Sunday, March 14, 2021

RFK Jr. speaks and the Death of the Ferrets in 2011 … and are the "vaccinated" a -systemic carriers, who will spread covid more

There are many people who are speaking up about the potential dangers of the covid vaccine, most are conservative and frankly annoying and most did not do a deep dive into the vaccine (all vaccines and big pharma) and this includes me. I do not have access to such, would not even know how to get the information. But Robert F Kennedy, Jr has spent his lifetime on this subject matter and has been ringing the bell on the dangers of all vaccines for decades … he is not an “anti-vaccine” person, just the opposite he wants them made safely and tested, which they are not and most especially the new covid vaccine.

Mr. Kennedy is a lawyer and through his years of research and active lawsuits, and through discovery in said lawsuits has found evidence of wrong doings, which the drug companies cover up and the government allows them to do so (both political parties), but Mr. Kennedy is a liberal democratic and stems from a well-respected political family, within the Democratic party, yet even his voice they refuse to listen to and they have censored him for years… so this is not a new and current subject for him, it is his lifetime work and I applaud him, for remaining stead fast.         

Frankly people are unhinged lately, made so by their government and the strict and unnecessary rules and regulations forced upon them, by a virus that is not nearly as deadly as it is claimed to be. 

Those who are driven by “fear of the virus”,  refuse and have refused to read or research any other views about covid … they are all in lock step with whatever the WHO… CDC… big pharma and their government tells to them to think,  about the virus … no critical thinking allowed and frankly most of the people who follow this have become “religious” in their attitudes, dare to contradict them or their thinking and they attack you as if you were attacking their god on earth. (Actually people like Dr. Fauci have become their god on earth) frightening, but true. The followers of such earthy deities are willing to wage a religious war over their deities and attack and destroy anyone who does not follow their “religion”; I am starting to understand what the inquisition must have been like for people who lived in medieval times

  The Inquisition was a powerful office set up within the Catholic Church to root out and punish heresy throughout Europe and the Americas. Beginning in the 12th century and continuing for hundreds of years, the Inquisition is infamous for the severity of its tortures and its persecution of Jews and Muslims. Its worst manifestation was in Spain, where the Spanish Inquisition was a dominant force for more than 200 years, resulting in some 32,000 executions.  

Do not agree with the protocols or the bullshit surrounding covid and you are considered for all practical purposes a heretic and subject to a modern day, Inquisition… and just as the Catholic Church centuries ago searched out what they labeled “heretics” and persecuted them, shut them down, the government does the same now, with those who speak up against the covid restrictions, and they are banned from all social media...

And the government's “followers” help in the persecution and the weeding out of those who do not follow the earthy deities… it is striking how history repeats itself in other forms, but the same tactics…

Just when I thought it could not get any worse it does and in the “name of ending the shut downs”, which should never have started in the first place …  now it is the “push to get everyone vaccinated” for a virus everyone has a 99% survival rate (there are some exceptions, but basically that is the survival rate) … not only that they want you to have 2 vaccinations and boosters as well … for a virus that is not a “real” pandemic” nor is it deadly to the vast majority …

Maybe that is the point … the virus did not kill enough people … so let’s give the people a vaccination that will or at least cause them to be debilitated down the road, chronically ill and they will thank us for giving them the vaccination!!!  And as such they will need medicines for the rest of their lives to treat the side effects of the vaccine... which, will occur 5 to 10 years down the line ... but will be blamed on other issues, not the vaccine ... the perfect con game 

There was and is a “mask cult” that formed out of this new covid religion, now there is forming a “vaccination cult” as well and the “vaccination cult” might be even more deadly than the mask cult is

 Now corporations such as Target is paying its employees $50 to get the vaccine (if it is such a wonder drug, why do you have to pay people to take it?)  … This is not good … people are starting to wear masks that say, “I am vaccinated”, plus T-shirts with the same logo … I was at Staples office supplies recently and they have a free service to laminate your vaccination card!  I would bet, by the end of Biden administration if you do not have the vaccine, you will have to wear a badge that states “Not Vaccinated” …. Like they did with the Jews in Nazi Germany, they had to wear bright yellow star of David on their clothing …

I have been told stories about groups of people who have gotten the vaccine and have stated they will not remain friends, with anyone who is not vaccinated … nor will they allow family to visit them … so what is the point, I thought the vaccination gives you immunity … so why would you care if others are not vaccinated … this is such bullshit and it will continue as long as the people allow it to… but people are falling into place and doing whatever they are told to do for their “new religion”  … just like many give “blind obedience to their church and its dogmas” … God only knows what the repercussions of this vaccine will be long term, and the blind obedience the people are giving to the government  … the vaccine has become mankind’s “salvation” how evil is that thinking …

I literally know dozens of people who had covid and they are fine … this includes Blacks, Hispanics, old/ young / preexisting conditions and those who a healthy …. Most got mildly sick, but even those who were a bit more ill with covid … all of them without exception survived and are fine now … they actually looked better after having the virus!

But I am starting to worry about something no one has ever mentioned … are those who are vaccinated now “silent spreaders of the virus” in a more violent form … it is well known science,  those who get vaccines shed virus to those around them … this is how “herd immunity” from vaccination occurs … an artificial way to place “immunity” into the population … whereas the survivors of the “natural virus”, also shed “herd immunity” into the population … which,  the “new covid religious experts” say,  is not a viable way to establish herd immunity,  within the population… which is total bullshit … for that is how nature works… that is how biology works … in essence what they are saying is only "artificial immunity works not natural immunity"... 

If you have an active case of "wild covid", you are quarantined in your home for 10 days or more... if you get a covid vaccination you are allowed to walk around immediately, so you actually have the virus,  have not developed antibodies for it yet (that can take up to two weeks)... they said ... "it is a dead virus"... but I have seen people get the "flu", from a flu vaccine and others got sick from them, (when that person coughed or sneezed)    

reminds me of when they said,  "protesting and rioting  does not spread the virus", but getting together to go to Church or a funeral will... "don't sing in public it spreads the virus, but you can shout and scream in the faces of cops by the thousands, that does not spread the virus" ... yes the new religion of covid has some really strange science they work with... to say the least! But their followers follow them blindly and believe it all ... zombie like ... as if their brains have been eaten away ... 

People will find it hard to believe that you can sick, from someone who had a vaccination … really sick… I personally know someone who developed a serve case of “Shingles” from being near her granddaughter who received the chicken pox vaccination… so I wonder … does this happen, with those who are vaccinated, with covid … they think they “are safe” but are they…. and they think they cannot spread the virus but are they doing just that in a way that might be even more toxic and deadly than if they had the virus “naturally” and developed antibodies…

 I know once you receive the covid vaccine you are told it will take 2 weeks to a month to form antibodies… are they spreading covid during that time to others, for they are out and about in the public  … we do not know for this vaccine has never been tested on human before … we are the “test” …

Here is an article how getting a vaccine can cause others to get sick from it …

Even After Getting Vaccinated, You Could Still Infect Others 

What is really freighting these “vaccinated people" think they are “golden” so they take greater risks and they say… now they can travel and visit their elderly family members, what if they become “super spreaders”???     ... I was never afraid of the "wild virus"... but I have to say ... I am a bit afraid of those who have received the covid 19 vaccination ... 

 Frankly we do not know what the covid vaccination is really doing to anyone in the population, be it short term or long term … we do know that all the “Ferrets” that received a similar vaccine that the general public is now getting …  when the Ferrets were exposed to the “real virus in nature” they all died … those with the vaccination think they “are bullet proof now” from getting covid … not true and in addition, they may, by getting the vaccine are actually spreading covid and from past animal experiments, when they are exposed to covid in the “wild” will have a higher risk (not a lower one ) of death …

     Literally getting the covid-19 vaccine is a "shot in the dark",  for your survival and well being in the future and the spreading of the virus you may be doing to others ... like all "earthly religions", the new covid religion,   counts on your blind obedience unto your death and the death of others ... whatever it takes for them to remain in power ... as they tell you to take the vaccine for the benefit of humanity ... it is the "godly (small "g")  thing to do" 

Below is a interview, with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr (A liberal and a Democrat)  I encourage you to watch the entire video and his research on all vaccines including the covid vaccine    

I have been doing more thinking about Trump and researching the money he took (or the Republican Party took in his name)… Trump’s image to me is starting to “fade” and tarnish … he  had the power to do much more and he backed down again and again in favor of doing what the “swamp”, wanted him to do… Trump “barked” a lot about corruption but never had the balls to really try and stop it … he was on many levels a narcissist  wanting to preserve his “image”, within the Republican party, which is as corrupt as the Dems…

Trump called RFK, JR into his office in NYC after Trump was elected and told RFK, JR, he would make him the “vaccine Czar”, within his administration … yet within a week “big pharma” came to Trump and donated a million dollars to his inauguration and Trump ditched the idea of working with Robert F. Kennedy, JR and having a "vaccine Czar" …  Had Trump not folded and stood up for what he said his values were “the American people” … we might not have had … “shut downs” and the fake science we now have in regards to covid 19… there would have been oversight, with big pharma and those pushing vaccines … Trump chose the dark side over the American people in regards to big pharma … at the end of his term in office Trump did turn on big pharma (too late, he already was in bed with them)… and I think his turning on big pharma so late in his presidency was a “political move” to try and get reelected…

Biden will destroy this country … Trump could have helped it and he chose politics instead…  Trump not taking on big pharma in the beginning was his downfall and rightfully so … for now we the people are being controlled by these companies and those who protect them and make millions of dollars from them  …