Thursday, March 18, 2021

“Et tu, Brute?”

Four  days ago was the "Ides of March".... 

You might vaguely remember hearing in English class that you should “beware the Ides of March,” but what exactly is an “Ides” and why should you be wary of it?

Ides comes from an old Latin verb iduare, which meant "to divide." It was the Roman term for the day that came in the middle of the month.

Every month has an Ides. March has 31 days, so the Ides of March is on March 15.

Roman dictator Julius Caesar heard — and ignored — the infamous warning about the Ides of March in the first act of Shakespeare’s play of the same name. Caesar then stubbornly ignored several more warning signs in the play, ultimately leading to his assassination.

Caesar was stabbed to death by his best friend Brutus and several other members of the Senate on the steps of the Capitol where he uttered the play’s other famous line: “Et tu, Brute?” ("And you, Brutus?")

Donald J Trump on March 16, 2021 became the modern day Brutus to all his supporters … by going “political on them” …. With this interview …

I am starting to think Trump thinks his supporters are stupid and will  listen to every little thing, he says... and does he forget this press release  ....

 and also this one

Now Trump is saying,  he "secretly" got vaccinated in the White House in January ... What the fuck ... why the cover up if he got the vaccine (wasn't Trump for full for transparency, well that is what he told "his followers" he was)   ... if he got the vaccination, he already at that time lost his reelection, so why cover it up? ... and I am starting to doubt Trump's words ... did he or didn't he get a vaccination and if he did why is he only saying so now ... because Fauci called upon  him to do so ???  

This is "political Trump" speaking and where are all the "fact checkers" who were up Trump's ass when he was in office... they just let Trump's words go now ... when he says his supporters should get vaccinated ... this is not a "supporters" issue ... this is a science and fact  issue on a vaccine that has not been tested (for at least 5 years) and all opposing opinions on this issue has been crushed!   


Trump tells supporters to get vaccine, as one who supported Trump, he is starting to tick me off … first by my learning he took one million dollars from big pharma for his Inauguration ceremonies in 2017. Trump lied to the people, by saying he never took any money, from big corporations, And Trump changed his mind about giving Robert F. Kennedy, Jr a position in his administration (as vaccine czar), after big pharma talked Trump out of it and donated money to his Inauguration ceremonies …

Trump may have started out “not a politician” … but it seems he is one now and just as dirty, for he wants to run for President again in  2024 … have to say … I voted for him twice, but would never do so again  

Of course Trump is pushing the vaccine for it was his administration that started it … calling it “warp speed” … and as such Trump waived all normal clinical trials, with the vaccine and any safety issues that would have arisen from said (he gave big pharma a blank check on our dime) … Trump blindly followed Fauci and the CDC and did not take a stand … he was too worried about his reelection … the longer Trump is out of office and more we are being screwed over by Biden and what Trump failed to do while in office  … 

The more I learn how Trump could have saved us from all of this when he was President,  if he just had the balls to do so and not so worried about his “legacy”, which in hind sight was about the stock market, and Wall Street … money does not matter if the population is being killed off by a virus or a dangerous vaccine, which Trump pushed into production, without talking to other scientists and doctors and taking into consideration other opinions on the vaccination , other than big pharma… maybe he should have talked to Robert F Kennedy, Jr…. the way Trump did in the past “prior to Trump becoming a politician”  ...

No one should be taking their medical advice from a President former or current or a politicians or mob rule ... you should be making your own decisions on the matter, after doing complete and thorough research ...