Saturday, July 20, 2019

Climate change … and the confusion it brings

Is the earth melting or is it dying from geoengineering 

Such a rip roaring / hostile debate in the world as to climate change …

 I agree it is happening and has been happening well before it became a political platform and a tray trendy thing to believe and fight over  …but in today's society we fight over everything ... 

 years ago (early 1990’s)  I was called a “conspiracy theorist” , when I spoke of “Chemtrails” …

So let’s not call them “Chemtrails”.

 Let’s called it “climate engineering” or "geoengineering" … makes people feel a bit more comfortable using those terms … 

now geoengineering has been going on for decades in our skies and now they are even going “public" about this, as if this is a new subject to them, oh please old news  … and I was called crazy when I spoke of this in the early 1990's t … 

read over this website if you seek to know more about this subject matter …

Politicians want you to think a “carbon tax” is the answer … do they not know “the process of photosynthesis and the trees/ plants need of carbon dioxide and they produce Oxygen this way”??? Carbon dioxide is the food of the trees and plants  … yet we cut down trees across the planet to build large corporations and so they can make big money (thus we kill the lungs upon earth, that give us oxygen the trees) …

No carbon tax is not the answer... I actually think it is too late to do anything and the government knows this and has known for decades and hence they tried geoengineering …our atmosphere and climate are collapsing ... even the rays of the sun have become stronger over the decades and the radiation from space has become more intense on earth as well ...  

Weaponizing the weather, by Countries in power … China said back in 1990’s they will one day own the weather, as in being able to manipulate the weather, it sounds crazy I know but there are many “weapons” used by our military and the military of other countries that we cannot even conceive …

I believe China has those capacities now and the USA does as well … the public is only coming to think about such things and consider them … hey they should have listened to Art Bell circa 1988 to have known about these things years ago (that man was so ahead of his time)  …

But I wonder with all the freaky weather across the planet and in the USA … is it nature or is a country such as China manipulating the weather … especially during trade talks … Is China causing such devastating rain in the “bread basket” (or causing droughts) in the USA or in the areas of oil production … but if you believe there is a deep sate within the USA … are those forces “controlling the events”…??? I do not know but I do believe it is happening … some Country, if not several are using this type of technology of weather modification /  weather weaponizaton on the planet  

You might find these sites interesting in regards to the above  

I believe politicians are trying to take the mind frame of the masses off of truth, and make money with the “carbon tax” scenario … it is so much worse … end times worse …