Friday, January 8, 2021

Lilith ... I like her! The Misogynistic writers of the Old Testament did not, hence they made her a demon and baby killer


What ticks me off the most ... most descriptions of Lilith are that she had golden hair... yep,  they not only trash independent women, via Lilith,  they trash "blondes" of which,  I am one

Below is the story of Lilith... like so many "first wives" who backed their husbands in their "early years", only to have the marriage go south, when the husband started to become successful, and the woman started to show her independence ... poor man they say ... his first wife was such a bitch ... but was she???  .. is she  a "demon" 

Not many know about Lilith and when they preform "plays"  about Adam and Eve in Lancaster. PA... the "virtuous" man,  named Adam... stands with his "beloved" Eve and God somehow "mystically marries them" ... it all seems so pure and innocent and virginal  ... why Eve,  she will have her first experience,  with a man,  with Adam (this is true)  and most think Adam,  will have his first experience with a woman with Eve... (this is not true) ... NO ... Adam's been "around"... he was married before, he was not "virginal" ... yet in my native religion you are never taught about Lilith ... she like so many ... was "banned from the Bible"     

Lilith was Adam's first wife (yes good old Adam was married twice) ... now Lilith was made equal by God, equal to Adam in all ways,   except between the legs Adam and Lilith had different equipment in that area... but other than that ... they were completely equal ... no taking of Adam's rib to make her ... nope she was created,  from dust just like Adam... side by side and equal in all things, except genitals, which were uniquely designed so they would "fit together", when the two were intimate ...  

Now the "misogynists of the past" ... did not like that story and I do not like the story they made up ever since,  about Lilith   ... basically they say,  she was a bitch and challenged Adam's way of trying to dominate her... the story turned "sexually" of course it did  ... it seems Adam like the "missionary position",  during sex" , which is no more than the male-superiority position ... man on top woman on the bottom ... now Lilith did not mind this ... but Lilith wanted "variation" ... to spice things up a bit,  so to say ... Adam took the "I am man" attitude and refused to give in to Lilith and mix things up a bit Lilith basically said,  screw you (or no screwing you)  ... we were created equal and you do  not get to call all the shots or positions  in "our relationship"  ... real relationships and partnerships are like that ... give and take ... Adam seemed to want to just "take" ... so Lilith was the first female to "just say no"... 

I have written many stories in the past on many subject areas and one subject was "rape" ... women feel powerless,  for they are forced to do things they do not want to do... and rape can occur in marriages ... just because someone is labeled a spouse,  does not mean they can do whatever they want to their wives ... the ancient writers of the Torah and the "bible" believed ... women were possessions and property,  first of their fathers ... then of their husbands and they had "no rights" ... no voice ... do what they say or you risk losing your life,  if you were a female back then ... still do in some religions and cultures  now ...  

So what to do with a "woman" who refuses to obey "her man" ... why you make her a devil and you make her disobedient to the will of  God ... you go on to say she seduces  men in their sleep and gives them wet dreams and also you make her a baby killer ... all because she challenged Adam (the male authority) ... this is the story and fate of woman in all religions ... and Eve ... Adam's second wife did not fair much better ... why she could not be created the way Adam was that would give her to much independence ... so the writers of the second story of creation ... took a rib from Adam to make Eve ... so she would know her place in life ... if not for Adam's rib she would not exist ... so stay,  by his side and obey him like a dog ... 

women get trashed in every religion ... just look at what they did to Mary Magdalene ... and the prayer of a "faithful"??? Jew ... "lord thank you for not making me a woman"

Lilith’s relationship with Adam is a different matter. Their conflict is one of patriarchal authority versus matriarchal desire for emancipation, and the warring couple cannot reconcile. They represent the archetypal battle of the sexes. Neither attempts to solve their dispute or to reach some kind of compromise where they take turns being on top (literally and figuratively). Man cannot cope with woman’s desire for freedom, and woman will settle for nothing less. In the end, they both lose.

The more I think of this story it is a typical story of those who had a "first marriage and divorced" ... the failure to compromise and listen to your partner and try to meet their needs ... any relationship or partnership has to based in "give and take"... Adam and Lilith lacked in those skills , but I still like her :) ... 

But the story of Eve,  did not turn out all that well either... she is blamed for the fall of mankind,  via giving a piece of fruit to Adam... now Adam did not have the balls to say,  "yes to Lilith" and get a little funky in the bedroom ... but with Eve,  he did not have the balls to say,  "No" to her and not eat the fruit she gave him ... what the heck Adam ... grow a pair! Take a little personal responsibility and initiative ... 

Which brings me to this story ...was Eve created from Adam's rib ??? Biologically Adam (men) are not missing a rib that would have formed Eve... so what bone did the creator use to make Eve... and what bone is missing in men??? 

there is a man, who has an interesting and somewhat funny theory about this subject ... he believes Eve was formed,  from a Adam's  Baculum  (also known as the penis bonepenile bone,) it is a bone found in the penis of many placental mammals. But it is absent in the human penis, but present in the penises of other primates, such as the gorilla and chimpanzee.  

Almost as if God was saying to Adam ... "don't screw up your second marriage" and to make sure you do not,  I am giving Eve your "baculum" ...and she is the only one you will be able to get a "rise" with ... 

 During his Society of Systematic Biologists presidential address,  Evolution meeting, Jack Sullivan mentioned a rather…unusual…article. (Well, letter, technically.) Congenital Human Baculum Deficiency, by Scott Gilbert and Ziony Zevit was published in the American Journal of Medical Genetics in 2001; it describes their hypothesis that Genesis 2:21-23 doesn’t mean Eve came from one of Adam’s ribs, she came from his baculum.   

Sweet !!! you go God ... now that settles the argument ... both male and female need work with each other,  from the Bedroom to the Boardroom ... so get over it ... it is the divine design ... 

But my native religion still thinks women are "second class and demons", as do several other main stream religions and have no place in leadership or priestly roles,  within the Church.  and if a priest sleeps with one (a woman that is) he is violated and defiled ... but if the same  priest  has sexual relationships,  with another man  or even a child ... he is still holy and pure before the eyes of God... (well according to them that is) you know those guys who hold "the keys to heaven" ...  

Come to think about it … I allowed myself to “be under” a priest many times (spiritual direction that is) … yes because he was / is  labeled the “superior figure” in any relationship a mystic has with God … wow… how dumb was I … and there were times,  I did feel “spiritually raped”, by the church … they saying,  “you can only get to God this way” and they always call the “position” a person had to be in to be “holy” … wow… they are in many ways like good old Adam, with his wife Lilith … we will only have sexually relationship in this fashion!  … The church states,  we can only have spirituality in the position they demand … and if you refuse … you will go down in history as a demon … just the way they did with Lilith …

My … my … I think we all have been spiritually raped, by the church on some level and been called demons, when we called out the rape …

One former spiritual director wanted me to read about mystics … I basically refused … for I will not and do not follow in the footsteps of anyone labeled “holy”, by the church, for they have basically “bastardized” the word holy … and if they call you holy … beware … 

 I akin myself more to Lilith… she had brass and sass, attributes I admire in women and men!  

According to Catholic teaching “marriage” is the only sacrament you give to “each other” and the church is only witness to it … yet the church insists that they have to “control your marriage”… when you can and when you cannot get married … so even though they “say” it is a sacrament you give to each other … the church wants to tell who, when and where, you can and cannot marry … so the whole thought process  of the church is BS, concerning  marriage … it is a means of control,  by the church nothing more … and it is and always was my opinion everyone should have access to the Eucharist  … and if you really believe in the Eucharist  being the true presence of Jesus Christ … it would take a lot of balls to tell someone … no you cannot receive Him (the Savior and son of God) … wow… freak’n … wow … imagine the soul that did this on judgement  day … saying …“well yeah,  Jesus,  I did not give that man or woman the Eucharist  because I believed they were not worthy of you and they did not play,  by the rules, we as men established here on earth”…   

As or me I would give the Eucharist to anyone who asked for it … I would make sure they consumed it before me … that is all… for I cannot read a heart … I do not know the intent of the soul before me only God does and it is “God/ the Savior”, I am giving the soul before me  in the Eucharist and if you believe in God’s divine power … he was well aware of this soul coming and asking to receive him… so I will not deny the soul … for I would be terrified of the consequences to me,  with me refusing a soul God himself in the Eucharist … God is a big boy and does not need for me to “protect him in such a fashion”… I can see if the Host is not consumed in front of you and the person wants to take the Host to desecrated it, for this I would refuse the person and I would lay down my life in doing so …

As for the “annulment bullshit” the church teaches and divorced Catholics cannot receive the Eucharist … it is a scam … I know first-hand it is a scam … I am divorced … I have an annulment, all it was is a “shake down for money” … which,  the church should have paid me!!! For it was the church that forced me and my former husband into pre- canna classes and then it was the church,  who “Okayed the marriage” … so at the very least the church owed me all my costs for a marriage inside their building (which was a lot of money ), after all they approved it… and at the far end,  I should have sued the church for “mal practice”, they made the call the marriage was ok to perform  …  so who made the “mistake”,  which warranted an annulment  … the couple or the church who approved the marriage… it was the church … and as always they never take responsibility,  for their own screw ups,  but blame the laity … and the scary thing is the laity believe them!   

And at least the Church forgets and all Christians and Jews … Adam was married twice and he never got a “divorce”, from Lilith nor an “annulment”, when Adam “married” Eve and they lived in the Garden of Eden and God himself walked with them until they “fell from grace”… so is it appropriate for the church to deny a “divorce person” the Eucharist … NO … for God himself walked with the  twice married Adam, who did not obtain an annulment …

How much do I believe this … over the decades,  I told divorced people to go and receive Communion … go to Jesus in the Eucharist  he is the only one who can help you… they in fear would say … God will punish them … I would say … “it is on me, tell God it is on me, I told you to go” … for I would rather be struck dead,  by the divine power for sending a soul to the Eucharist, then keeping them from God truly present in the Eucharist  … and obeying a bullshit,  arbitrary man-made law of the church… God is first and I will send as many souls to God as I can … People need Jesus Christ in the Eucharistic, not bullshit man-made rules and regulations the church itself does not keep… for it through Jesus Christ your sins are forgiven, not man … 

And to the credit of a few priests, I have known over the years ... they personally remarried people who were divorced and had no annulment and they also gave them the Eucharist ... a priest is called to bring people to Jesus Christ... not to judge them or deny them God ... we still live in the time of salvation and mercy ... but the judging of others and refusing them God is rapidly calling down the justice of God  ...  

I believe Pope Frances has a lot of "evil ways,  about him" ... yet in regards to giving the Eucharist  to divorced Catholics  he is correct (even the devil speaks truth at times)  ...      Every one needs to get themselves to Jesus Truly Present in the Eucharist ... time is short      This is an old theme for me I have written about it in the past ...