Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Was Texas a victim of climate engineering / weather warfare

Chem trails … a popular topic on the Art Bell radio show, in the late 1980's and early 1990’s … as such chem trails, became a phrase associated with “conspiracy theories”… say, the phrase “chem trails” and you were labeled a whack job … yet look above and you could see “chem trails” galore in the skies… the public was told, it is just the jet stream every plane leaves behind as they fly across the skies … hence they changed the “name from chem trails” to geo-engineering …

I was an avid Art Bell listener (he was the best on the paranormal and cutting edge technology) for most of the 1980's and 1990’s … and he would have on pilots and other eye witnesses to the fact that they were “seeding” the atmosphere, with particulates… and I remember one guest on the show saying, they are trying to save the environment …. that the ozone layer was becoming thinner and thinner and the government and scientists knew this and they were trying to somehow “fix it” … without this layer in our atmosphere gamma rays and radiation, from the sun will kill us and all life on earth ….  There were also other guests on the Art Bell show who would say … it is already too late … the planet is doomed … makes you wonder are the powers that be … who are screaming climate change … really meaning ozone layer almost gone and an ELE coming our way …ELE meaning an Extinction Level Event  ….    

  1. Climate engineering or climate intervention, commonly referred to as geoengineering, is the deliberate and large-scale intervention in the Earth's climate system. The most prominent subcategories of climate engineering are solar radiation management and carbon dioxide removal. Solar radiation management refers to offsetting the warming effect of greenhouse gases by reflecting more solar radiation (sunlight) back into space

I posted about this topic on July 20, 2019  


But without a doubt … the USA … China and Russia can control the weather … they have been doing so for decades … this is not science fiction but science fact and there are those who wonder was Texas ground zero last month for a “weather war” … Texas is a very conservative State and backed Trump …. I will be interested in seeing what other “conservative States”, have freaky weather patterns over the next couple of years…. I have already heard, from a few liberals who have said … Texas is all about Trump they deserved the weather they got and the power outages …

the man in the bitchute video below... has been a longtime member of the geo-engineering movement and he has been broadcasting on various radio stations in the California area and podcasts for years... his thoughts are interesting and I will let you decide  ...the geo-engineering site thinks the Texas freeze was a planed event 


I have very fair skin and I have always been sensitive to the sun, more so over the last 2 decades … and sunscreen,  will not cut it for me … I have to stay out of the sun completely during the time it is high in the sky,  from late spring to late fall … the sun is actually painful on my skin …yet when I was younger ... I could spend hours on the beach and also enjoyed late winter vacations to such places as Florida or Jamaica and spending days in the sun ... it seems to me back then the sun was not as "violent"... it just felt "warm and relaxing to be in the sun", not an assault on your skin like it does now....and every  year it gets worse ...  

 now I thought this was unique to me … fair skin… light eyes … but last summer a friend of mine who has “olive colored skin" said he was at the beach and he had to get out of the sun … for it was “painful” on his skin to the point he broke out in rash … almost like a burn …. Hmmm … I guess,  I and those like me were like canaries in a coalmine (fair skin/ light eyes) we were the first to “feel” the loss of the ozone layer and increased intensity of the sun’s rays on our skin … burning it and causing pain … there has also been a dramatic uptake in skin cancers caused by sun exposure ....

 yet as of last summer,  “olive colored skin” people are feeling it as well … this is not good!  This is a real issue and it will become increasing more and more so when others start to “feel the intensity” of the sun’s rays on their skin…and as trees and plants continue to die from such, which the geo-engineering site speaks to as well  ... 

I also noticed in my garden last summer … flowers and vegetables had to be watered more for the sun dried them up faster… I was watering them two or three times a day, and even with that many plants just did not survive the intensity of the sun last summer … 

Here I was will quote Jesus ...  And in the morning you say that there will be a storm today because the sky is red and overcast. You can forecast the weather by judging the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times.  

I say ... look up and see the "signs of the times"... you can feel it as well on your skin ... the sun is brighter and hotter ... the ozone layer is thin and dying ... 

I do not believe they wanted to destroy the atmosphere,  with "chem trails" ... I think they were trying to save it and in doing so they made it worse ... 

But "weather wars" are evil and by doing this ... they made the coming catastrophe even greater ... we may need another "planet",  for wicked men are and have been rapidly destroying this one ....