Monday, March 8, 2021

Altered states of consciousness and the use of drugs


My last post was titled “where did I go” … in regards to deep spirituality … I mentioned the UFO folks would say, if there is “missing time, you had an alien abduction” (to that I say … whatever!)

But I have had a long standing conservation,  with a family member who absolutely believes you cannot have higher states of awareness/ consciousness and encounters with other dimensions , unless you use drugs and this person went on to say … all Catholic  “mystics” of the past used drugs as did shamans… Buddhist monks etc.  … now I cannot speak for anyone but myself … but I say  … you can do this “organically”, which I did and  it is within you to do so … you just have to be disciplined enough to do it … put in the time … the hours… the  months … the years … but like most people in the world they want “fast”… they want to cut corners … so they take “drugs” to entered into other states of awareness … is it the same … I do not know,  I never used drugs to entered into these states … I used faith and trust in God and this takes time / a  lifetime… …

I have read all the books of Don Juan …. About his experiences, into the inner world and other dimensions that all “mystics, Buddhist monks, Shamans see” (but Don Juan was heavy into drugs)

  A YAQUI WAY OF KNOWLEDGE….The teachings of Don Juan is the story of a remarkable journey: the first awesome steps on the road to becoming a "man of knowledge" -- the road that continues with "A Separate Reality" and "Journey to Ixtlan.""For me there is only the traveling on paths that have heart, on any path that may have heart. There I travel, and the only worthwhile challenge is to traverse its full length. And there I travel, looking, looking, breathlessly." -- Don Juan

Upon reading these books … there were similar experiences, which I had, but I did so without drugs … the nature of drugs … and why they are used  when an organ or a system within the body is no longer functioning … drugs are used to “artificially produce” the chemical reactions within the body to produce what is needed … such as  insulin … or when a system within the body needs help to overcome a disease process or infection …  drugs can be used … our bodies were created to heal themselves … but via environment and or diet and life style choices the body’s ability to heal itself is compromised… the use of drugs is needed,  but once used the body becomes more and more dependent upon the drugs and it loses its natural ability to heal … also microorganisms mutant and the drugs are no longer of use …this is true with tapping into different areas of your brain ... you can "teach your brain" or form new neuron pathways ... with "habit" or changing habits and with "neuro bio feedback" ... this takes much longer to do than a drug does and people want instant and no longer want to put in the time and effort ... yet they spent hours in front of a TV, computer and doing a hobby everyday ... but for mental / spiritual self improvement they do not put in such time and effort ... 

I am under the philosophy “natural immunity” is always best and certainly naturally entering into a state of deep meditation is always best… this is not the case with most of those seeking a “cheap thrill” or a    Psychedelic journey … most are doing so to escape reality … not seeking a higher self … there is a difference … and also with drugs … there is a blow back affect … or the person can experience , “flash backs” … so they are not in control … the drug is … this is not the case with an “organic mystic or person who uses deep meditation, without drugs” … I think everything in life involves a “work ethic” a putting in of the time to do  something and do so honestly … not taking shortcuts, which many try to do … 

I also find it fascinating it usually is the "highly educated, liberal academics" who use these mind altering drugs  ... they who say there is no God ... they seek inner self out of ego and  self stimulation ... not out of knowledge and wisdom,  which the Creator gives ... 

These artificial mind altering drugs were used by the CIA in the past to try and control people with it ... it ended in tragedy many times over ... Most do not know ....  Theodore Kaczynski, a.k.a. the Unabomber, was a volunteer in mind-control experiments sponsored by the CIA at Harvard in the late 1950s and early 1960s.

Michael Mello, author of the book, “The United States of America vs. Theodore John Kaczynski,” notes that at some point in his Harvard years–1958 to 1962–Kaczynski agreed to be the subject of “a psychological experiment.” Mello identifies the chief researcher for these only as a lieutenant colonel in World War II, working for the CIA’s predecessor organization, the Office of Strategic Services. In fact, the man experimenting on the young Kaczynski was Dr. Henry Murray, who died in 1988.

Murray became preoccupied by psychoanalysis in the 1920s, drawn to it through a fascination with Herman Melville’s “Moby Dick,” which he gave to Sigmund Freud, who duly made the excited diagnosis that the whale was a father figure. After spending the 1930s developing personality theory, Murray was recruited to the OSS at the start of the war, applying his theories to the selection of agents and also presumably to interrogation.

As chairman of the Department of Social Relations at Harvard, Murray zealously prosecuted the CIA’s efforts to carry forward experiments in mind control conducted by Nazi doctors in the concentration camps. The overall program was under the control of the late Sidney Gottlieb, head of the CIA’s technical services division. Just as Harvard students were fed doses of LSD, psilocybin and other potions, so too were prisoners and many unwitting guinea pigs.

Sometimes the results were disastrous. A dram of LSD fed by Gottlieb himself to an unwitting U.S. army officer, Frank Olson, plunged Olson into escalating psychotic episodes, which culminated in Olson’s fatal descent from an upper window in the Statler-Hilton in New York. Gottlieb was the object of a lawsuit not only by Olson’s children but also by the sister of another man, Stanley Milton Glickman, whose life had disintegrated into psychosis after being unwittingly given a dose of LSD by Gottlieb.

What did Murray give Kaczynski? Did the experiment’s long-term effects help tilt him into the Unabomber’s homicidal rampages? The CIA’s mind experiment program was vast. How many other human time bombs were thus primed? How many of them have exploded?

There are other human time bombs, primed in haste, ignorance or indifference to long-term consequences. Amid all the finger-pointing to causes prompting the recent wave of schoolyard killings, not nearly enough clamor has been raised about the fact that many of these teenagers suddenly exploding into mania were on a regimen of antidepressants. Eric Harris, one of the shooters at Columbine, was on Luvox. Kip Kinkel, who killed his parents and two students in Oregon, was on Prozac.

There are a number of other instances. Apropos possible linkage, Dr. Peter Breggin, author of books on Prozac and Ritalin, has said, “I have no doubt that Prozac can contribute to violence and suicide. I’ve seen many cases. In the recent clinical trial, 6% of the children became psychotic on Prozac. (6% is much a higher percentage of those who die from covid and look how the medical community, became so aggressive to control the virus, yet making children psychotic on a pharmaceutical is ok with them)   And manic psychosis can lead to violence.”... now we are telling them it is ok to smoke weed ... 

Drugs being given to "calm people down and control behavior" such as ADD and anxiety ... are "mind altering drugs" ... many times they worsen the problem ... I will give an example ... the child of someone I know was extremely shy and a recluse (she was in 8th grade) ... so they started to medicate her ... one day this young girl was sitting in class and noticed a piece of rope outside her classroom window and she started to fantasize how she could use that rope to kill herself ... we are over-medicating our youth ... the entire society, and now all laws regarding the use of the mind altering drug Marijuana are being changed and during the pandemic liquor stores were allowed to be opened....Church's were not, for people to try and get to a  higher self via their faith... so during the pandemic we produced more alcoholics than people of deep spirituality, statics show liquor store sales went up 80%   (alcohol is not only a mind alternating drug, but it also literally kills brain tissue and liver tissue) and I wonder is this being used to dumb down society and be able to control them more ... keep them "high" or drunk and then you can do whatever you want behind the scenes    ...

 thank fully the young girl, I mentioned above found "exercise" and this improved her mind frame tremendously ... she used an "organic means to control" her thinking ... bravo to her ... she is now a role model for other youth ...

drugs are useful as a last resort ... they should not be used as the first answer and this is what our society has become ... even in reaching a higher state of awareness ... 

 on many levels these "mind altering prescription drugs", are government sanctioned drug deals ... street level drug pushers made respectable ... and in many cases the side effects are worse than the disease ...  the USA and Australia  are the only two countries in the world that allow "prescription drugs" to be advertised on TV and radio and in magazines... the way cigarette advertising was banned in the US,  Rx drugs should be as well .... people tend to self diagnose with these ads and want the drug and pressure their doctors into giving it to them ....    

There is an interesting component of deep spirituality and meditation … you do not get a “high” off of it, so you do not get “addicted to it”, the way a body will get addicted to a drug… you will “crave” more time in meditation/ spirituality … but it is like craving more water or walking as an exercise … you realize doing such is “good for the body and the soul” … but it is always a choice to do so … this is not the case with drugs … your “choice is taken away” … you and your body after time will “need the drug” and that is an addiction… both chemical and mental …   

I choose faith in God over magic mushrooms and peyote, which Don Juan used

I choose to sit in stillness and solitude and listen for that small still voice within, I hope you do as well ...