Friday, March 5, 2021

Full spectrum dominance


Below is an interesting conversation,  with Edward Snowden ... I like Snowden, there a few things I disagree with him about ... he focuses on the Bush administration and the level of evil therein (something I posted about many times in the past,  I dislike the Bush family and both past presidents)...

I think Snowden is right on most points and especially his thinking about Presidents ... he clearly did not/ does not like Trump, and he seems to like Obama opinion of Trump is different and I do not believe the intelligence agencies played fair with Trump as a matter of fact they worked against Trump .... in the end we are all being played ...   

Snowden also thinks it is only the government who is the bad guy in all of this ... I beleive it is much deeper than just the government ... such as government contractors and private industries, who are not subject to public disclosure and the freedom of information act ... I believe Snowden is a bit myopic in his thinking in this manner...   yet the breath of  Snowden's  knowledge of the intelligence community is stunning and also frightening ... when you realize he has been out of the loop in the intelligence community for years ... and knowing they probably filled the  holes Snowden created and I am sure built new and more intrusive programs since his time there ...   Trump should have had the balls to pardon Snowden, when Trump had the power to do so ... Trump lived in the swamp and told the public about it ... yet never had the balls to make really hard decisions ... such as releasing overly classified documents and pardoning such  people as Snowden and Julian Assange ... so at the end of the day how much did Trump really give to the people ??? He talked a good game ... but where was the beef... the actuality in actions to change things ... things the American people could have brought to court as evidence ... and lasted longer than his presidency ...