Sunday, January 10, 2021

The “inhabitants of earth” are not ready to know about “them”…


Humans are not ready to know, it will shake their paradigm/ notion of God, given to them by their religious leaders ... 

I posted about this on another blog …

And I have read scores of articles and testimonies on this subject matter and also “scholarly conclusions”, from such think tanks as the “Brookings  Institute” and I know someone who was a member of the Brookings Institute,  although not involved,  with the questions of aliens  …  mankind is not ready to “know the truth” … I tend to agree,  with them … for the “truth” is not based in the fact that we are not alone … but based in what my native religion and all religions,  have taught mankind about,  “God” and what we claim to be the “word of God” as in the official  Scriptures passed down to us …

 The mental and psychological structure of everyone in their native religion is so deep and ingrained in them, it actually is part of who they are and to try and remove it, would cause global panic and global mayhem, let’s face it our cultures, for the most part are based on our religious belief systems    … and people are willing to die for them … unconditionally … for basically the personal opinion of other human beings and their concept of God … 


First I do not think, this was the mission of Jesus Christ to have you “die” for your faith or him … but through your faith in Him, you may live and break the surly bonds of this planet or better stated …."Let us break their chains and throw off their shackles."… We are “shackled on earth” … by forces not of goodness… but evil …

The mission of Jesus Christ was to get us off this planet and returned home safely 

 …. And return to where you should be … off this planet and onto the one Jesus Christ does reside on (we are taught to call this “place” heaven) … but such a term is too “mystical” … you want to call it heaven do so … but it is a “real place” having the capacities to “sustain” life … are we still “carbon based unites” in this place called “heaven” … maybe … maybe not … we might be “light based”,  with a material body (or commonly referred to as a resurrected body)  … but the place “called heaven” is more than just a concept or a fantasy world … it is real and it is a “planet” of sorts


As the readers of my posting know, by now know, I can be “opinionated and controversial” and I am certainly not main stream... I will throw out “alternative thinking” in an effort not to change your mind on any given subject matter,  but to make you think about things … consider all sides to a story … don’t be blindly lead into anything … the same God that gave me my inquiring mind,  gave you one as well … to search deeper for God is not a sin or breaking of a trust in God … Christ had no problem with Thomas,  saying to him … let me see your wounds and place my finger into them …

Place your “intellectual finger”,  into what you have been taught, by the church and think about what they have hid,  from you as well …  does it really make sense to you … or was it and is it a means of control, by any given religion …


I dig like a hungry dog for a bone, when I am interested in a subject matter … I read the “approved books and the banned books”… also the background of what was going on politically at the time, when any “church doctrine was made”, I do not accept anything blindly, for me that would be an offense to God, to blindly follow any man/ woman or their doctrine  … I always think ...who was in power, what was their thought processes … and who got paid off and what Pope took money under the table or goods for his proclaiming a “Church doctrine”,  and there was plenty of this going on in  Church history … many if not most of the laity think it was all the “workings of the Holy Spirit”… not so much,  if you dig deep and trace the origins of each proclamation …  lots of backroom deals were going on   you think politics is dirty now ... they do not hold a candle to what the Church did in the past.

 I know this is going to piss off people ... but here I go ... I will never believe that God creates all the souls of  "children" ,  with a stain of sin upon it ... to believe this is to believe God creates in the "negative" ... you are saying,  God in essence is adding "evil" to the planet,  every time a child is born ...   there is sin in the world ... yes there is and "we teach our children to sin"... it is the world that corrupts the soul... it the "ways of man" that corrupts the child... whether you are teaching your child directly to sin or they are learning it passively through society ... we "stain" the child... God sends "clean vessels into the world, in the person of a baby" ... we destroy the cleanliness ... there are some parents that are evil in their ways, they made a choice to be this way in life ... and when they have children,  the children will become like their parents ... unless that child somehow makes a "decision " to live another way ...

It is the age old question ... is a child born evil or is it their environment that makes them evil ... how scary a thought to think God,  "made them evil and sent them to earth that way" ... Jesus himself who gave testimony to the innocence  of children on earth ... when he said,  "better you never been born than to hurt one of these, for their angels constantly behold the face of the Father in  heaven"... not one of those children to whom Christ spoke about, who were surrounding him at the time "were Baptized" ... nor did Jesus say one word about them having,  "original sin on their souls" ... he spoke of them as being "innocent" ...   

Jesus did speak to baptism at a later date, but never in the context,  we are taught he did ... it was "man who made those calls" 

Such as the concept of “original sin” and infants arriving on this planet "dirty of soul;"  … did Jesus Christ teach such … I cannot find it in any of his teachings … I can find it in the “teachings of Saul of Tarsus to some extent,  and for sure Augustine, he pushed the concept, well first Augustine was all over the map on the subject, and the Church basically tells us that is because he was "sleeping with a woman", once Augustine became "celibate" the Church teaches Augustine's thinking became clear and godly …

 both men I have distain for… and I have written about Augustine in the past … the man whose mother,  wanted him to leave his long time lover and become a pedophile,  by marrying a 14 year old (of course the church would defend this by saying, back then the tradition was marrying young girls)  …. and raping young children and seminarians  in the 20th and 21st  century still seems to be the tradition of the hierarchy ... 


The other woman of the Confessions is Augustine's unnamed concubine, whom Augustine discusses much less than Monica. Even though she remains somewhat shadowy and vague in the text, her position is still complex. Augustine asserts that their relationship was based solely upon lust; yet he lived with her, apparently faithfully, for many years.


 I wonder did “mamma” place those words into Augustine mouth … his relationship … was based on lust … really …


Augustine stayed, with his “lover for years” and as someone (that be me) who has been in short term and long term relationships in the past … I can say …as I am sure,  all can say, who have been in such relationships  … if you stay with someone for years … lust pretty much left the building … you stay because,  you love that person …if you have a short term relationship and it is done … that is lust … I have had both and there is a difference …    


Research the issue … I mean really research the issue …

Here is pro “original sin” reading

And here is Jesus Christ’s teachings …

Many other scholars believe the thinking of the above author as well … think about it … is this why Jesus came to this planet???  to remove original sin??? … I have other thoughts about this... and it will be "alien thinking for  most" 


And an interesting book about Augustine …


I also wrote a book about Augustine years ago, and his mother … who in my opinion made Augustine into a “mamma’s boy”, who could never be free, from her apron strings… “Mamma” (AKA Monica) … did not like Augustine’s “pick of women”, his longtime lover … no Monica saw this woman as a rival, for her son’s affection … Monica unlike what we have been told …did not mind if her son, was with a woman … but “mamma” had to be the one who picked her … and the woman who Augustine picked stood up to mamma!!!   mamma Monica wanted her sonny boy to marry a 14 year old girl, who mamma could control and leave his “live in lover” for … so Monica pushed, a “child bride relationship with her son” (you really have to dig deep for this story, the church hides it well) … they tell us Monica,  just prayed for her son's soul ... not so much Monica pretty much wanted to control her son's body and soul! ... and is that righteous??? or is that a whole lot of creepy ...

This is a reality many “mothers” have a hard time, with the women their sons pick … it is an old and current story … or as the old saying goes … “the big cats cannot share the same cage”… mothers and their sons lovers are the “big cats” in the man’s life … and it is the mother, who needs to let go and let her son “grow up and choose” … as a parent myself, I know it is a hard thing to do … but it must be done … I know many “sons” who never grow up in this fashion or their mothers refuse to allow them to do so … or as Curtis Sliwa (the founder of the Guardian angels) calls such men “mamaluke” … weak in their manhood … I believe Augustine was “weak in his manhood”, which makes him a perfect role model for the hierarchy of the Catholic Church, which favors weak men and dislikes women …  

And the hierarchy of the church has a near psychotic thought process about men and women being together sexually and still having the capacity to be “holy”  … it really is twisted beyond words and the more you research it … it is stunning,  they can still call themselves “men of God” … and instruments of the Holy Spirit ...they do have a "spirit" in them but it is not "Holy" 


Turning to the heart of the contention among the followers of some of the Neo Patristic theologians against “the western doctrine of Original Sin” it is often claimed by such Orthodox Christians the West teaches that from the fall of Adam we inherit his personal guilt. (the words,  I read about Jesus Christ ... he stated to those around him... when someone was crippled or possessed ... those around would say, "it is due to the sins of his father" and Christ would always dismiss this thought and language, from his followers  and say this "no the illness is for the glory of God"... )

For such Orthodox, there is no concept of “sin” and “guilt” other than that which a person personally commits. So, they speak of our inheritance from Adam in deliberately neutral terms such as “effects,” “consequences,” and the like – purposely avoiding terms such as “sin” and “guilt.” However, it will be demonstrated that such assumptions are lifted from abridged quotations and treatments of certain Eastern fathers, which they then try to pit against the Western ones.

On its face value the concept of "original sin" is a cop out to personal responsibility (which mankind loves to do ... blame someone else for their own behavior)  and making free will choices in life ... do I want to sin or will I re-frame,  from it, will I teach my child to be "sinful" or righteous ... "original sin" gives the soul an "escape clause" ... such as "not my fault" it is part of original sin or the "devil made me to it" ... or worse yet,  the only way you get "right with God" is if someone else takes it away in a Doctrine based ritual ... 

so what about the tribes of people in remote villages that never heard of such ... they who are lacking in civilization as we  know it to be ... does God say to those souls,  "screw you"... you did not pay a priest and have your head dripped in holy water and anointed with oil??? Hence you are nothing to God    ... wow if that is the case we are all screwed ... of course such in the eyes of the hierarchy of the Church, this justifies their centuries old tradition of conquering and torturing  non "believers"  ... to make them "think like us" for that is the only way,  they can become children of God  .... 

Which,  brings to mind the commandment,  "Thou shall not take the name of God in vain"... as kids we  were taught that meant you cannot say,  "Jesus Christ" as a swear word ... as an adult with a well formed consciousness, I now know this means ... if you "kill in the name" of God ... such as many religions (even mine own) have done over the course of human history, if you "judge others in the name of God", or say you are coming in the "name of God", no one can say that as 100% accurate  ... and if you think you are the only one,  with the key to salvation and God gave it only to you ... that is a sin against the name of God and his power and omnipotence... God does not need man or any religion to do what He does ... he is sovereign in all things ...   such thinking is only the hubris of man in his foolishness ...    


And the hierarchy of the church has a near psychotic thought process about men and women being together sexually and still having the capacity to be “holy”  … it really is twisted beyond words and the more you research it … it is stunning,  they can still call themselves “men of God” …


The Church’s stand on these matters evolved over time. Christianity was changing the social customs of the Roman Empire but it didn’t happen overnight. St. Ambrose, who was a strict moralist, took a surprisingly lenient view of concubines, by allowing couples in a monogamous but unmarried union to receive communion. This is an indicator that such unions in the ancient world were considered irregular but not immoral per se... Yet now the Church teaches if you divorced and remarry that is "immoral" enough for you not to be able to receive the Eucharist ... even though "Adam himself was divorced and remarried (from Lilith to Eve) and God walked with Adam and with both women ...  the hierarchy of the Church decided it needed to make an arbitrary law  forbidding such ... unless you pay them,  "to take  away your first marriage" ...i.e an annulment ... 


The hierarchy of the church has become more uptight over the last few centuries … maybe it is due to them wanting more control or maybe it was due to “puritanical thinking”… don’t know…but in essence the hierarchy of the church has Dissociative identity disorder (DID), previously known as multiple personality disorder (MPD), in the case of the hierarchy it is a “cannon/ doctrine disorder”, they do not seem to know where to land and when they do,  they do not obey their  own doctrines … with their multiple personalities and multiple doctrines … 

 The disorder is accompanied by memory gaps beyond what would be explained by ordinary forgetfulness. (Such as when the hierarchy is asked about abuses both sexual and financial … they cannot seem to remember, or documents pertaining to such are missing) … so are these the people we are supposed to follow and find God through???


But here I will speak to the “nature of Truth”… for me Jesus Christ is “truth” and he is eternal and as such he cannot evolve or change, his sustenance and being are “fixed” and were so prior to creation … all religions attempt to bend “truth” to their thinking, philosophies and doctrines. My native religion is Catholicism, I was born into said … and I question being “born into something”… does that take away free will... I believe it does, you have to one day make a “intellectual, philosophical and spiritual leap” and make a commitment as best you can in the flesh … and I have … I will not follow man … no matter if they come in the name of God or in the name of their special interest …  I will follow Jesus Christ and within each soul called to do so, there is a “spiritual gyroscope” of sorts that will keep you steady and secure …


Knowing your religion is a good thing… knowing the religions of others is a good thing … knowing your God is even a better thing … and your will find Him, within yourself …


The Administration of Donald Trump taught many, not all but many… most media outlets are instruments of propaganda  and many history lessons are lies … made up by the “winners”, be the win an honest win,  or a stolen win … history books will probably not favor Donald Trump, yet we who lived through it know the truth of what that man went through … so on some level,  we owe it to generations to come to tell the truth now and pass it on … write it down … speak up for we are just one generation away,  from a great lie about this time in  human history …


I think the same was true in the time of Jesus Christ and the generation post his death … they either saw the truth (being Christ himself) or those who did see him and walked, with him, when he was alive … spread his true message … then the “interlopers” came in and stole the true message and the lies where built on more lies and now we have, “our current hierarchy”… the ultimate “den of thieves” …


Learn from, what Trump taught you … the messaging you hear and have received,  from the powers that be (in politics as well as religions) are not always the truth … dig for the truth … and then we will have advanced as a society …


Paradigm shifting of religious believes … it will crush some people … but eventually we will all be faced, with it … one good thing about 2020 … it was a “test drive” for a global paradigm shift... Things will never be the same … you must hang onto the good, as you embrace the new, which is not destructive to humanity and it will not be easy … change is never easy … yet this is the only way you grow and become enlightened … 


I think the Vatican is aware that they can no longer snooker the laity, with their bullshit … as they have for hundreds of years … we will seek out the truth and they know this …hence they have aligned themselves, with the globalists to survive… to the hierarchy a one world government or religion is better than losing all their power … it was and always will be “human thinking inside the hierarchy” …  


But that is not the topic I wanted to write about in  this post … maybe this is a “teaser” to shake up your thinking a bit … because what I really want to write about,  will “blow your mind” as to why I believe  Jesus Christ really came to earth … something the church as we know it to be,  would never discuss and is hidden in those “banned books”  … for they will lose their power on earth … and this most probably is the reason “aliens” do  not think we are ready to know about them here on earth … for if we cannot think outside the box on such things as religion and the paradigms we were given,  by any given religion  … we will never be able to accept other worlds /galaxies and the other creatures of God, who live on them … 

And every religion on this planet will be blown up as we know it to be ... when the truth about "aliens" and other worlds with life on them is made known publicly,  for all religions on earth are all based on humans wanting power ... Jesus Christ did come with a message for those on earth ... but it was and is so twisted,  by man it is hardly recognizable anymore ... 

And God gave all "free will" decide to follow Christ or do your own thing or become a member of a man-made cult, which is the level of most religions now on this planet ... cults, which humans will kill each other about and the "aliens" if they be here...  know this ... 

Understand who you are ... understand your place in a multitude of galaxies and other life forms ... not like you ... yet we cannot even understand and relate to other human cultures and races on earth and that must look really pathetic to "aliens" ... for indeed it is ...