Sunday, February 28, 2021

World Economic Forum ... committed to controlling the state of the world and you ... DAVOS (aka) the rise of the Billionaire dictators


DAVOS 2021: They will COLLAPSE THE MIDDLE-CLASS.... and control EVERYTHING you do and think... this is THEIR goal 

The above video was first published in Feb 21,  2016, at DAVOS .... 

In the video below  you can see, why it was Donald Trump who stood in their way and he needed to go ... of course  you have to view this on bitchute ... for YouTube will never allow such to be shown ... google is the arm of Bill Gates ... and I have seen many of the YouTube videos,  I posted in the past on my blogs for reference... are now banned on YouTube  ....

There are "real environmentalists and fake ones"... the video below is from one of the "real ones"... the fake ones be most of the Democratic party in the USA ... Al Gore, John Kerry, Bill Gates and Prince Charles, just to name a few ... the fake environmentalists are not about the environment,  but about control and making money .... Dr. Vandana Shiva is the featured speaker in the below video (video over a year old)  ... people such as Dr. Shiva have been trying to warn all of us for years ... but the "silent majority"... screw that phrase... it is the could care less majority, who make up most of the population, who do not care about anything but there own myopic, sterile 25 square mile location they inhabit ...  the globalists count on this level of ignorance and passivity of the masses ... and they are right ... for such are worse than sheep ... sheep have been shown that they will follow the one they know ... these masses of mindless people will follow anything... just scare them enough and you "own them"...  and the fear porn associated with covid-19 was enough to "own the masses"   ....  

and why is Bill Gates buying up all the farmland in the USA ... is to control the food supply (after all he has publicly stated there are too many people alive on the planet)... is to control how the food is grown via :genetic engineering (he has shown his preference for genetically alternate vaccinations ... so why not genetically altered food) ... is to control who gets to eat and who does not ... Bill Gates is evil on so many level and comes "wrapped in light" ... as in his public personae is one of being a global philanthropist ...  yet is not only Bill Gates buying up all the farmland in the USA and in India ... it is also the other Billionaire dictators who are doing so ...