Sunday, January 31, 2021

Biden vows to defeat domestic terrorism and the Mandela Effect

 wow ... freak'n wow... the man who remained silent when our cities burned, at the hands of BLM and antifa  ... now takes a vow to defeat domestic terrorism ... head's up Trump supporters, Biden means you...

True ... true ... we as Americans... "if we do not go along" ... will be treated like a terrorist ... 

And I dare say ... just as the "evil-doer" (I use his own words on him)  George  W Bush ... and the congress instituted the "Patriot Act", post 9/11... the bullshit act created to spy on Americans and take away their liberties (which was used against President Trump, with the bullshit Russian investigation)  ... I am sure Joe Biden will jack that up even more and create a Patriot Act 2 ... to spy even further on American citizens... it will be like what China does now to its citizens ... after all Hunter Biden has ties to those types of military  contracts in China, the ones that use massive severance on its own people ... so doing such in the USA will make the Biden family really rich!    

                        will the rioters in Portland be on Biden's list  ... probably not 

It is all about covid … nothing else exists in the world … amazing... 

Life is not for living anymore … it is for your daily covid updates and all things new with c-19…

This game will go on forever or as long as society will tolerate it …  no one is pushing back,  so keep feeding them shit on a shingle … they seem to enjoy it …   

The "latest thing" now,  for all things covid is covid sniffing dogs ... yes for those of you who refuse to go and get a covid test (at least weekly)  ... man's best friend will "sniff you out" ... wow!!!

these 4 legged friends of man,  will be used at NBA games and to that I say ... who the hell wants to go to any of your games anyhow... the NBA ( a registered trade mark of Communist China) ...  

And the latest from WHO (yes we are back to listening to that Communist Chinese run organization, via Biden administration) is now telling us the covid vaccine is good for pregnant women... yes if you cannot get them to abort the baby give the pregnant mother a vaccine that will screw up the developing child's, DNA and RNA forever ... 

and remember the drug Trump said would help,  with some case of covid and he was ripped into by WHO and the saintly Dr. Fauci... Trump was right ... 

In NYC if you have covid or think you do,  the City will pay for you to stay in a hotel for 14 days ... of course the City will not pay their cops to keep the law  in NYC ... but they will pay for hotel rooms for anyone with covid or t hose who need to self isolate because they think they might have covid or have been exposed to it ....

We have all been "exposed to covid",  but I see no massive deaths in the streets over it ... I work in retail and the store has had many cases of covid among its employees and they all came back to work looking better than they did prior to the virus ... 

They all look great after having covid ...whereas take your chances with the vaccine 

of course the public is never told about the cases of covid in the store ... the corporation is afraid the massive amounts of people who shop there would stop coming in ... it is all about money in the end 

 Yet people are lining up to get this vaccine ... I do not get it ... 

This blog hopefully makes you think... you might disagree with it ... but  hopefully you are thinking about the topics and using your frontal lobes ... not just your lower brain that causes you to have "flight or fight"  ... rational thought is needed... it seems to me that most of the world is running on fear of a virus that has not been truly proven to be so deadly, the PR/ media behind the virus and the actions taken in the name of the virus are what is deadly to your psyche and to the economy  ... so I am going to briefly write about so meting "sci-fi" ... is all of this part of an experiment / a programming  ...i.e. the "Mandela effect" ...

Somehow the collective thinking ... personal thinking is being changed and manipulated, by an unknown powerful source... we are not remembering things as they really happened anymore   

you would be surprised to learn how many educated and very successful people believe that we live in a computer simulation ... by some higher power (not God) who is controlling and manipulating us all ... I briefly  mentioned this is  prior post ... not calling it the "Mandela effect" ... but saying... demons control this planet ... they always have and Christ came to save us from the pain and suffering caused by these demons ...

With the Mandela effect it is saying something even worse ... we are in a computer simulation and a "higher power" again  not God is causing it ... God gives us a way out of it via his Son and faith ... the higher power so to say are commonly called "aliens or demons"... they are stronger than us, smarter than us and have advanced technologies we cannot even dream about ...  

But you do not need to have a "long memory to recall hypocrites" in the media ... unless you are "choosing to forget"