Sunday, March 7, 2021

Where did I go? Where do you go?


Deep spirituality /  meditation / mysticism  is different than prayer a lot different … prayer is a "conscious" effort,  you are using your brain … you have either interior speak or outward speak in use… your brain waves would indicate you are in “Beta” …  such is not what a mystic, nor a Buddhist monk or other highly disciplined people who meditate do … there are no words used… there is no thought … you have to put your brain to sleep for lack of better words and this takes time to learn to do … years in fact… every day practicing for years and you do not learn this in a “prayer group” or attending daily Mass, you have to isolate yourself or as Christ said… “Go to your room, where only your father sees, and do not rattle on with words” … you go deep within yourself... and you need to do this alone ... almost cave like / hermit like ... like when Jesus would go alone at night to "pray and/ or speak to his Father"... you always meet God alone ... it is a one on one thing ... not theater for all to see ... 

this level of “awareness” is lack of awareness to the physical world … and in this state you can manipulate the physical world… such as Buddhist monks can lower their heart beats and raise their body temperatures … it is also in this state you have “encounters with God”… and words are never used it is a “knowing”, information sent to you and at times pictures are used … If a “mystic is only regurgitating ” religious  doctrine they have been taught or exposed to in life … they are “of the world” or “pious fakes”  they are not faking for  reasons of malice, they are just so indoctrinated with the ways of man, and their religion,  they cannot get out of that paradigm to understand God is so much more…not until you learn to allow God to set the rules, not man can you go further into "self", where the kingdom of God is located ...  

I spend years in solitary prayer … hours and hours in daily prayer, all alone (I always preferred to be alone in prayer, people distract me)   …I would stay "in prayer"  until my “brain/ mind” would figuratively shut down … that is when for lack of better words the magic happened … a lifting of soul… a state of happiness / joy not dependent on the outside world, no pain, no suffering, no problems for the solutions are with you somehow  … I would call this place,  “the time between time” … like stepping into a doorway and you are not in one room or the other … you are standing on the door jam…  you do not totally cross over into another room … you are just observing it … strange in this place there is “no time” as in you can see things in the future and you can see things that are in the past … there is no future or past … there is just the now… 

“Time creates past and future” … in this place there is no time … there is sharpening of awareness and all senses sharpened as well … your “intent” here is very powerful and your “intent” can travel … the church calls this “bio-location”, Padre Pio said such was an “extension” of his personality … I call it “intent” … but in truth it is really “quantum mechanics” … such as what Christ does in the Eucharist… his “intent” and truth / presence  are in every Communion wafer … Christ is in the “time between time place” … most call it eternity … Christ is occupying one space and trillions of others at the same moment in the Eucharist … being in both “eternity and time”,  within the Host … yet only “truth” for those who have faith and believe it to be … like quantum mechanics … things change upon the observation of the object … you believe Christ is present he will be for you, if you do  not believe then there is nothing there for you and your soul … that is the nature of all things … free will and faith …

Christ told his disciples … speak to the people about him and the father and if they do not want to listen or do not believe … brush the dust, from your feet and walk away … my belief… Christ does this in the Eucharist as well … do not believe he is there, he walks away … and you receive no grace …

 I am going to sound like I am judging … but I have known many people who went to weekly Mass and received Communion or even daily Mass and there are priests who do not believe in the true presence … you have no faith,  you have no grace period! It cannot co-exist … Here I will point to the founder and Queen of Voodoo in New Orleans… most do not know she was a  "devout" Catholic and daily Communicant … I am going to make a leap here and say …she could not have believed in the True presence  …. or she was never really taught it by the Church  ...    

Laveau was a devoted Catholic all her life, and to her voodoo was not incompatible with her Catholic faith. The front room of her cottage housed altars filled with candles, holy images, and offerings, and she would lead weekly meetings (that included whites as well as blacks) where the participants would dress all in white, then chant and sing and leave an offering of liquor and food to the spirits..... now I cannot blame Laveau totally the Catholic Church offers ... candles, prayers and money to "saints", which are spirits as well... so maybe Laveau was just taking it a step further, with what she saw in the Church... collection baskets in front of statues ... money pinned to statues as they are paraded through streets by Catholic clergy ...

I do not know what is more disturbing Laveau thinking she needed to “augment” the power of God,  via Voodoo or the Catholic Church that did not fill her spirituality, so she needed to seek spirituality elsewhere… sadly this is a main reason many leave the Catholic Church … no spirituality or connecting to God allowed there … only connection allowed for the laity  is too the Vatican/ the Pope/ the Bishop and your local pastor…   

But back to where did I go ???? How did I get there???  ... I have witnessed visionaries when in "trance" ... they feel no pain ... when an EEG is done their brain waves are that of deep delta, the deepest state of sleep for the brain to be in ... and the visionary is "heavy" they cannot be lifted ... as if they have extra "gravity around them" ...  their skin (mine did this as well) the skin changes, as if it has a light shinning,  from within it, you glow ... all muscles  in the body are completely relaxed,  which means there are "no winkles" to be seen .... and those who can see "auras",  will say the mystic's aura becomes brighter and larger ... I have been told this in the past ... and in the past if someone touched me during these times,  they have said, they felt a surge of energy ( like static electricity go through their bodies) .... going to sound strange but almost like a force field surrounds you ... at those times of heightened spirituality ... there are no external sounds you hear in this "place",  there is total silence there ... and total stillness ... peaceful then an extraordinary  "love" surrounds you and enters into you ... a deep... deep... deep love for all things ...    

So where did I go ????   ... I also had "missing time"... hours and hours of missing time almost everyday for years (during prayer and deep meditation) ... I would start out at a certain time and when I ended ... 4 to 5 hours had passed, sometimes more,  yet for me it seemed like only minutes ... now those who are totally into "aliens" would say that sounds like an alien abductions... "missing time"... I guess you could say that ... but I was "abducted,  by the Holy Spirit" and stayed on earth alone in front of a Tabernacle ... and after such "abductions" I had more energy ... needed less food and less sleep ... whereas with the "alien abductions",  they feel sick and drained ...    

.... But where do you "go" when you are under anesthesia????  There are legends and stories that during those times (while you are under anesthesia)   you leave your body ... those stories go on to say ... this is very dangerous for evils spirits can enter your body at this time and do not want to give it back .... especially in hospitals, there is a lot of negative energy in hospitals that evil feeds off of ... people are sick, people are in pain,  some dying, families worried ... you literally need to protect yourself spiritual, when in a hospital ... have a medical advocate and a spiritual one!       

There is an anesthesiologist, from Arizona ... his name is Stuart Hameroff, MD... and he always wondered about where his patients,  "went" when he put them under anesthesia... 

The video below is long ... but interesting ...   Dr. Hamerott believes he located where consciousness is stored in the brain ... he also speaks to "proteins", which would lead to discussion about RNA, which is the main reason the covid vaccine is scary shit ... 

I do not know if I agree,  with Dr. Hamerott... yet if he is right ... those being kept alive for years artificially are in essence being kept prisoner,  by a misguided sense of what is "pro-life" ... there has been cutting edge research done on comatose patients, their brains will "light-up" during a brain scan ... which makes it even more tragic that the "soul, the awareness of the person" is being kept a prisoner in its own body, by their family ... Let them go home to God ... free them ...