Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Countdown to disclosure... day 23 of 180 days


 … remember when Trump, said he would release the details about the JFK assassination and the CIA and FBI told him not do so and Trump folded … all documents concerning the  the murder of JFK, are supposed to be released 50 years after the death … will see  if that happens in 2023 … I would not hold my breath … but a little known fact of the covid relief bill Trump signed (which gave us all $600, instead of $2,000  and as such lost us the Senate in GA)… there is a provision in the bill stating, the powers that be have 180 days to release all it knows about aliens / UFOs… I am not holding my breath about that one either    ...


There is overwhelming evidence extraterrestrials are here and have been here since the “beginning of time” as humans calculate it to be… I have come to believe, the only way a human being does not acknowledge this is due to the fact, they are in a state of denial, not fact. It would disturb their thinking and the world they created for themselves. I have seen firsthand over the last year how fragile the thinking of mankind is and how easily they are controlled, by lies and misinformation in the form of truth… I have seen how easily humans will bend to unlawful authority or threats.


There are so many things on this planet alone that are kept hidden from us… and I will end by paraphrasing Christ,  when he said … “how can I explain to you the glories of God, when you do not even understand the things of man” …  

 Yes Christ came as a "Savior" but he also came as a teacher... to tell us about the power we have within us ... that we could do what he did and much more through the power of faith .. instead we surrender this power to humans be they the hierarchy of the Church or a globalist cabal ...