Saturday, March 20, 2021

Jesus Christ Superstar and Baby X

                     Hyper-realistic skin for humanoid robots is being sculpted in Russia...Human skin … was shaped by the hand of God … trans-human skin and A.I. skin is being shaped by the hand of man... hmmm ... man playing can anything go wrong with that !!!!  

Frank Lloyd Webber one of my favorite playwrights, wrote the play Jesus Christ Superstar and one of my favorite songs from the play has the lyrics below … Christ is singing it on how ignorant all of mankind is… concerning the power and glory of God and how mankind, just closes its eyes to the concept of God and while they live they have numerous troubles … but in the end it is their death, that is their victory and they fear the greatest thing (death), which brings them life and they hang onto the material world and earthly life, which limits them …   

 Neither you Simon, nor the fifty thousand
Nor the Romans, nor the Jews
Nor Judas, nor the twelve
Nor the priests, nor the scribes
Nor doomed Jerusalem itself

Understand what power is
Understand what glory is
Understand at all
Understand at all
If you knew all that I knew

My poor Jerusalem
You'd see the truth
But you'd close your eyes
But you'd close your eyes
While you live

Your troubles are many
Poor Jerusalem
To conquer death
You only have to die
You only have to die

The fear of covid is based in the fear of death and the vaccination is based in the wanting to remain in the “material world” longer and this fear was well played, by those who have worldly power …

Yet covid is but one  of the many “troubles” while we live as the song states, the removal of liberties are another, the suppression of rights as well, losing your job and hunger as a result… technology that threatens mankind, which is being hidden and rapidly developed   such as A.I. in everything   … I have written about A.I. in the past… but the topic is worth mentioning again … 

for Russia just developed new "skin" for A.I. robots and you cannot tell if they are human or robot ...

  When will A.I. become a human species ending event ? … Probably within 20-25 years … A.I. gets smarter and humans are becoming A.D. (artificially dumber) … we have seen that up front and personal the last year with schools shutting down and students not learning …or marginally learning ... it was happening well before just speak with recent college grads on several subject matters and you will see their base knowledge is extremely limited. 

I like Elon Musk … smart dude to say the least … yet dumb on many levels (emotionally and philosophically, maybe even ethically ) … Musk made a statement once on Joe Rogan’s podcast … he thinks people are smarter now,  for they have in their pockets “smart phones” and if they do not know the answer to something they just turn on their phones and get the answer … hmmm … this takes away learned or  “organic knowledge” within the brain… people rely on “smart phones” to get the answers instead of their own intellect and base knowledge…

 yet there is  a saying … the smartest people in the world know where to get the answers, when they do not have them … true that !!!   But basic knowledge … history … science … literature… math … spelling… is being lost in the younger generations … they do not need to know it, their smart phone knows the answer (but smart phones cannot give the human being wisdom and how and when to act on knowledge they are receiving from a "smart phone")  … this is like saying, a person with a crutch can run as fast as track star. Smart phones are being used as crutches instead of being like an athlete and practicing and knowing your stuff and exercising your brain … leave the crutch for those who really need it, stop handicapping yourselves.  

Now Elon Musk has a creepy idea how to make humans dumber, (he says smarter)   by implanting computer chips into their brains… yes on the surface it makes you “smarter”… but it is not you … it is a computer that is “smart”… such as the cell phone in your pocket … trans human if you will … 

 Like most new ideas on the market, the neruo-chip  is packaged in how it will make your life easier and help the sick or disabled … this is so everyone gets on board with the idea and screams what a great advancement  for mankind … key word “mankind” such technology reduces mankind and elevates the concept of being “trans human” …

In the back of my mind I know the hidden powers that be, want to reduce the number of human beings on the planet … they go on and on how mankind is destroying the environment (while they fly in private jets)  …eugenics is alive and well with them … so would they even want the “disable” to live longer lives … I do not think so… but to convince the public to get your brain chipped has to have an angle of mercy and improvement to the human condition …  and one can only imagine what the military use of this could be ... chipping the brains of soldiers... once you are a member of the military you belong to the government, hence the term GI (government issued)... when you are a GI they own you and you cannot refuse vaccinations or medications, your "person" is not your own anymore, it belongs to the government.       

and one of the scariest "persons" on the planet ... Baby X 

the above video was made in 2016 ... baby X has "grown"... not in stature but in "knowledge " below is  her  from 2018 ... just imagine what she is doing in 2021 

creepy ...creepy...creepy ... they call it the "soul machine"

Now, the so called "crazy" Alex Jones … he thinks all the “noise” and pushing about,  “transgender” humans is not really about “transgender humans” … but it is about A.I. and “trans-humans”, which will be released in humanity over the next 10 years … now crazy Alex Jones may not be so crazy after all … for this is really happening and for “humanity to accept”… humanoids (aka… A.I. robots with human like features) and not to have humanoids discriminated against … you start,  with the concept of “transgender” humans to soften up the human perspective on what is “normal” …  

And what is “normal” anymore … I have family members,  who allow their children to play video games all day long and these children have “virtual headsets”, where they “interact”, with virtual creatures … try to limit the time these children have on their computers anymore and they become “hostile” for their brains have been rewired, by these games, and it is “normal to them” and they release endorphins by playing these games … take it away and it is like taking drugs away from a drug addict.  

to the brain "virtual reality is no different than actual reality", hence pilots and such train on virtual simulators, doctors also train to perform  surgery  "virtually" on simulators in high end hospitals ... soldiers train this way as well ... they call them "war games" ...    

And the forced shut downs over covid , has created thousands of children and young people like this and they will be the ones, who will fully accept virtual reality relationships and virtual babies and brain chips and trans-humans as being “normal” … they are being “primed” for it now….  

on many levels, covid is the least of mankind's worries ...but covid was and is a"tool" to see how much control the public will allow over themselves, by the government (you can only be pushed as far as you will allow yourself to be pushed) ... so far most of the public is allowing governmental control to be endless upon their liberties ... in the name of "public safety and health" ... playing to the fear within ... all while 5 G was being rolled out globally to make A.I. and computer bandwidth strong and more efficient ...  

 yes indeed ...While you live; Your troubles are many... wake up and take notice of what is not readily seen ... yet still playing out in the world ...