Sunday, January 17, 2021

your "money" and your 401k during covid and a socialist take over


we are hearing more and more about how banks and big corporations (basically all of  Wall Street)  want to “punish” those who worked for Trump (so they can never get a job again) and some are even saying, they should be put on a no fly list … so this is what all conservatives should do … take  your 401 K and demand that it be given to you in “cash” or transfer it all over to gold … take it out of stock market … then we will see how  Wall Street treats everyone …  

….they talk big on “your money” … so take it away from them …  

You might be interested in what your 401k is investing in ... most of the time China ... either directly or indirectly ... and below is one of the last executive orders, by President Trump, making an attempt to stop this at least where the military is concerned... of course Biden will get rid of this  executive order 

and of course these are the Companies Hunter Biden "invested in" for his "family"

And amazingly on my way to work yesterday,  I saw a huge flashing billboard, on the highway requesting tips ... for any information leading to the arrests of anyone involved in the Capital incident , which the media insists that Trump "started" ... not once did I see such a billboard when the rioters attacked the White House last year, or cities across the nation as they were burned ... cops shot and killed ,businesses owners having their property destroyed by rioters there was no "asking for tips" back then .... no highway billboards back then