Saturday, January 16, 2021

Extraterrestrials are here and have always been here, we are the ones "new" to the planet and we are the ones being used and abused

 At this time in human history, even Helen Keller, would be able to “see”… UFOs and extraterrestrials are among us … the proof is overwhelming and only those who live under a rock, have not been exposed to this reality; whether they choose to believe is another story… but facts are facts, there can be debate as to where they are coming from … but they are here and some human beings are being taken by them … some are tortured, some are experimented upon and some even die from these encounters … pretending they do not exist does not make them go away …


I also believe there are “hybrid” human beings on this planet, with “alien” DNA in them and I do not believe this discounts or takes away, from the mission of Jesus Christ… Christ’s Father (God the Father) “created a type of human being for Christ alone” … Like Fr. Malachi Martin,   believed there “are perfectly possessed human like creatures on this planet”, who will never be “saved” … there are other “creatures” on this planet who will not be saved as well …  


I never believed there was a time when “Adam and Eve” … were the only ones on this planet … there were always other “life forms” on the planet as well … There are ancient legends, about this, which I find interesting and plausible  and will write about one day … But  only the hubris of man could believe they are the one and only of God …  so  mankind needs to get over that concept ... most especially the fundamentalist religious of all faiths ... need to  think deeper about the power and glory of God across all of creation, all galaxies and all the universes ... all dimensions ... seen and unseen ... 

I have written about the “so called” contract the USA has with extraterrestrials … now this makes it sound,  like all “alien life forms”,  are friendly … ET,  the movie type of dudes …  that by universal balance alone,  cannot be true … there has to be “bad” with the good … as we have on this planet … good  people as well as evil ones… so how are we to know,  who the good guys are and who are the bad guys,   from other worlds … when  most of the time we cannot even tell the good guys,  from the bad guys here on earth ???   there was a time England thought, they could enter into a contract with Hitler and he would leave England  alone during WWII   ... history showed how "trusting Hitler turned out" ... also Stalin post WWII,  the countries he "was given" he turned them into Communists hell holes ... 

Here is an  interesting article about "hostile aliens" vising earth

The stories on the videos below are interesting to me … “aliens” came to children … especially the one at the Ariel School … where the aliens wanted to warn the children, about the future and a great “deception” that would come to earth (my thoughts…. we are living such now, with the covid virus,  being labeled so deadly, you must wear a mask, isolate and get a vaccination) … I wonder if covid is so deadly … why do have to get tested to know if you have the virus…????... If it was so deadly wouldn’t massive amounts of people just be laying in the streets dying, from it??? Sure there are deaths from it … from secondary pre-existing conditions that is …


The aliens who spoke to the children,  about the future … those children are all adults now and capable of making decisions on their own… maybe the aliens hoped that these children as adults would see through the deception … 

or were the aliens trying to warn the children, about the massive use of A.I. and genetic engineering of humans into half human/ half A.I. (technology given to them, by other aliens, under “contract” with the USA) … what is worrisome if Edward Snowden is right and aliens worked,  with Germany and Hitler, during WWII … and after the war went into contract with the USA… so does that mean the aliens think the USA is just as “immoral” a Nation (its leaders that is)  as Germany was during WWII …  if the behavior of the new administration /congress/ senate is a test and the way Biden became President is an indicator … the aliens are right … our government  is just as a deprived as Germany was during WWII …

  in the USA... the bad looks like the good and the good looks like the bad to many ... there is no moral compass or moral certainty in the USA . ... 

   You get societal breakdown after a while when the  people in charge continue to lie because it makes it impossible for people to accept anything, any explanation at face value, and it corrodes the bonds that connect the government to its citizens... those bonds with the people and government in the USA are completely gone ... and I believe the government does not want those "bonds" back with its people ... they want the people in "bondage instead" ... and is this what the aliens wanted to warn the children about in the video below ... 

"aliens are here" stories ...
It clearly shows how there can be a global cover-up ... there was no widespread media reports on these stories when they happened ... 

and the above picture, drawn by a child in  the first video looks eerily familiar to me,  for it looks just like the picture, I saw drawn by a young boy (he drew it 40 years ago, in Kinnelon, NJ)... the Kinnelon boy said he saw "a space ship and aliens" in the woods behind his house  ...