Saturday, January 16, 2021

Contract with aliens ... they get "humans" to experiment on and the military industrial complex, gets alien technology in return, for weapons and control over humanity


In a follow up.... to a prior post  ...

Of course they are blaming Trump for "signing" a secret treaty with aliens, they blame Trump for everything  ...  in my research it was President Eisenhower who did so and  his great granddaughter agrees does Dr. Salla ... I do not blame Trump for signing the contract,  but Trump would have a place in hell for not exposing the "treaty".... if it be true ... 

Of course the Dwight Eisenhower family has disavowed this member of the family, who claims her great grandfather entered into a “contract with aliens” … interesting though … maybe she is the only, one with the balls to say it  …

every time they insist on using the word "conspiracy theory"... I am there tracking it down ... it is like a dog whistle to me... they use the word,  it usually means  it is a true story they are trying to discredit ... 

Grey Aliens Signed Treaty With Eisenhower In 1954, After U.S. Government Rejected Overtures From Nordic Or Pleiadian Aliens, Say Conspiracy Theorists

President Dwight Eisenhower held a secret meeting with extraterrestrial visitors during the early hours of February 21, 1954, while on a “vacation” to Palm Springs in California, ...

Side story below ...

what was this woman "seeing" was it really the leader of Turkey and another foreign country ... or did she think it was "human leaders" ... being that she was human and had no other reference point ...

and did this woman "see" what Eisenhower signed, in a secret meeting and did they lie to her saying,  he did not "sign it"   ... and she also "saw" churches being shut down and closed and this was in the 1950's ...

And to make things really creepy and for me believable ...  Hitler had weapons and technology way beyond what the Allies  had during WW II and Hitler "specialized" in human experiments (like the aliens' so call treaty,  with the USA allows them to do on humans) ... plus after WWII the USA took the Germany scientist  and had them work for the defense department and NASA... this was called operation paperclip .... Operation Paperclip was a secret program of the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (JIOA) largely carried out by special agents of Army CIC, in which more than 1,600 German scientists, engineers, and technicians, such as Wernher von Braun and his V-2 rocket team, were taken from Germany to the United States ...for they had advanced knowledge about rockets and engineering and weapons the USA did not have ... so where did the Germany's get such knowledge ...

well according to Edward Snowden ... the Germans got it from "aliens" ...


And maybe  the most terrifying stories (Alien abductions)  ... again it calls to mind that our government "has a contract",  with aliens so they can take us without our permission and experiment on  us ... the recent story is Trump was going to tell us  about  the creatures from other worlds  and the "aliens" told him,  "we are not ready"... Trump, backed down and as such he was/ is  a fool ... if told we would rise up and stop the abductions of "our people" to be experimented on ... want to talk insurrection ... the entire global community would rise up against all their leaders who allow  us to be taken,  "by aliens" and in this regard Trump not telling us the truth, and appearing to "evade" answering the question, regards this issue  makes him a real "prick" and evil.... again if it be true ... to allow human beings to be experimented upon ... you cannot be both, say you stand up for the rights of Americans and then allow them to be "abducted and be experimented upon" and not let the people know what is going on ... 

you can not claim to be of God either if you allow this to happen to people ... there is something more to this story ... and I wonder was Trump threatened or intimidated, was our planet threatened ... even so his job as President was to protect the people in this country,  from all enemies... taking people against their will and experimenting on them is akin to what Hitler did to the Jews  ... There is and was no excuse for Trump not to tell us the truth and with the Dems in power we lost that opportunity forever  ... to hear "truth" from our government  ... 

In it my belief that "aliens" / extraterrestrials in one form or another have been around long before human beings have been around ... and sightings  of  them on this planet go back to ancient times, which means they are light years  more advanced than we are ... and I am sure they have been taking human beings to experiment on from the get go ... as to why a "contract" was entered into with them ... ???...maybe it was due to the fact the government and military  became aware of  their presence on earth and were preparing to fight them, which would have exposed them to the world and they would not be able to take human beings so easily anymore ... so they cut a deal with the military industrial complex and the powers that be...???... technology for humans  ... and that is the worst betrayal of humanity there can ever be ... and every President since Eisenhower  is to blame, including Trump for allowing this to happen and continue  ...  if it be true

And what infuriates me is Eisenhower gave a "bullshit speech" on beware the military industrial complex and the evil therein ... after Eisenhower signed a "contract with aliens" to give extraterrestrial humans beings in exchange for advanced technology ... that unto itself qualifies Eisenhower to sit at the right side of Satan himself  ...