Friday, January 29, 2021

This ain't heaven on earth...

I will quote a couple of  heavy  hitters ... first God the Creator ...and then Jesus Christ the Son 

Matthew 19:4
Jesus answered, "Have you not read that from the beginning the Creator 'made them male and female,'

Mark 10:6
However, from the beginning of creation, 'God made them male and female.'

Genesis 1:28
God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and every creature that crawls upon the earth."

Hmmm it seems to me,  there were two distinct gender groups at the zero point of creation  ... male and female and their "biological parts fit" perfectly and when they did,  they could produce another human being (as in being fruitful and multiplying) ... 

AH but there was twist to this story, or is there ... again, I quote one of the two heavy  hitters mentioned above  ... and that would be Jesus Christ ...Christ stated,  there would be no "marrying in heaven" (of course this was written of Christ in the third person, by a "gospel writer" whose real ID will never be known) ... 

 ... but even with this ... Christ never stated there is "no gender in heaven" (not even in the third person, by an unknown author )  ... no it was  Saul of Taurus that pushed  that subject matter ... the "poser" who never met Christ... and to whom Constantine "favored" (Constantine was no friend of truth either ) ... it is amazing how the hierarchy of the Church "cherry picked private revelation" and literally made it "gospel" ... the writings of Saul of Taurus, went on to further manipulate and enhance the words,  spoken by Christ  in the "books of Constantine", which basically are the "approved books" of the Bible , when Constantine  saw the value of the concept and noted its leaders are willing to preach that god will reward those that obey their masters. Yet how does that sit with Saul's words there is neither slave or free???                                

There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave  nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. (words of Saul of Tarsus) ... 

The fact that Saul/Paul later instructs servants to be obedient to their masters (Ephesians 6:5ff), in spite of the fact that Galatians 3:28 says there is “neither bond nor free” in Christ, is in itself a refutation of the theory under consideration.

Second, whack job Saul, seems to be unaware that his teaching abolished sexual roles, yet the demon wrote  1 Timothy, which was penned later than Galatians, he limited the public service of women. So what the F "Saul of Taurus" ... what is it ... Paul's /Saul's thinking unto to itself is "chaotic" and chaos is never... never... never of God ... 

So it was good old Saul who planted the seeds to our current "gender-less" thinking society and amazingly all while keeping females a lesser in the eyes of the hierarchy of the Church ... now that is a giant mind fuck to us all ... and yet the Church still calls Saul the 13 apostle  and places him at equal,  with St. Peter  ...   wow ... freak'n wow ... 

so why the post,  about Saul of Taurus ... for our "new president"  has just removed all barriers to the concept of male and female gender... there no longer is such in the USA ... again thank you, Saul of Tarsus ... and the fact of the matter Joe Biden is a "good Catholic" or what the Church became upon the teachings of Saul of Taurus ... I do  not  think the  Catholic Church is based upon the teachings of Jesus Christ ... no it was  hijacked right out of the gate, it went from St. Peter to Saul of Taurus ... and solidified as such, by Constantine and the hierarchy  of the Church that was "earthly" power driven ... 

So more and more of today's people are coming out as being "gender less"... even newborn babies no longer have their "gender" placed upon their birth certificates ... for the liberal/ globalists there is no "science to prove" a person's gender ... gender is in your "feelings" and that can change day to day or moment to moment ... but these same liberal globalist's say ... there is "science" in what they say about covid-19... global warming ... of course this is limited to "their science" not the findings of other scientists, who oppose their opinions/views...  

Which,  brings me back to Constantine  ... when he noted people are "willing" to obey their "masters"  and backed up by the words of Saul of Taurus in the cannon ... a perfect set up against humanity ... preach in the name of god, tell humanity,  god will reward you for doing so ... (please note,  I wrote god in lower case) for I do not believe Saul of Taurus' teachings were  ever of "God" 

 Saul and Constantine  saw the value of the concept and noted its leaders are willing to preach that god will reward those that obey their masters... so we now live in a world where those seeds have come into fruition  ... and people think "obedience is a virtue" ... so did Hitler's  SS ... and of course the hierarchy of the Church tells us this as well... just shut up and listen to them ... 

Coming to a school near you and in every federal building ... a poster of your "gender" classifications

Parents please,  be aware ... you might one day send your male or female child to school and they come home, with a different gender ... and if you dare to disagree, with your child, they have been given a toll free number to call to have you arrested...  

Jesus Christ “manifested” on earth as a male and as far as I know he did not switch gender, during his lifetime… also as far as I know there was no (that would be zero) discussion on people being transgender in any of the ancient books … it seems to be a relatively new phenomena, and if it is on such a “massive scale” ,which it seems to be, or we are being lead to believe … it makes me wonder,  is it somehow environmental… learned … or exposure to some type of unknown agent … there is much talk about environmental pollution… be it chemical… electromagnetic … genetic manipulation… etc.… 


Former President Trump did frown on Trans genders in the military, his argument was … If you are not “stable” in who you are (as in gender) how can the military trust you to be “stable” on a battlefield…or to make fast judgments under duress … there is logic to that … if you cannot make a personal judgement as to who you are … that personality trait could bleed over into all parts of your life …


But such thinking as  above will soon be “illegal”, under the Biden administration … and of course the so called men of god,  will quote “Saul of Tarsus” … by saying, with “God there is no male or female” … so just be whatever/ whoever you want to be and the law will protect you and god smiles and rejoices in your chaos  … such was never the thinking of Jesus Christ on earth or any of “Christ’s true apostles” …


A thousand years is like a blink of the eye to God … so the demonic takeover of the “true” Church, by Saul of Tarsus… is only now manifesting how evil his words were and are …

If the above stands and the Church... keeps telling the laity Saul of Tarsus was the 13 apostle,  hence his words are "true" and the new laws under Joe Biden have declared being transgender is "science" and any one challenging it will be guilty of discrimination ... I am now declaring that I am not really a female ... I am a male and not only that I am an ordained  priest in the Catholic Church and I demand my own Parish ... no wait, (I changed my mind, the new laws allow for such) and  I now declare,  I am a Cardinal and I want my own room in Rome  ... for I am a "prince of the Church"