Too many think ... the world is the way it is due to Vatican II, and how it destroyed Catholicism ... or they think, all should covert to Islam or they think God is interested in "earthly real estate"... such as Jerusalem, the Vatican or other so called "holy sites" on this planet ... God is so beyond human thought we cannot even imagine it ... God "owns" everything ... all galaxies ... all universes... all creatures great and small on every planet, with life forms on it...
I have never really contemplated how ignorant mankind on earth was until recently...and this includes myself, and how we allowed ourselves to stay ignorant (with the Church it was do not seek forbidden knowledge) of course the Church determined what was forbidden ...for over a thousand years
Index Librorum Prohibitorum... then there was ...Pope Paul IV established the Index of Prohibited Books which banned thousands of book titles and blacklisted publications, including the works of Europe's intellectual elites. This index condemned religious texts, readings of romance, and graded authors based on their degree of toxicity. The stated aim of the list was to protect the faith and morals of the faithful by preventing the reading of theologically, culturally, or politically disruptive books. Such books included works by astronomers, by philosophers, such as Immanuel Kant's Critique of Pure Reason and editions and translations of the Bible that had not been approved. Editions of the Index also contained the rules of the Church relating to the reading, selling ...
... but our greatest fault is that we think, we are "smart" and our culture and our science and our academics, our theologians have the answers.... Oh, how easily we all can be manipulated and snookered ...
my thinking and faith in God has not changed of late ... it has expanded, grown if you will ... not confined to the thinking of man in any given religion ... but to the awareness of "contact" and we are not alone ... we are not God's one and only, far from it ...
So I offer you videos from a man called Robert Dean, here on planet earth ... (1929-2018)
I special note in the above video Mr. Dean makes mention of a UFO event in New Jersey, he is speaking about an incident that happened in Wanaque, NJ ... I am typing this post now, from that exact location... and I have interviewed people from the area who remember this event...
And Mr. Dean "asks"... why this planet ... what is the game plan of all these extraterrestrials who are coming here... and why are they coming here... I think, I know the answer to that ... for it is the only planet God sent his Son to save those who believe in him ... and yes as I mentioned many times before ... Jesus Christ was an "extraterrestrial" of sorts ... not from this planet and I do not believe he has any intention of living here, his intention was to get us home to our Father's House ...