americans on SSI … you
got your stimulus check late …correct??? … why that is because Biden had to
first give money to the all the Democrats who helped him steal the election or
allowed their cities to burn down or bankrupted their States … then there was
the money that had to go to the politicians and lobbyists… then to BLM and
other radical groups that helped get Biden elected … Then there was and is the billions that have to go to illegal immigrants and their numbers grow by the
day … then there are the “grants" given to such organizations as the Catholic Church
who get billions and billions of dollars to house and care for the illegal immigrants,
plus give them legal help …
Then lastly there is the American citizen… and on that list of
the last, is the last of the last, the senior citizens and those on SSI …. When
Trump was president those individuals got their stimulus checks first … Trump
did always think and act for Americans first …
Even the college kids when they understand what is really going on
they are disturbed by it … you should be as well …
Correct me if I am wrong, I have never seen or heard of massive
amounts of money being given to the “American homeless or the homeless veterans”
that is currently being given to the illegal immigrants at our southern border …
can you imagine how much that would help
the American homeless and vets being given $772 per day!!! Or how about this
what about our inner cities such as Chicago, if they were given $772 per day … no
need to sell drugs … no need for violence in the streets …
There will come a time when that $772 per day will be cut off from these illegal immigrants what is going to happen then... Why they will add to the violence in the streets and the drug dealing … for they will have gotten used to the money and once that is taken away, they will have no other skills to live a life style of $772 per day … I dare say most working Americans do not have that life style … it is human nature, you cannot give and give to someone than take it away and they not become angry and violent about it…
The Affluenza Defense: Judge Rules Rich Kid’s Rich
Kid-ness Makes Him Not Liable for Deadly Drunk Driving Accident
He got 10 years’ probation for
causing a wreck that devastated three families …
Affluenza, a coinage
combining influenza and affluence, originally described the greed
and resulting malaise of consumerism. Indeed, much depression and anxiety can
be usefully considered as reactions to recent developments and as comparisons
to relative standards. You lose face saying the wrong thing at a social event
and fail to consider the event in the context of the arc of your life. This is
like having to vacation in Dillon because you can’t afford Aspen, and instead
of enjoying Dillon, the whole trip is ruined by the comparison. Always wanting
more of everything is a consequence of our ability to imagine more; losing
perspective on it is a function of consumerism and other alienating
perspectives. Upgrading your phone when your current phone works well is
analogous to feeling bad about your body because you look good but not
gorgeous. Much psychotherapy works by developing an autobiographical narrative
that puts setbacks and disappointments in context.
The Biden administration is forming a massive group of immigrants
who illegally come here, which will attract millions more to do so … these immigrants
are being given a lot of money per day … hence they will form a sense of “affluenza”
especially in comparison of where they came from and they will eventually form a
sense of “it is due to them” … plus they are being given, “special status”, by the Biden administration…
you combine the influence and affluence they are given … Biden is creating a
deadly force of people he feels will always vote for the Democrats and also be always
in need of the government… thus destroying the middle class … and American as
we know it, which is hard working and charitable …
So where is the CDC…. with the Affluenza epidemic on our southern border , the Biden administration is causing and spreading it on our Southern
border …
Americans are testing more and more negative for “Affluenza”, especially in the elderly, while immigrants on our southern border are testing positive for it ...
Soon we all will be crippled with "Poorlio"... our taxes will go up astronomically it will be like in Europe ... and corporate taxes will go up, which will force them to leave the USA again and go back to China ... stores such as Walmart and Target will fired their workforce (since they are not union and basically have no rights) then the "illegal immigrants" will be hired by such corporations, for they will work for lower wages ... the middle class will be hit the hardest by a tax increase, for the wealthy..... ...(1 %) they will still enjoy their tax shelters... How do you destroy a country ... an economy, you hit the middle class they are the backbone of any successful country and economy ... you destroy them ... you rule the land ... this is how Communism and socialism work and two bit dictators and their regimes, which we now have in our Country ... we did not have an election in 2020, we had a coupe ... and it is not looking good for our Nation ... not at all ...
The IRS stated yesterday ... they are short money to run the country ... guess who will be picking up that tab... the taxpayers ... both in Federal and State taxes and property taxes ... why hell everything will be "taxed in the future" food, clothing, all things ...