Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Dibbuk Boxes are popular on eBay and on cable TV ghost shows ... and dating the devil is now a "good" match


Oh what fools man be ... if they really knew the power of the devil, they would never open a box that "allegedly",  contains one, nor would they buy one on eBay ...maybe the real evil is within those who sell such things... 

The good thing about all the "supernatural investigations" that go on for current reality TV shows... it is showing people,  demonic activity is real as is the paranormal and supernatural... things that are never talked about in my native religion ...  

In Jewish folklore and popular belief an evil spirit which enters into a living person, cleaves to his soul, causes mental illness, talks through his mouth, and represents a separate and alien personality is called a dibbuk. The term appears neither in talmudic literature nor in the Kabbalah, where this phenomenon is always called "evil spirit." (In talmudic literature it is sometimes called ru'aḥ tezazit, and in the New Testament "unclean spirit.") The term was introduced into literature only in the 17th century from the spoken language of German and Polish Jews. It is an abbreviation of dibbuk me-ru'aḥ ra'ah ("a cleavage of an evil spirit"), or dibbuk min ḥa-hiẓonim ("dibbuk from the outside"), which is found in man. The act of attachment of the spirit to the body became the name of the spirit itself. However, the verb davok ("cleave") is found throughout kabbalistic literature where it denotes the relations between the evil spirit and the body, mitdabbeket bo ("it cleaves itself to him").

Stories about dibbukim are common in the time of the Second Temple and the talmudic periods, particularly in the Gospels; they are not as prominent in medieval literature. At first, the dibbuk was considered to be a devil or a demon which entered the body of a sick person. Later, an explanation common among other peoples was added, namely that some of the dibbukim are the spirits of dead persons who were not laid to rest and thus became *demons. This idea (also common in medieval Christianity) combined with the doctrine of *gilgul ("transmigration of the soul") in the 16th century and became widespread and accepted by large segments of the Jewish population, together with the belief in dibbukim. They were generally considered to be souls which, on account of the enormity of their sins, were not even allowed to transmigrate and as "denuded spirits" they sought refuge in the bodies of living persons. The entry of a dibbuk into a person was a sign of his having committed a secret sin which opened a door for the dibbuk. A combination of beliefs current in the non-Jewish environment and popular Jewish beliefs influenced by the Kabbalah form these conceptions. The kabbalistic literature of *Luria's disciples contains many stories and "protocols" about the exorcism of dibbukim. Numerous manuscripts present detailed instructions on how to exorcise them. The power to exorcise dibbukim was given to ba'alei shem or accomplished Ḥasidim. They exorcised the dibbuk from the body which was bound by it and simultaneously redeemed the soul by providing a tikkun ("restoration") for him, either by transmigration or by causing the dibbuk to enter hell.

Dybbuks are an invention of Eastern European Jewish folklore. They're supposedly a person who died, but who still needs to atone for a sin before going to the afterlife. And they sometimes possess people. A Catholic would call this process "purgatory" ... some Jews and me too believe " purgatory"  is here on earth ... of course the Jews call this the dibbuk on earth ... just a soul not "clean enough to go to heaven" needs atonement... we call it purgatory ...   

 There is no such thing as a Dybbuk Box in Jewish folklore. The first one to exist was a wine cabinet that popped up on eBay in 2003. It went viral when owner Kevin Mannis accompanied the listing with a horror story he wrote about it (have to admit the man was creative and very much the sales man), the story he wrote was about buying the Dybbuk box at the estate sale of a Jewish woman.(it was a bullshit story, originating in his mind only)  Since then, as Barnum,   said there is a sucker born every minute , other people have listed cabinets they call “Dybbuk Boxes” on eBay, for large amounts of money and people buy them and claim supernatural events around them …

There is a real evil here and it is that so many people invite into their lives demons or chase evil… and you get what you want from evil … you ask it into your life and it will come … for you are giving it your free will … the fascination with Satan and the demonic is at epic proportions on earth… in all fashions … humanity itself on many levels has and is releasing more and more demons on earth … and they are feeding off of the fear surrounding the pandemic, anger at being controlled by the State … and these demons are growing stronger,  by this negative energy … plus with the State shutting down religious institutions and not allowing people to worship God… feeds the demons even more …

God is real and demons are real … you have to choose, which side you are on and once you do,  you cannot,  “play around with negative energy” … it will rot your soul to its core … 

So how much has Satan penetrated the thinking of mankind ... as someone to be embraced and welcomed into your life ... here is an example ...  ads for dating Satan ... seems harmless enough and even makes Satan appear "cute and personable" ... nothing to fear about  him ... all I can say is ..WOW ... freak'n WOW ... Satan has gone mainstream and hired a really good PR man... to dilute the truth of who he really is ...  and 2020 was not the year of Satan ... his time is just beginning in 2021 and for at least the next 4 years ...

I have always encouraged people to read ... do their own research and do not limit research to your preference ... be it religious or political or scientific ... read all sides to every story or human agenda ... you will find the truth somewhere in the middle ... the link above is a doctoral thesis written, by a doctoral student,  aiming for his doctorate in ministry... He writes about  


It is a long read ... but interesting ... especially in today's day and age ... 

foot note ...

 I choose to  be a mystical spouse of Jesus Christ