Friday, January 29, 2021

Booooost ...

 Boost ... popular TV ad to boost your credit score ... corporations, banks ... well just about everyone can and do get your credit score and then they determine if you can rent an apartment, buy a house or car, get a job  ... even your ability to get health insurance ...  based on your credit score ... missed a  payment, cannot pay your doctor's co-pays ... well your credit score will be in the tubes for the next 10 plus years ... so suck it up ... and stay poor and add to those payments you can no longer make ... because your credit score is to low and hence no one will  hire you! ... they want to keep you poor ... if you are poor they can control you and you will be glad when then give you a $600 check each month as guaranteed income (oh wait,  they did  not tell you that will be taxable income to you) ... 

Throughout  history  the way to control society is to keep them poor and destroy the middle class ... the rich will survive anything and they tend to "go along to get along" ...

But what is worse than a negative credit score ... the "new score" coming to America, which is straight out of China ...the "social credit system" ... President Trump and Mike Lindell,  already are on the list of being "bad"  

What is the Chinese Social Credit System?
  1. Part of a series on. The Social Credit System (Chinese: 社会信用体系; pinyin: shèhuì xìnyòng tǐxì) is a national reputation system being developed by the Chinese government. By 2020, it is intended to standardize the assessment of citizens' and businesses' economic and social reputation, or 'Social Credit'
  2. China plans to rank all its citizens based on their "social credit" by 2020. People can be rewarded or punished according to their scores. Like private financial credit scores, a person's social scores can move up and down according to their behavior.
of course the Communist Chinese determine what good and bad behavior is ... in the USA it will be the Dems, and the giant Social media / Tech oligarchs...


To all of those who just had to have … the new iPhone's, with facial recognition… you signed yourselves up for a social credit score, I have literally seen hundreds of people take off their masks in the store I work in to be able to “open their iPhone”  … and for those who are commenting on Facebook… twitter, YouTube, Instagram, snap chat and now the hottest Chinese instrument to get all your info …TicTok … it will all be used one day to give you a social credit score … your future employers, will check it … you will not be able to travel if your social score is to low, buy or sell things  … and society in general will shun you …