Sunday, January 17, 2021

Can you fill it up with “regular” and let me stop by the grocery store, after getting gas …

Grocery list

1)     Eggs

2)    Milk

3)    Bread

4)    Covid vaccination  


Whole Foods is way too pricey for me and it is owned by Amazon and that SOB has taken over the world commercially… I do like “Kings”… but they can be a bit pricey as well … so go to local supermarkets that have specialty foods within it … such as a Shoprite in Little Falls, NJ … I shopped there a few days ago and was surprised to see a section of the store roped off and nurses present… I asked what was going on and they said …”we are a designated vaccination center” … what the fuck!!!  … So I checked online for other “designated vaccination centers” … they are freak’n  all over the place… like a  bad horror movie  with a deadly flesh eating virus attacking all of mankind, which covid is not!!!!   …


Also,  I have been talking to people who swore up and down they would  not “take a covid vaccination” … putting their names on waiting  lists to get it … It is true, Hitler's SS was right tell a  lie long enough and it becomes truth !!!  OMG … the fear got to these people … even members of my own family!!!  I am becoming a man without a country (especially true once Biden is President)  

 the ones wanting the vaccine are the ones,  who stayed locked in their homes for the most part… I have been working all during the “pandemic” , I have literally been in contact with thousands and thousands of people over the last year … I have yet to see someone drop before me dying,  with covid … I have yet to see any retail store designated “essential” shut down,  due to the fact they have covid positive workers … it just does not  happen … I know this for fact … the public should only know how many stores they shop in that have covid positive workers therein … the big corporations have the power to cover-up their covid positive cases and also HIPPA laws would apply … not so if you are a small business … you have one covid positive case  you are labeled… a “danger to society”… this is such bullshit …   


And why are people getting  randomly tested for covid … even those who feel fine go out and do this … again what the fuck … it almost like they want to turn up positive … what a sick mentality … every sneeze or cough is now… “You should get tested for covid”… get a grip!!!   

And now in Wayne, NJ  … as you fill up your car with gas … you can also get tested for covid…. If this is not a giant mind fuck on us all nothing is …

And at ShopRite and Exxon in NJ … covid has become somewhat of a “gimmick” to get customers... there is a whole "cottage industry around covid" ... from local testing centers to now vaccination centers... from the mask making industry to the making of outside tents to dine in ...

Buy gas with us and get tested for covid … shop with us and get vaccinated for covid  …My God … My God … we are all “sick”… mentally ill that is, weak in resolve and faith  for we can manipulated so easily ….  

and coming soon to a travel agent near you  ... your "covid passport"...