Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Sixth Sense and gut feelings

The “Sixth Sense” a power of perception like but not one of the five senses: a keen intuitive power…

That “gut feeling” one has in certain circumstances, usually when there is danger ahead … some called it the “voice” of your guardian angel warning you or the church calls it “decrement” …. Some mystics have labeled it the ability to “read people” or know something about the future … prophets predicting the future could be labeled as having a “sixth sense” as well… many times those who have a strong sixth sense are perceiving something as not being “right” … something is off…  you cannot clearly see what is “off”… but your gut is telling you … “danger ahead” … many have saved their own lives, or the lives of others by relying on this “gut feeling”… such as not getting on a plane that later crashed, not walking down a dark ally, which later someone was kill on …

There was a movie made about the “sixth sense” but they limited it to being just about seeing dead people … having a sixth sense is so much more than that!  Smart is the person who fosters and learns to enhance their own sixth sense, for it is real in everyone …

 The brain creates hunches and gut feelings from sensory information that lies beneath our awareness. This is how you can use that ‘sixth sense’ to your advantage

A sixth sense, hunch, or gut feeling: Whatever you choose to call it, the sudden flash of insight from deep within can inspire plenty of faith.

The old saying “trust you gut” refers to trusting these feelings of intuition, often as a way to stay true to yourself.

Following your instinct can certainly direct you toward the best path for you. And yet, you might wonder whether you should put so much trust in a feeling, an instinct you can’t explain.

Wouldn’t sticking to logic and reason help you make better decisions?

Not always. Science suggests intuition can be a valuable tool in some circumstances.

Ever experienced a nagging feeling of unease about a situation? Suddenly felt suspicious about someone you just met? You can’t explain your feelings logically, but you know something isn’t quite right.

Or maybe a rush of affirmation or calm floods you after a tough decision, convincing you that you’re doing the right thing.

Gut feelings can evoke a range of sensations, some not unlike the physical feelings associated with anxiety. Other, more positive sensations might seem to confirm your choice.

Some people describe gut feelings as a small internal voice, but you’ll often “hear” your gut talking to you in other ways.

Signs of a gut feeling

*       a flash of clarity

*       tension or tightness in your body

*       goosebumps or prickling

*       stomach “butterflies” or nausea

*       a sinking sensation in the pit of your stomach

*       sweaty palms or feet

*       thoughts that keep returning to a specific person or situation

*       feelings of peace, safety, or happiness (after making a decision)

*       These feelings tend to come on suddenly, though they aren’t always strong or overwhelming.

*       You might experience them as a faint whisper or the barest sense of uneasiness, but they could also feel so strong, you can’t imagine ignoring them.

*       If it seems like your brain is encouraging you to take notice of these feelings, well, you’re not far from the mark.       

*       As you go about your day, your brain collects and processes sensory data from your environment. You’re perfectly aware of some of this information.

*       For example, if you notice two people shouting and pushing each other outside a store just ahead, you’ll probably cross the street. But you wouldn’t say your gut told you to move, since you made a reasoned decision based on available information.

Your brain carries out these processes automatically to help prepare you for any situation that might come up.

Since these processes run in the “background,” you may not always realize what you’re observing or what it means.

What if you suddenly feel a strong urge to cross the street? There’s no obvious reason behind your impulse, but you can’t ignore it, or the tingling at the back of your neck.

A few seconds after you cross, the sign on the building ahead comes crashing down, right where you would have been walking. You stare in disbelief, heart pounding. How did you know that would happen?

This flash of intuition probably doesn’t relate to any mystical sixth sense. It’s more likely that as you walked, you made some unconscious observations.

A gut feeling or 6th sense can easily be considered anxiety or paranoid… the first is a “flash of insight” the latter two linger … The first is usually a “personal decision” you make about your life, the latter two deals more with others and how you perceive them and focusing more about the future than the here and now … gut feelings are for the “here and now” in the moment, which at the end of the day is all we have … we are not guaranteed a future …

A gut feeling is a “personal message to you”… be it from a higher source or from within, it does not produce anxiety or paranoid … it is actually very peaceful … so why the rant about the 6th sense … you need to use yours … especially in this day and age … humanity has been forced into anxiety and paranoia about a virus that is not as deadly at it is in actuality … do not fall into line for the sake of falling into line or because you “just give up” and do what you are told, so you can live freely … when you give up, you never live freely … more restrictions are always placed upon you when you “give up” …

I speak in regards to the covid vaccine … many and I mean many who said in the past they will never take a vaccine for covid are now doing just that … and when I speak with these people,  they will say ‘’’ They want to be able to travel and not be so restricted” they want to visit elderly relatives … for the thought of they could kill them, by giving them covid  lingers in the back of their mind, placed there by those “in charge of this mass deception”… covid is real for sure … yet not as deadly as they say it is (at least the strain of the virus that is currently circulating)  … not deadly to the young… not to the middle aged and not to the elderly … it is only deadly to those who see it in everything and in essence they are already dead, for they stopped living, they are “fearing not living”… and their fear has turned into anger for all those who do not see things their way … and yes there was been deaths from covid ... there is also deaths, from any disease... 

I never had any fear of the covid virus and I worked in retail the  entire time (still do) I have been contact with literally tens of thousands of people over the last year (on average I am in contact with 300 people a day) … in the beginning never wore a mask … only wear a face covering now due to crazy ass customers who go ballistic when you do not have one on … I  would be perfectly comfortable not wearing a mask … and although social distancing is “required”  in reality it is never achieved when you work in retail, the customers are always in your face and never more than 2 feet away from you ... 

   Friends and family have asked me many times… “Aren’t you afraid of getting covid”… my answer was always no… in addition, I would drive to stores in many parts of the State … even so called “hot spots” and I never feared, I have gone to many  bakeries/ food markets and picked up food prepared by the locals … never cared or thought they might have covid, I never wiped down packages or groceries that so many did and if I saw someone in great distress or crying, I would give them a hug (fuck the rules the person was suffering, isn’t that what Christ would do?)    … But …. I am a bit fearful of crazy people and their over reactions to all of this, they are extremely unpredictable and hostile and can be dangerous to you and verbally abusive... 

As the global and massive roll out of the covid vaccine is in full swing and hundreds of thousands are getting it … even those who swore they would not and this includes many of my family and friends… About a month ago I started to get a “gut feeling” about it … especially at work, where I had no fear of “getting covid” prior… I developed a “fear” of those who are vaccinated, with the covid vaccine … I know that sounds weird, even to me… and this will sound even weirder … everyone has an “aura” around them… for lack of better words “their energy field”… this has been proven in science to be true and it has been and can be photographed… below is mine … taken about 25 years ago and you aura changes all the time, depending on the health of your body/ mind/ soul ... all auras change especially if there is an illness present ... or evil ... those who were vaccinated seem to have a "dull" aura around them ... a weak one ... and it startled me and I stepped back from these people... for I know they are "shedding" the virus given to them ...

I have seen auras of bright gold around the Tabernacle and on the Host...


It is called Kirlian photography  

  1. Kirlian photography is a collection of photographic techniques used to capture the phenomenon of electrical coronal discharges. It is named after Semyon Kirlian, who, in 1939, accidentally discovered that if an object on a photographic plate is connected to a high-voltage source, an image is produced on the photographic plate. The technique has been variously known as "electrography", "electrophotography", "corona discharge photography" (CDP), "bioelectrography", "gas discharge visualization (GDV)", "electrophotonic imaging (EPI)", and, in Russian literature, "Kirlianography". Kirlian photography has been the subject of scientific research, parapsychology research, and art. Paranormal claims have been made about Kirlian photography, but these claims are rejected by the scientific community. To a large extent, it has been used in alternative medicine research.  

 I have written about "seeing colors" on another blog and it is also science fact there are some people who can do this ... just like mirror writing , like Leonardo da Vinci  did, I can do that as well ... it has to do with the wiring of the brain ... nothing magical

 Many people can see  auras with their eyes … I believe anyone can learn to do this … I have or I can sense a person’s “aura or energy field around them” …   you feel it like a 6th sense ... 

Long post leading up to the video below ... I get a "sense" those who have been vaccinated are in danger and society is in danger due to them... they only have "resistance" to one strain of covid and as a virus it is constantly mutating... and it can and does vary from place to place. person to person ... like the common "cold" strain  in Chicago is different than a common cold in NYC and frankly we still do not kn ow much about covid-19, which was made in a lab in Wuhan China  ... 

the current covid vaccine is only effective for one strain, which was made months ago and I am sure the covid  virus has already mutated into another strain... those in charge are calling it a second wave or in some countries a third wave ... these "waves" are not the same virus as the vaccine... those who have gotten the vaccine have in essence shut down their immune system to all covid mutations ... People are being mislead to think that they are now "immune"...

 I  understand now why they are saying to the vaccinated,  "keep you masks on"... for in truth the vaccinated are more at risk for death from a covid mutation than those who did not take the vaccine ... and my fear is if enough people "take this vaccine" they will see the un-vaccinated as a risk to them, when the opposite is true ... they who are vaccinated were never told truth or they refused to do their own research on how deadly this vaccine is to all of humanity .... "hopefully" the vaccine expert in the video below is wrong and things are not as bad as he is saying ....  But my gut feeling thinks he is right ...