Saturday, January 30, 2021

I made a "mistake" is not an excuse for murder


Juan Williams always tries to defend the defenseless … as in there is no defense for such actions … no matter the reason … imagine a world if you could murder someone or even thousands of people and just be able to say … “I made a mistake” … wow freak’n wow… but this is exactly what Juan Williams tries to say about Gov. Cuomo … whose direct actions caused thousands to die in nursing homes … yet when it came to the former President Trump and his so called asking people to riot and breach the Capital building (which Trump did not do) … Juan Williams shows there is no mercy or “he made  mistake” … this is why Fox news is rapidly going down the tubes…

I find the nursing home story to be personally grave … for like New York … Pennsylvania has the same “rules” in regards to nursing homes… no visitors, no accountability for those running these nursing homes… the owners of said facilities can and do … whatever they want,  with the patients for they know the families of these patients cannot advocate for them in person …

My cousin died in one such nursing home, in PA about a month ago … she was 10 years younger than me and was in the nursing home for rehab… to make a long story short she developed massive bedsores and died of septic shock stemming from this … the family was never told about this issue and they were barred, from seeing my cousin due to covid restrictions, which is bullshit … if you are  hospitalized or in a nursing home and do not have an advocate present there … your medical care is substandard,  plain and simple… they can do whatever they want with “immunity”,  for there are no witnesses to what they do/ did … most especially in nursing homes … which, I find offense and it must have been a demon who thought up the idea … take your elderly and dump them in a home,  so you do not have to deal with them … this was just another attack on the family, in the past families took care of their elderly at home … now the grown children of these elderly parents just do not have the time (so they say)  or the heart to take care of their own parents or family … sick level of self-absorption in society today and no sense of “pay back” or even karma … as you take of your parents,  your children will take of you …  

So society created “nursing homes” to house the elderly  so “polite society” does not have to see what they go through in their final years … cursed and heartless are those who place their family members into a nursing home just to get “rid of them” … it is like placing them in jail …  worse for they did nothing to break the law... of course there are exceptions when your loved one needs constant medical care, which cannot be provided at home ...

Nursing homes, like jails for the most part are private industries, run by private corporations… and they are mandated to follow the rules of the State they are operating in … so to the governor of the State of PA … my cousin’s death is on you (and your covid restrictions) and your allowing such a sleazy nursing home to remaining in operation …

And for the thousands of elderly that were “killed” via Governor Cuomo’s executive order … those deaths are on him … you can pretend you did nothing … but one day you will literally have a “come to Jesus moment”   and the Cuomo family has the nerve to say on cable TV (the governor's brother is a "news anchor" on CNN) that they "took care of Mamma", meaning they took her out of a nursing home and provided her with care at home during the pandemic  ...

To make matters even worse the Catholic Church and religious orders are heavily invested in owning and maintaining  nursing homes as well ... housing the elderly after they convince them to leave the "church in their will"... I have personally seen this time and time again over my lifetime ... and I could name names here (as in religious orders) but I choose not to ... 

Nursing homes are big business and they make a lot of money ... and now they  have become "killing fields" for the elderly ... and the total abandonment of the Commandment "Honor your father and mother" ...  Shame on the system that allows this and shame on the families that do this to their family members ... especially those who call themselves "pro-life" and men and women of God ...