Sunday, January 31, 2021

The Pope and Vigano go at it over the covid vaccine


and it appears Vigano is on the side of Jesus Christ ... and I have written about this in the past ... I have  seen outside a Catholic Church a sign that stated "wearing a mask is pro life " ... really ... freak'n really ... what about the people who died by,  "Catholic Governor Cuomo" and  his executive order" ... 

Gov. Cuomo callously dismisses COVID report: 'Who cares'

what about Catholic Biden's stance on abortion right up to birth and beyond ... ah the list goes on and on... but wear a mask!!!!  ...  a mention here to the "upright and moral" Catholic Nancy Pelosi ... after all she has told us again and again how much she "prays" for people ... I think she means,  "she preys on people" ...  

Biden vows to defeat domestic terrorism and the Mandela Effect

 wow ... freak'n wow... the man who remained silent when our cities burned, at the hands of BLM and antifa  ... now takes a vow to defeat domestic terrorism ... head's up Trump supporters, Biden means you...

True ... true ... we as Americans... "if we do not go along" ... will be treated like a terrorist ... 

And I dare say ... just as the "evil-doer" (I use his own words on him)  George  W Bush ... and the congress instituted the "Patriot Act", post 9/11... the bullshit act created to spy on Americans and take away their liberties (which was used against President Trump, with the bullshit Russian investigation)  ... I am sure Joe Biden will jack that up even more and create a Patriot Act 2 ... to spy even further on American citizens... it will be like what China does now to its citizens ... after all Hunter Biden has ties to those types of military  contracts in China, the ones that use massive severance on its own people ... so doing such in the USA will make the Biden family really rich!    

                        will the rioters in Portland be on Biden's list  ... probably not 

It is all about covid … nothing else exists in the world … amazing... 

Life is not for living anymore … it is for your daily covid updates and all things new with c-19…

This game will go on forever or as long as society will tolerate it …  no one is pushing back,  so keep feeding them shit on a shingle … they seem to enjoy it …   

The "latest thing" now,  for all things covid is covid sniffing dogs ... yes for those of you who refuse to go and get a covid test (at least weekly)  ... man's best friend will "sniff you out" ... wow!!!

these 4 legged friends of man,  will be used at NBA games and to that I say ... who the hell wants to go to any of your games anyhow... the NBA ( a registered trade mark of Communist China) ...  

And the latest from WHO (yes we are back to listening to that Communist Chinese run organization, via Biden administration) is now telling us the covid vaccine is good for pregnant women... yes if you cannot get them to abort the baby give the pregnant mother a vaccine that will screw up the developing child's, DNA and RNA forever ... 

and remember the drug Trump said would help,  with some case of covid and he was ripped into by WHO and the saintly Dr. Fauci... Trump was right ... 

In NYC if you have covid or think you do,  the City will pay for you to stay in a hotel for 14 days ... of course the City will not pay their cops to keep the law  in NYC ... but they will pay for hotel rooms for anyone with covid or t hose who need to self isolate because they think they might have covid or have been exposed to it ....

We have all been "exposed to covid",  but I see no massive deaths in the streets over it ... I work in retail and the store has had many cases of covid among its employees and they all came back to work looking better than they did prior to the virus ... 

They all look great after having covid ...whereas take your chances with the vaccine 

of course the public is never told about the cases of covid in the store ... the corporation is afraid the massive amounts of people who shop there would stop coming in ... it is all about money in the end 

 Yet people are lining up to get this vaccine ... I do not get it ... 

This blog hopefully makes you think... you might disagree with it ... but  hopefully you are thinking about the topics and using your frontal lobes ... not just your lower brain that causes you to have "flight or fight"  ... rational thought is needed... it seems to me that most of the world is running on fear of a virus that has not been truly proven to be so deadly, the PR/ media behind the virus and the actions taken in the name of the virus are what is deadly to your psyche and to the economy  ... so I am going to briefly write about so meting "sci-fi" ... is all of this part of an experiment / a programming  ...i.e. the "Mandela effect" ...

Somehow the collective thinking ... personal thinking is being changed and manipulated, by an unknown powerful source... we are not remembering things as they really happened anymore   

you would be surprised to learn how many educated and very successful people believe that we live in a computer simulation ... by some higher power (not God) who is controlling and manipulating us all ... I briefly  mentioned this is  prior post ... not calling it the "Mandela effect" ... but saying... demons control this planet ... they always have and Christ came to save us from the pain and suffering caused by these demons ...

With the Mandela effect it is saying something even worse ... we are in a computer simulation and a "higher power" again  not God is causing it ... God gives us a way out of it via his Son and faith ... the higher power so to say are commonly called "aliens or demons"... they are stronger than us, smarter than us and have advanced technologies we cannot even dream about ...  

But you do not need to have a "long memory to recall hypocrites" in the media ... unless you are "choosing to forget"  

Saturday, January 30, 2021

I made a "mistake" is not an excuse for murder


Juan Williams always tries to defend the defenseless … as in there is no defense for such actions … no matter the reason … imagine a world if you could murder someone or even thousands of people and just be able to say … “I made a mistake” … wow freak’n wow… but this is exactly what Juan Williams tries to say about Gov. Cuomo … whose direct actions caused thousands to die in nursing homes … yet when it came to the former President Trump and his so called asking people to riot and breach the Capital building (which Trump did not do) … Juan Williams shows there is no mercy or “he made  mistake” … this is why Fox news is rapidly going down the tubes…

I find the nursing home story to be personally grave … for like New York … Pennsylvania has the same “rules” in regards to nursing homes… no visitors, no accountability for those running these nursing homes… the owners of said facilities can and do … whatever they want,  with the patients for they know the families of these patients cannot advocate for them in person …

My cousin died in one such nursing home, in PA about a month ago … she was 10 years younger than me and was in the nursing home for rehab… to make a long story short she developed massive bedsores and died of septic shock stemming from this … the family was never told about this issue and they were barred, from seeing my cousin due to covid restrictions, which is bullshit … if you are  hospitalized or in a nursing home and do not have an advocate present there … your medical care is substandard,  plain and simple… they can do whatever they want with “immunity”,  for there are no witnesses to what they do/ did … most especially in nursing homes … which, I find offense and it must have been a demon who thought up the idea … take your elderly and dump them in a home,  so you do not have to deal with them … this was just another attack on the family, in the past families took care of their elderly at home … now the grown children of these elderly parents just do not have the time (so they say)  or the heart to take care of their own parents or family … sick level of self-absorption in society today and no sense of “pay back” or even karma … as you take of your parents,  your children will take of you …  

So society created “nursing homes” to house the elderly  so “polite society” does not have to see what they go through in their final years … cursed and heartless are those who place their family members into a nursing home just to get “rid of them” … it is like placing them in jail …  worse for they did nothing to break the law... of course there are exceptions when your loved one needs constant medical care, which cannot be provided at home ...

Nursing homes, like jails for the most part are private industries, run by private corporations… and they are mandated to follow the rules of the State they are operating in … so to the governor of the State of PA … my cousin’s death is on you (and your covid restrictions) and your allowing such a sleazy nursing home to remaining in operation …

And for the thousands of elderly that were “killed” via Governor Cuomo’s executive order … those deaths are on him … you can pretend you did nothing … but one day you will literally have a “come to Jesus moment”   and the Cuomo family has the nerve to say on cable TV (the governor's brother is a "news anchor" on CNN) that they "took care of Mamma", meaning they took her out of a nursing home and provided her with care at home during the pandemic  ...

To make matters even worse the Catholic Church and religious orders are heavily invested in owning and maintaining  nursing homes as well ... housing the elderly after they convince them to leave the "church in their will"... I have personally seen this time and time again over my lifetime ... and I could name names here (as in religious orders) but I choose not to ... 

Nursing homes are big business and they make a lot of money ... and now they  have become "killing fields" for the elderly ... and the total abandonment of the Commandment "Honor your father and mother" ...  Shame on the system that allows this and shame on the families that do this to their family members ... especially those who call themselves "pro-life" and men and women of God ...  

Friday, January 29, 2021

Booooost ...

 Boost ... popular TV ad to boost your credit score ... corporations, banks ... well just about everyone can and do get your credit score and then they determine if you can rent an apartment, buy a house or car, get a job  ... even your ability to get health insurance ...  based on your credit score ... missed a  payment, cannot pay your doctor's co-pays ... well your credit score will be in the tubes for the next 10 plus years ... so suck it up ... and stay poor and add to those payments you can no longer make ... because your credit score is to low and hence no one will  hire you! ... they want to keep you poor ... if you are poor they can control you and you will be glad when then give you a $600 check each month as guaranteed income (oh wait,  they did  not tell you that will be taxable income to you) ... 

Throughout  history  the way to control society is to keep them poor and destroy the middle class ... the rich will survive anything and they tend to "go along to get along" ...

But what is worse than a negative credit score ... the "new score" coming to America, which is straight out of China ...the "social credit system" ... President Trump and Mike Lindell,  already are on the list of being "bad"  

What is the Chinese Social Credit System?
  1. Part of a series on. The Social Credit System (Chinese: 社会信用体系; pinyin: shèhuì xìnyòng tǐxì) is a national reputation system being developed by the Chinese government. By 2020, it is intended to standardize the assessment of citizens' and businesses' economic and social reputation, or 'Social Credit'
  2. China plans to rank all its citizens based on their "social credit" by 2020. People can be rewarded or punished according to their scores. Like private financial credit scores, a person's social scores can move up and down according to their behavior.
of course the Communist Chinese determine what good and bad behavior is ... in the USA it will be the Dems, and the giant Social media / Tech oligarchs...


To all of those who just had to have … the new iPhone's, with facial recognition… you signed yourselves up for a social credit score, I have literally seen hundreds of people take off their masks in the store I work in to be able to “open their iPhone”  … and for those who are commenting on Facebook… twitter, YouTube, Instagram, snap chat and now the hottest Chinese instrument to get all your info …TicTok … it will all be used one day to give you a social credit score … your future employers, will check it … you will not be able to travel if your social score is to low, buy or sell things  … and society in general will shun you …


This ain't heaven on earth...

I will quote a couple of  heavy  hitters ... first God the Creator ...and then Jesus Christ the Son 

Matthew 19:4
Jesus answered, "Have you not read that from the beginning the Creator 'made them male and female,'

Mark 10:6
However, from the beginning of creation, 'God made them male and female.'

Genesis 1:28
God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and every creature that crawls upon the earth."

Hmmm it seems to me,  there were two distinct gender groups at the zero point of creation  ... male and female and their "biological parts fit" perfectly and when they did,  they could produce another human being (as in being fruitful and multiplying) ... 

AH but there was twist to this story, or is there ... again, I quote one of the two heavy  hitters mentioned above  ... and that would be Jesus Christ ...Christ stated,  there would be no "marrying in heaven" (of course this was written of Christ in the third person, by a "gospel writer" whose real ID will never be known) ... 

 ... but even with this ... Christ never stated there is "no gender in heaven" (not even in the third person, by an unknown author )  ... no it was  Saul of Taurus that pushed  that subject matter ... the "poser" who never met Christ... and to whom Constantine "favored" (Constantine was no friend of truth either ) ... it is amazing how the hierarchy of the Church "cherry picked private revelation" and literally made it "gospel" ... the writings of Saul of Taurus, went on to further manipulate and enhance the words,  spoken by Christ  in the "books of Constantine", which basically are the "approved books" of the Bible , when Constantine  saw the value of the concept and noted its leaders are willing to preach that god will reward those that obey their masters. Yet how does that sit with Saul's words there is neither slave or free???                                

There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave  nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. (words of Saul of Tarsus) ... 

The fact that Saul/Paul later instructs servants to be obedient to their masters (Ephesians 6:5ff), in spite of the fact that Galatians 3:28 says there is “neither bond nor free” in Christ, is in itself a refutation of the theory under consideration.

Second, whack job Saul, seems to be unaware that his teaching abolished sexual roles, yet the demon wrote  1 Timothy, which was penned later than Galatians, he limited the public service of women. So what the F "Saul of Taurus" ... what is it ... Paul's /Saul's thinking unto to itself is "chaotic" and chaos is never... never... never of God ... 

So it was good old Saul who planted the seeds to our current "gender-less" thinking society and amazingly all while keeping females a lesser in the eyes of the hierarchy of the Church ... now that is a giant mind fuck to us all ... and yet the Church still calls Saul the 13 apostle  and places him at equal,  with St. Peter  ...   wow ... freak'n wow ... 

so why the post,  about Saul of Taurus ... for our "new president"  has just removed all barriers to the concept of male and female gender... there no longer is such in the USA ... again thank you, Saul of Tarsus ... and the fact of the matter Joe Biden is a "good Catholic" or what the Church became upon the teachings of Saul of Taurus ... I do  not  think the  Catholic Church is based upon the teachings of Jesus Christ ... no it was  hijacked right out of the gate, it went from St. Peter to Saul of Taurus ... and solidified as such, by Constantine and the hierarchy  of the Church that was "earthly" power driven ... 

So more and more of today's people are coming out as being "gender less"... even newborn babies no longer have their "gender" placed upon their birth certificates ... for the liberal/ globalists there is no "science to prove" a person's gender ... gender is in your "feelings" and that can change day to day or moment to moment ... but these same liberal globalist's say ... there is "science" in what they say about covid-19... global warming ... of course this is limited to "their science" not the findings of other scientists, who oppose their opinions/views...  

Which,  brings me back to Constantine  ... when he noted people are "willing" to obey their "masters"  and backed up by the words of Saul of Taurus in the cannon ... a perfect set up against humanity ... preach in the name of god, tell humanity,  god will reward you for doing so ... (please note,  I wrote god in lower case) for I do not believe Saul of Taurus' teachings were  ever of "God" 

 Saul and Constantine  saw the value of the concept and noted its leaders are willing to preach that god will reward those that obey their masters... so we now live in a world where those seeds have come into fruition  ... and people think "obedience is a virtue" ... so did Hitler's  SS ... and of course the hierarchy of the Church tells us this as well... just shut up and listen to them ... 

Coming to a school near you and in every federal building ... a poster of your "gender" classifications

Parents please,  be aware ... you might one day send your male or female child to school and they come home, with a different gender ... and if you dare to disagree, with your child, they have been given a toll free number to call to have you arrested...  

Jesus Christ “manifested” on earth as a male and as far as I know he did not switch gender, during his lifetime… also as far as I know there was no (that would be zero) discussion on people being transgender in any of the ancient books … it seems to be a relatively new phenomena, and if it is on such a “massive scale” ,which it seems to be, or we are being lead to believe … it makes me wonder,  is it somehow environmental… learned … or exposure to some type of unknown agent … there is much talk about environmental pollution… be it chemical… electromagnetic … genetic manipulation… etc.… 


Former President Trump did frown on Trans genders in the military, his argument was … If you are not “stable” in who you are (as in gender) how can the military trust you to be “stable” on a battlefield…or to make fast judgments under duress … there is logic to that … if you cannot make a personal judgement as to who you are … that personality trait could bleed over into all parts of your life …


But such thinking as  above will soon be “illegal”, under the Biden administration … and of course the so called men of god,  will quote “Saul of Tarsus” … by saying, with “God there is no male or female” … so just be whatever/ whoever you want to be and the law will protect you and god smiles and rejoices in your chaos  … such was never the thinking of Jesus Christ on earth or any of “Christ’s true apostles” …


A thousand years is like a blink of the eye to God … so the demonic takeover of the “true” Church, by Saul of Tarsus… is only now manifesting how evil his words were and are …

If the above stands and the Church... keeps telling the laity Saul of Tarsus was the 13 apostle,  hence his words are "true" and the new laws under Joe Biden have declared being transgender is "science" and any one challenging it will be guilty of discrimination ... I am now declaring that I am not really a female ... I am a male and not only that I am an ordained  priest in the Catholic Church and I demand my own Parish ... no wait, (I changed my mind, the new laws allow for such) and  I now declare,  I am a Cardinal and I want my own room in Rome  ... for I am a "prince of the Church"    


Wednesday, January 20, 2021

WOW freak'n WOW ... dirty Mitch the globalist's bitch

 and once again Trump "folded"... Trump did do many good things ... but on many important things he folded or lied about and gave way to threats 

The truth of who they really are is now revealed

The Republicans hated Trump,  from day one ... they have always been part of the problem for Trump... they just pretended to "like Trump",  for they saw how popular he was with the people (and still is) ... They are the "establishment",  tight with such republicans as the Bush family and the deceased McCain... At this point in time I do not think the Democrats "stole the election" I think they conspired  with the Republicans to give the Dems the election, to get rid of Trump ... Trump had "no allies" in the White House... and they will continue to try to destroy Trump  post his leaving office... for they fear the people will stay loyal to him and elect him in 2024 ... 

As for Mike Pence (yet another man who claims to love God and walk in his ways ) ... nope the man is evil ...  on so  many levels   ...

There is a movement on Facebook ... do not call yourself a Dem ... do not call yourselves a Republican ... call yourself a "Patriot " and try to take the country back ...from both political  parties until they are gone there will be no real freedom in the USA ... there needs to be a strong 3rd political party in this country ... or the bullshit will never end      

Today is the day the USA returns to "normal" ...sadly so true and the dark winter begins

 President Trump was “not normal” … no he went against the grain in most things, most especially the “swamp” … so the “swamp” is back in power and things are back to their “normal”, which usually means the American citizens will have abnormally painful lives and be constantly lied to and manipulated… on their dime, via their taxes …we will once again become the wallet to all foreign nations, while the American people struggle to make ends meet … our children will be given an inferior and twisted education. Our drugs prices will go up and we will become “pincushions” for the amount of vaccinations that will be mandate … mask wearing will be normal and have a permanent place on your face, there will be only one opinion allowed on social media … or any media and that will be controlled,  by the State …

And there is no longer any need for elections … for we already know the outcome of them, we learned that in 2020 … and if you “protest” as a conservative you a labeled a subversive, riot  as a liberal, you are called peaceful protesters… welcome to the Biden administration… or as China would say  to all of the swamp creatures both Dems and Republicans

不用谢!bù yòng xiè         

 I do not understand how it is ok for tens of thousands of people to attend Joe Biden's  inauguration on January 20, 2021,  (includes 25,000 armed troops, which makes it look more like a military takeover,  by a dictator than a free election) ...  ...but it is not ok to have a pro-life rally two days later... fearing covid and too many people together...might spread the virus... the smell of bullshit is overwhelming ...  

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Countdown to disclosure... day 23 of 180 days


 … remember when Trump, said he would release the details about the JFK assassination and the CIA and FBI told him not do so and Trump folded … all documents concerning the  the murder of JFK, are supposed to be released 50 years after the death … will see  if that happens in 2023 … I would not hold my breath … but a little known fact of the covid relief bill Trump signed (which gave us all $600, instead of $2,000  and as such lost us the Senate in GA)… there is a provision in the bill stating, the powers that be have 180 days to release all it knows about aliens / UFOs… I am not holding my breath about that one either    ...

There is overwhelming evidence extraterrestrials are here and have been here since the “beginning of time” as humans calculate it to be… I have come to believe, the only way a human being does not acknowledge this is due to the fact, they are in a state of denial, not fact. It would disturb their thinking and the world they created for themselves. I have seen firsthand over the last year how fragile the thinking of mankind is and how easily they are controlled, by lies and misinformation in the form of truth… I have seen how easily humans will bend to unlawful authority or threats.


There are so many things on this planet alone that are kept hidden from us… and I will end by paraphrasing Christ,  when he said … “how can I explain to you the glories of God, when you do not even understand the things of man” …  

 Yes Christ came as a "Savior" but he also came as a teacher... to tell us about the power we have within us ... that we could do what he did and much more through the power of faith .. instead we surrender this power to humans be they the hierarchy of the Church or a globalist cabal ... 

Monday, January 18, 2021

Class up until the end, Mrs Trump is a rare jewel, which the Nation will never see again


The United States has had scores of First Ladies who have been “zircons” lacking in luster… Melania Trump was the real deal, a diamond of the finest quality…. a woman of class and grace … things not seen any more in First ladies … and I have been graced to be alive during her time as First Lady, she represented our country well and it is sad to see her leave ...                

MJ files ... case file : Robert Dean (1929-2018)

Too many think ... the world is the way it is due to Vatican II, and how it destroyed Catholicism ... or they think, all should covert to Islam  or they think God is interested in "earthly real estate"... such as Jerusalem, the Vatican or other so called "holy sites" on this planet  ... God is so beyond human thought we cannot even imagine it ... God "owns" everything ... all galaxies ... all universes... all creatures great and small on every planet, with life forms on it...

I have never really contemplated  how ignorant mankind on earth was until recently...and this includes myself, and how we allowed ourselves to stay ignorant (with the Church it was  do not seek forbidden knowledge) of course the Church determined what was forbidden ...for over a thousand years 

Index Librorum Prohibitorum... then there was ...Pope Paul IV established the Index of Prohibited Books which banned thousands of book titles and blacklisted publications, including the works of Europe's intellectual elites. This index condemned religious texts, readings of romance, and graded authors based on their degree of toxicity. The stated aim of the list was to protect the faith and morals of the faithful by preventing the reading of theologically, culturally, or politically disruptive books. Such books included works by astronomers,  by philosophers, such as Immanuel Kant's Critique of Pure Reason and editions and translations of the Bible that had not been approved. Editions of the Index also contained the rules of the Church relating to the reading, selling ...

My ... the basic argument,  from the Church was they condemned these books on "moral grounds" and they were/ are judging what was and is "moral"... you know those guys with collars on, coming in the "name of God",  who raped and abused children and women, for centuries "objected  to what the laity read on moral grounds" ... with some writings they declared as being to "sexual in nature" ... 

   ... but our greatest fault is that we think,  we are "smart" and our culture and our science and our academics, our theologians have the answers....  Oh,  how easily we all can be manipulated and snookered ...

  my thinking and faith in God has not changed of late ... it has expanded,  grown if you will ... not confined to the thinking of man in any given religion ... but to the awareness of "contact" and  we are not alone ... we are not God's one and only,  far from it ...

So I offer you videos from a man called Robert Dean, here on planet earth  ... (1929-2018)         

I special note in the above video Mr. Dean makes mention of a UFO event in New Jersey, he is speaking about an incident that happened in Wanaque,  NJ ... I am typing this post now, from that exact location... and I have interviewed people from the area who remember this event... 

And Mr. Dean "asks"... why this planet ... what is the game plan of all these extraterrestrials who are coming here... and why are they coming here... I think,  I know the answer to that ... for it is the only planet God sent his Son to save those who believe in him  ... and yes as I  mentioned many times before ... Jesus Christ was an "extraterrestrial"  of sorts ... not from this planet and I do not believe he has any intention of living here, his intention  was to get us  home to our Father's House  ...    

Stop thinking about what is happening in politics today ... think outside the box... think about bigger things



I seek to make you think, about things … all things,  from your religion to academic background … have you been taught “truth” or human opinion… nothing,  stays the same in the human experience, everything is moving forward and as such your thoughts,  should not be locked into one way of  thinking … we are energy and vibration beings and we have the capacity to connect to our higher self and to our God … so I am going to write about something … I do not want you to “believe” on its face value … but ponder it …


The nature of Grace … once God gives it, he does not take it away … if God did this he could not be relied upon as being stable,  and God is a stable force … God’s grace can never be higher than God, himself … grace is a gift to a creature,  to whom God chooses to give it to… grace is just the tiniest of  fractions of the greatness of God,  bestowed upon one of his creatures … so in  the case of the hierarchy of the church, stating they have the “keys” and they  get to decide who gets into heaven or not … to  me is pure bullshit … that is nothing more than a human power play,  only God holds the key  … the church has perpetuated a giant mind fuck on people, with this notion for centuries …  and it borders on being demonic…


In the case of the demonic (i.e. Satan) … when he decided not to obey God  … yes,  he was kicked out of “heaven” (and I believe heaven to be a real place, a planet of sorts) … but Satan’s graces were not taken away, from him … Satan is still one of the most powerful angels ever created,  by God … Satan only chooses to use “his grace” to the negative… but “his fall” did not weaken, the powers God gave him … Satan was created way before man was…. as were all the angelic beings … or what we call “angelic beings”…


 there are hundreds of books,  written about angelic beings, by theologians, philosophers, poets and mystics … on how many angels there are… how each,  “level/ order of angels” has a different look and characteristic to them… about  how powerful they are and how “brilliant” they are holding knowledge  far beyond that of mankind … how they can materialize and de-materialize at will … how they can take on many shapes, age ranges and even animals bodies (such as the case of Giorgio and Don Bosco’s miracle angel dog) …


the capacities of all the angels are so far reaching,  we cannot even imagine them, never mind know them all  … of course many theories say … angels are not “material creatures” such as humans are … angels are just “ethereal” … no body… pure spirit … but are they  ??? How do we know… in actuality we do not know how God made the angels and what powers, they really have … if some are bigger … some smaller … some more powerful … some friendly, some not so friendly to mankind … we have no idea and never will …


All the ancient teachings,  about angels,  we as people could know, are contained in the “banned books of the bible” … almost like those in “religious power”,  did not want us to have full knowledge or understanding,  about the angels … maybe they thought it would take away,  from their human  power on earth … don’t know …


You never hear about the Nephilim in a CCD class… angels finding the daughters of men so attractive, they came into them (had sex with them)  and the women became pregnant,  with hybrid angel/ human children (almost sounds like alien abductions doesn’t it) … And you rarely hear about the “bones of giants found”

 many of the Catholic theologians say … this could not have happened, angels don’t have a penis, no genitals… but how do we know this and how do we know, they had to use a “penis” to impregnate a human woman … the angels knowledge on all things is so advanced, it runs circles around our thinking or even our imagination … we are extremely limited in the knowledge of such things … as a matter of fact our knowledge on this issue is zero


Or could an angel or a demon just have used a “man”, possessed them in fashion unknown to us and impregnated a woman, with their “seed” … and this I ponder as well … was it only “demons” who entered into women … or was it also “regular angels”… as in those, who still obeyed God, but were just so tempted, by the beauty of the design of human women, they were attracted to them …



to me it makes “spiritual logic”… if God allows a demon angel to possess a human being,  why wouldn’t  God allow a “good angel to possess a human being” … (and God has to allow all things or it could not happen) maybe it is all about “free will and choice” or maybe it is about “testing loyalty” …  I know God is always in charge and far be it from me,  to question his wisdom on anything … besides,  I truly love God and he is my father and I love him dearly and as such God is my hero   


So here is the scenario you have countless angels of all sizes, forms, and capacities… of which, we are clueless … they are all over the galaxies / universes … they are inhabiting… space and time as well as eternity, they most probably are inter-dimensional as well… as a contemporary would say … “they (the angels) have mad skills, dude” … way passed our human understanding …


 these angels who,  “came into women” and had hybrid children,  with them … the “angels” taught their “kids” secrets and how to use extraordinary powers that angels organically had,  from our creator… now if they were “good angels”, I am sure they taught their hybrid children “good things” on how to advance all things of God in the  galaxies and on this planet   … if they were “fallen angels” I am sure they taught their hybrid children all things evil and how to try and lash out at God and all his creatures 


Now here is the creepy part or the part you might think is creepy, as for me,  I wonder if it is true… in your mind substitute the word “angel” in all that I have written above, with the word “extraterrestrial or alien” …

and think about “word usage” as in ancient times and as it was passed down to us … the word “angel” is a word for a creature we do not know much about and that is not native to this planet or this dimension … only appearing to us at the will of God (or can they or do they have the power given to them, by God to appear to us whenever they want) …


 I do not think God keeps his creatures on a leash and they only can move in his direction… they can deviate within the permissive will of God… even if it is not God’s first choice for them … maybe God hopes they “will grow out of it” and get back on his path … don’t know …                        


Ancient civilizations around the world have spoken of angelic beings that descended, from the sky, sent by God to assist humanity, by sharing their spiritual and intellectual wisdom, with Earthlings. These mythological entities appear to continue their mission to this day, and many believe they are emissaries from space, and are extraterrestrial species in nature … by pure definition, they are from “other worlds”  and “angelic beings are, as well”,  as is Jesus Christ (he said so before Pilate, my kingdom is not of “this world”) …


 has mankind always “mislabeled extraterrestrials” as being “angels”… not a far stretch to think so and for “religious” purposes it make them seem magical in nature and not just another species/ life form made, by God … for religious purposes, if you teach mankind, they are not the one and only of God … it lessens the “power” and uniqueness of any given religion on earth… hey if you cannot claim you are “special to God”… the only way … you lose your followers … but such always becomes,  the way humans judge and alienate each other … by religion, by race and by background.. sad but true … many Christians and Jews and Muslim are still taught “do not marry outside of your religion” … do not accept someone into your inner circles if they do  not look or act like you …


We as humans beings have the power to co-create, with God … as in “the making an offspring”,  via a male and female having sexual intercourse … if you really think about such … it is amazing and impressive,  we can do this … that we are “allowed to do this, by our Creator”  … now if we have such powers … could the “angels” (AKA Aliens)  have even greater powers … such as to create a “place” such as a planet … or maybe some angels (aliens)   were given planets to live on,  by God… such as we given this planet (or were we?) …


Do “angels” (aliens) have the power to create a whole race (outside of themselves)… ???... Maybe … we do not have clue as what the powers of an “angel” (aliens) are… 

Now here is when many will think, I have left reality … or maybe, I think like Steven King or other sci-fi authors or maybe I speak truth … no one will know, this side of the grave… 


But what if earth was created for “evil angels” (evil extraterrestrials) … God did not remove the grace and power of any angel,  even  those who turned against Him … that is not how God rolls… he is not an “Indian giver” … God can change the circumstance though and fool the prideful … 


Imagine this … planet earth … Satan’s home field … Satan a very powerful angel … gets bored and decided to “create” a race of people on his home tuff (earth) and Satan,  by his nature likes to see suffering, pain, death and destruction … so he is constantly tormenting, the race of people he created on earth and these people are crying out in pain … in suffering … in torment … their cries do not go unheard,  by God …  God “summons Satan before him” and tells Satan … knock it off and if you do not,  I will send my son to your “planet” and he will save those people to whom you are abusing… Satan laughs in the face of God and says, “they are mine people, I created them and I will do with them what I want” and in essence says … F you, I will do what I want on “my planet”… so how does God get around this … God gave Satan (who is a fallen angel, i.e. alien) amazing graces and he never took them away …


Our God … our Creator … our Father is awesome … so is this what he did…???... maybe …


 God created “a world”, within the world called “earth”, a parallel dimension if you will and we commonly call this place “Eden”… God took “dust” and created two shells that looked like Satan’s creatures to some extent … but then God breathed life into these two and they become like God’s children (a special creation, made in His image) … now none of this stepped on the powers / graces given to Satan … this was separate … God worked around it … but how does God get these two into “Satan’s world” on planet earth … where all those creatures were suffering at the hands of evil entities… God allowed, Adam and Eve to fall, (there are no surprises with God, he knew Adam and Eve would not listen to him) and when they didn’t listen … they had to leave Eden and walk and live on planet earth, (Satan’s dominance) … do not think earth is Satan’s … think back onto what he said to Christ in the desert … “I can give all of this on earth, if only you follow me” … you cannot give something to someone if you do not “own it”…


 God also made Adam and Eve vulnerable to the “natural law” which had been established on the planet …Satan’s planet … Satan’s domain … now these two (Adam and Eve) were subject to the pain and suffering … torture and death all the other “human like” creatures on earth, under Satan’s control had to suffer … Satan must have thought he won and he was greater than God at that point in “time” … but God had a plan …


 even though Adam and Eve were now “on earth and subject to natural law”… they still had not been made, by Satan, they were not “his” … no they were a different “race” made directly, by the hand of God … Satan had to know this and I am sure he tormented them to the extreme and “watched” their blood line … knowing that God told him, “He would send his Son to the planet to save the suffering creatures Satan made” … Satan did not know when or where this would happen on earth … 


 here I will throw in one of the banned books of the Bible … when Jesus Christ spoke to Mary Magdalene and said to her, “he had to disguise himself” as he travel passed other worlds and dimensions … so Satan would not know he was coming … I truly think that account is true and that is exactly what happened … Satan never thought the “son of God” would come as an infant … never thought he would “take on human flesh”… and never thought he would allow himself to be subject to “natural law” … such as eating, drinking, loving, laughing and especially dying on a cross …


At the risk of sounding irreverent… Jesus Christ did a giant mind fuck on Satan and in his pride, Satan thought he won… Satan also did not “see” in the presence / person of Jesus Christ, there was/ are 2 natures … one Divine and much more powerful than Satan / not subject to natural law and one “human” much less powerful than Satan / and subject to natural law… which is total mystery to us all, as to how this can be done … but done it was …


And there is another banned booked, from the Bible … in the “gospel of Peter” (that would be St. Peter) … were Peter as he watched the crucifixion of Christ  … stated he saw,  “the man Jesus Christ die” … but he also heard, “the Son of God”/ God who was also Jesus Christ laugh at Satan… for Satan was fooled and in his pride Satan thought,  he could kill the “son of God”  on “his planet”, that even God would be subjected to Satan’s rules …   


So was salvation, sent to this planet and the mission of Jesus Christ due “original sin” of Adam and Eve … or was it to liberate those who believe in Jesus Christ, from the powers of Satan on this planet, which is home base for Satan … I tend to think the latter and I tend to think there are countless planets on which, there are “extra-terrestrials” … some evil … some good … and this is not the “home planet of Jesus Christ”..


 Jesus was only sent to offer us a way off of it and a room in his Father’s house … or to stay here on this planet (ancients believed and many still do in reincarnation) you can stay and have an endless cycle of lives on this planet of hellish experiences … until you finally decide to ascend into heaven... even theologians from the Vatican, who I have spoken to in the past ... state ... it is the soul themselves that condemns it's self before God or chooses God ... not God ... our lives,  lived are testimony to our choices ... 

… God is always a choice … salvation is always a choice … earthly existence or one with God … reincarnation or resurrection … your call … God does not force himself on anyone or anything … attachment to anything on this planet, including other people, will keep you here (Catholics call it purgatory) … your only attachment should be to God and only God … and seek God’s world …


So I wonder does this account for all the “alleged ghostly hauntings on this planet” … souls stuck here … never completely choosing God, so they cannot ascend to him … they being too attached to their families or their possessions, never realizing God is greater than all things and God should be your only attachment … salvation (the word we use, it basically is just “union”,  with your Creator over creation and creatures)  it is personal … up front and personal, for all creatures of God… choose this planet and its earthly attractions or choose God … I am sure on some level the “choice” is similar to all of God’s creatures, whatever planet,  they live on …  


So many people are stuck on a “human concept of God”, and stuck in a process of defining God to their native religion … we as humans cannot really imagine “God”… we have no capacities to do so… we think we do … but we do not … the best we can do is “ponder God” and offer him … our desire… our love and our trust…                 



Sunday, January 17, 2021

One pissed off Doctor ...


Star date January 2021,  we do not have to imagine such a world, we live on it since the year 2020 and the great take over of the USA on January 20, 2021

First may I comment on the use of the word "Doctor" ... stop the bullshit of calling Jill Biden (Dr. Biden) yes she has a PhD in education ...  but for most ignorant people such as Whoopie Goldberg they hear the word "Doctor" and they think medicine...... 


Yes "intellectuals"  like Ms. Goldberg  will call Jill Biden a great choice to be the surgeon general of the USA ... due to her  qualifications .... to this,  I say ... what the fuck!!! Yet these small IQ people will not listen to actual Medical doctors or other health professionals who have different opinions on covid and mask wearing ... 

Of course the "pissed off"  video below is banned on YouTube and you can only see it on bitchute ...

In conclusion.... 

 I would like to meet the dude who made this meme and slap him five !!!!


Can you fill it up with “regular” and let me stop by the grocery store, after getting gas …

Grocery list

1)     Eggs

2)    Milk

3)    Bread

4)    Covid vaccination  


Whole Foods is way too pricey for me and it is owned by Amazon and that SOB has taken over the world commercially… I do like “Kings”… but they can be a bit pricey as well … so go to local supermarkets that have specialty foods within it … such as a Shoprite in Little Falls, NJ … I shopped there a few days ago and was surprised to see a section of the store roped off and nurses present… I asked what was going on and they said …”we are a designated vaccination center” … what the fuck!!!  … So I checked online for other “designated vaccination centers” … they are freak’n  all over the place… like a  bad horror movie  with a deadly flesh eating virus attacking all of mankind, which covid is not!!!!   …


Also,  I have been talking to people who swore up and down they would  not “take a covid vaccination” … putting their names on waiting  lists to get it … It is true, Hitler's SS was right tell a  lie long enough and it becomes truth !!!  OMG … the fear got to these people … even members of my own family!!!  I am becoming a man without a country (especially true once Biden is President)  

 the ones wanting the vaccine are the ones,  who stayed locked in their homes for the most part… I have been working all during the “pandemic” , I have literally been in contact with thousands and thousands of people over the last year … I have yet to see someone drop before me dying,  with covid … I have yet to see any retail store designated “essential” shut down,  due to the fact they have covid positive workers … it just does not  happen … I know this for fact … the public should only know how many stores they shop in that have covid positive workers therein … the big corporations have the power to cover-up their covid positive cases and also HIPPA laws would apply … not so if you are a small business … you have one covid positive case  you are labeled… a “danger to society”… this is such bullshit …   


And why are people getting  randomly tested for covid … even those who feel fine go out and do this … again what the fuck … it almost like they want to turn up positive … what a sick mentality … every sneeze or cough is now… “You should get tested for covid”… get a grip!!!   

And now in Wayne, NJ  … as you fill up your car with gas … you can also get tested for covid…. If this is not a giant mind fuck on us all nothing is …

And at ShopRite and Exxon in NJ … covid has become somewhat of a “gimmick” to get customers... there is a whole "cottage industry around covid" ... from local testing centers to now vaccination centers... from the mask making industry to the making of outside tents to dine in ...

Buy gas with us and get tested for covid … shop with us and get vaccinated for covid  …My God … My God … we are all “sick”… mentally ill that is, weak in resolve and faith  for we can manipulated so easily ….  

and coming soon to a travel agent near you  ... your "covid passport"...