Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Now is the time to Think of the passion of Christ


The main message of Our Lady of Garabandal, was to get “souls" back to God ,and for the soul to think about the passion of Christ … not just briefly,  but really think about it … you cannot do this in a church,  as you walk the stations of the Cross,  located therein… No those stations of the Cross in every church are “too pretty and sterile”…  … made not to upset the senses of the laity or to “offend” the laity, with violence … my opinion they should be “offended, by the level of violence” Jesus Christ suffered … so I will offer photos of what it was really like for Jesus Christ …

The crown of thorns Jesus was forced to wear … not tiny little thorns … but large thorns that would and did penetrate through his skin… most probably  hit his skull as well, with the force,  used by the Romans 

The giant crucifix that usually hangs in most Catholic Churches are “to sterile and clean” as well … they should look like this… the way Jesus Christ really looked on the Cross … to scary for kids to see many will say… over 25 years ago … in St. Philips’s church in my diocese, I taught a CCD class of 8th graders during Holy week …showing them what Jesus Christ really looked like during his passion … I had a crown of thorns made … an actual Roman whip, they would have used on Christ  … reproductions of the nails and a metal hammer as well … I superimposed on every station … the bloody reality of what Christ really looked like as he was headed for the Cross to die… those kids were shocked and asked many questions… and when I run into one of them now … they still remember this lesson of what Christ really went  through …


I know … many parents will be offended,  by what I did and what I suggest now … show your child the violence Christ went through, for them … of course these same parents allow their children to watch violent cartoons or let them watch  R rated movies for violence and sex and let them play on their extremely violent video games every day  … 

The above photo was generated, from the wounds on the shroud of Turin… this is what the back side of the body of Christ would have looked like,  when he was wrapped into a shroud and placed into the tomb  ...

Good Friday … was not so good, for the man called Jesus Christ and if you really want to think about the passion of Christ … place pictures such as the ones above into your mind … not the cleaned up versions of the passion, you see inside of churches… It was a brutal murder ... not just a bloodless "sacrifice" the Church offers to us now .... the Church just shows us the "pretty parts" at Mass... the part of Easter Sunday and the Resurrection ... we live in a time,  where you must think about how the "pretty" got into the Mass  ... for the world is  not going to be "so  pretty for us anymore" ...   


There is a monastery not far from me called “The Holy Face monastery” …  in the past, when you entered into the tiny chapel … there was a display of graphic photos of what Jesus Christ really went through during his passion … but they were all taken down… all you see is a clean white wall as you enter now … wow … such a shame and shame on the monastery,  for taking down those graphic photos of the passion of Christ … but we must not “offend” people with photos of violence … it would not be a safe space for them if we did … news flash … Jesus Christ did not have a “safe space” on  Good Friday … doing what he did to save the sorry asses of those snowflakes and clergy,  who just do not want to “get into the blood and guts of the crucifixion”…  it might give them nightmares ... it should for it was nightmare, what they did to Jesus Christ  

 I spend time thinking of the passion of Christ and I also spent time researching “crucifixions”, during the time of Christ … thousands of people were crucified, by the Romans … they were a  bunch of sadistic  bastards to say the least,  and I also have run into people in my life … who say such things as … “well Jesus was found guilty and that was the means of execution in the time of the Romans” … true … but with Jesus it was “above and beyond … “it was brutal” and shall I say … “it was personal” … 

you look at a crime scene … you can tell when the death and the one  who killed the person did so with “passion” … it is an “overkill” of sorts … the “kill” is filled with rage towards the person (in this case, Jesus Christ) and this is what you see,  when you think of the death of Christ … his death / murder was filled,  with brutality and rage … which was headed for us … by the hand of the Father???  …or was it the rage of Satan and his hatred headed our way  for all eternity, for the souls who do not have the justification of Jesus Christ,  upon them  ... be that as it may,  the death headed our way was pure rage and brutality  ....   yet Jesus Christ stepped in front of us all, to shield us and take away that unimaginable  rage … so we could be saved, from it …


But back to researching other crucifixions and the time frame of what we think, was the year of the death of Jesus Christ … now for the most part,  I take many swipes at the Bible/ cannon as it is given to us,  by the hierarchy of the Catholic Church, which they heavily edited …


But within the gospels there is “good evidence” to do more research on the life and death of Jesus Christ … but you have to go deeper … all 4 Gospels kind of say,  the same thing, but in different ways… except for the Gospel of Matthew … he goes a bit more into the “supernatural events” that happened at the time of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ… and my  “fortay”  is investigating legends  and supernatural events, which are usually ignored,  by most researchers of the Bible or cannon and other scientists,  such as geologists and biblical archaeologists … I tend to be a lot more right brained, then they are … they stick to “facts” known… I try to dig out “facts hidden in legends” and the mystical side of what happened on Calvary …


 in the Gospel of Matthew, it  speaks to a curtain being torn,  an earthquake … the sun being blacked out… and other things that actually can be “traced” back in history,  by scholarship … so this is in my lane … the “supernatural” that can be traced back into history … cool beans!!!

In my research  a found a geologist  who was/ is just as "obsessed" with the life and times of Jesus Christ as I am ... a kindred spirit  of sorts ... with an interesting twist of scholarship and the mystical,  within him... "Amazon Prime"... offers a video on this subject matter (very interesting) ... the documentary is called "Crucifixion Quake" 

 or you can read a few articles below ...

The latest scholarship (as of the year 2021)  on the death of Jesus Christ... gives an exact date of April 3, 33 

for the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ 

It is well known and theologically correct to say … God works in the “material world” … within the “natural law” ,  God pierces through his grace,  upon mankind … although I search out the “supernatural and mystical”… I am well aware of the preference of God to work, within the “natural order” … you can only leap into the supernatural, via your faith and trust in God … 

or if you seek out the dark side, Satan will come in … with all things there is “free will” … you chase and seek God … you in essence already found Him… for with God there is “no time” … just intent and your “intent” is based in your free will… you get to choose … be of the light or seek to stay in the darkness … yet just as true is the Divine mercy of God … we as human beings are incapable of having  a “fixed will” we flip flop … so as long as you are alive,  you can come out of the darkness and  into the light and seek salvation ... so think about the passion of Christ  ...

I believe it is fair to say… we are seeing “biblical type rage” in today’s society, never more so than the hatred and rage against Donald Trump, by the Democrats and many Republicans and all those they seem too psychologically and spiritually control, from corporations to social media and people who have come to “religiously” believe in such … The new "temple" for them is the capital building and their god will reside in the White House now ...


 In the past I would wonder … how the crowds could have turned on Jesus in such a fashion and call for his blood … there was clear evidence that he tried to help  people again and again… yet in the end, they turned on him like mad dogs, many cheering on his crucifixion and mocked him as he died …


I foolishly thought such barbaric and subhuman actions, by humanity was in the past and society could and would not see, such actions manifested in the world again … yet here we are, in the year 2021 and we live such times again … against one man Donald Trump and those who voted for him …the level of hate and vengeance is demonic against Trump … Trump has become the epitome of Christ’s saying … “the world will hate you, because of Me” …