Monday, January 11, 2021

Fast tracked or already made?... and ...What is the point of the jab?


Yes, it is evil what China did with the release of the Wuhan virus (which stunningly,  so many refuse to believe came, from China) … These same people would be stunned to know there are such labs operating in their own states …regards  Plum Island (which ironically is now for sale) it has gotten to high profile for the government to keep … on this island the experiments were exclusively on animals … horrible  treatment of animals … from shooting them up with all types of diseases to attempting to hybrid them into other species … by gene splitting… the pain and suffering those animals went through is demonic in nature… and I wonder at times, if the people who work in such facilities,   if tested would they be shown to be psychopaths, for torturing and hurting animals is one sign of such…

It is “alleged” yet hard to prove since the government, like the church hides or destroys all records of misbehavior … that the “West Nile virus” was experimented with, on the animals at Plum Island and it “escaped from the island” years ago, via birds …a West Nile strain that could jump from animals to humans …


My cousin, who is a successful veterinarian of large breeds, down south, specializing in equines… always wonder … how they developed a vaccine for horses, so fast after the “outbreak” first appeared on the scene with West Nile virus … Now “so fast” to my cousin back then was a period of 5 years … before the outbreak of the West Nile virus, first appeared on the scene for all of us to witnessed … was  On August 23, 1999, an infectious disease physician from a hospital in northern Queens contacted the New York City Department of Health (NYCDOH) to report two patients with encephalitis. On investigation, NYCDOH initially identified a cluster of six patients with encephalitis, five of whom had profound muscle weakness , with axonal neuropathy by electromyelogram and requiring respiratory support ...

within 5 years of the above there was a vaccination for equine West Nile virus... (which my cousin the Vet considered to be stunningly fast to develop such)... her opinion was "they already had the vaccination", from their experimentation on animals years before, and they just kept it off the market, but since it was "high profile", after the outbreak  ... they no longer could do so...

May sound off the wall ... but it is well known there are medical treatments available that are kept off the market or suppressed ... only coming onto the market,  when the powers that be allow them to  ... there are also many medicines that can treat "off label diseases", which insurance companies will not pay for ...this is the power and control of big pharma and their lobbyists on capital hill  ...

  My family are “horse people”… many of us owned and raised horses in our lifetimes (including me) … so the subject matter is of interest to me …and vaccinations of our animals was and is common place ... yet I remember one of my animals dying (when I was a child) and it was post his vaccination,  a complication of said ...

So I wonder was the vaccination for covid-19... really "fast-tracked", and as they are pushing a "miracle" ....  or was it already made, prior to the release of the virus in China ... I tend to think it was already made and just off the market until they could release it,  when people would be so scared, about the virus,  they would take it .... the media pushes,  how bad the virus is and how it is unknown if there will be lasting complications,  from the virus ... yet they are silent on the complications from the "new covid" vaccinations and it is unknown and untested to see what the long term complications,  from this drug will be ... and all drug companies have immunity from any complications,  from their vaccines ... so if they kill you with it, or cripple you or cause any injury  ... they are not liable at all!  

To come full circle it is interesting to note,  from the "horses and their West Nile vaccinations"... came the bases of the covid vaccine ... for that vaccine was the world's first DNA vaccine... most disturbing,  this is a fact that I did not know until recently... that our family horses were receiving  "DNA altering vaccinations" in the West Nile vaccination ...  and what is even more disturbing to me is how in these "experimental labs",  they are the ones creating viruses and bacteria that jumps from animals to people or from people to animals ... sick bastards each and everyone of them ...

And what is the point of the jab????!!!  The covid vaccination that is

I have another family member who is a physician in another state ... He received the covid vaccination ... he is older and still practices medicine,  so he did so to protect his patients (I disagreed,  with him and told him so) ... yet to my amazement ... I asked him does this mean you do not  have to wear the dumb mask anymore in public or social distant ...  since you are now vaccinated  against the virus ... he said No ... he still has to wear the mask in public and obey all the other "rules" in regards to not spreading the virus ... what the F ... what is the point of the vaccination then if you cannot "return to normal" after you receive it ???

And how effective is the vaccination ... if it cannot give you immunity,  from getting it or spreading the virus ...that was and is the promise of being vaccinated "to get back to normal" ... yet even with said ... they are telling you (the powers that be) you still need to wear a mask and social distance... So What is The Point of the Jab!!!  

So I ended my conservation,  with my family member ... by saying to him ... so your vaccination and everyone else's  is nothing but a giant mind fuck on us all ... for they are still going to control our behavior and force us to wear masks and stay away from each other ... his response was "probably" ...

    we are witnessing an atomic size  mind fuck in the world,  on all people  ... they do not intend to allow us to return to "normal" ...or as Joe Biden puts it "they intend to build back better" or as George H Bush put it ... "new world order"