Every song has a “hook”, which makes you want to listen to
it … yet when the same song is overplayed you get an annoying “ear worm” and
cannot get the stupid song out of your head… such is the now over played song
of covid… which basically is all around us, and yes some are getting sick from
it … but the good news is 99.9 % of them do not die and most are a systematic … and they
do not have a permanent injury from it … the same cannot be said for the covid vaccine …
What stop the "covid" spread did accomplish is stopping many from having food to eat and jobs to go to and school children in the USA losing points on their IQ scores for lack of education … not to mention domestic violence is up, as is suicide and deaths from treatable diseases that went un-diagnosed and untreated during the “shut downs” and even now …
hey remember this slogan ...we are all in this together
Group Think and we are all in this together and other bullshit... the slogan for the shutdowns
Silly you … you thought we truly were “all in this together” … not
so … there was billions to be made over the shut downs … those corporations and
local businesses (liquor stores and pot shops) given the “privilege from on
high” (meaning local and federal authorities, to stay open)… or if you were a
public or political figure who could force a store to open just for you! Such as the mayor of Chicago and Nancy Pelosi did, when they wanted their hair cut or nails done and salons were forced to remain
closed for everyone else … they opened just from them! How
about those restaurants forced to remain closed or have a limited amount of
folks in them … not the same rules if you are in a politician or celebrity in California!
No rules for you … just the fools forced to obey them … "flatten the curve is not, was not for them... just for you"
Facts are power ... claim your power again ...
How did flatten the curve become "flatten the economy" and the rights of the people ... it was always the plan ... keep people poor and dependent on the government and they will do whatever they are told to do ...
... many ... and I mean many health care workers are refusing to take the covid vaccine and many high performance intellects and professionals ... this is not just a matter of being anti vaccination... it is a real concern for one's health and the health of the entire population ... on an vaccine that has not been tested in human beings ... you take the vaccine you are the "test"
And God Bless and protect Ian Smith .... a man of true courage and righteousness willing to stand up for what is right ... such a man is what heroes are made of and "martyrs" as well