Tuesday, March 9, 2021

They want socialism, but they willing participate in surveillance capitalism

The woman in the video and her train of thought is very  interesting… the “progressives” who voted for Biden and those like him … say,  they want socialism …and only the Dems can give it to them… but the Dems are in bed with big tech and big tech is total “capitalism” and into destroying all its competitors …and these same “progressives”,  who voted for the Dems are constantly on their cell phones / computers and on Facebook/ twitter/ YouTube/Instagram/ tictok …. yet the Republicans are just as bad for they never wanted to rein in these tech companies (to much money given to them to do so)... there is truth to the statement Jesse Venture once made ... we live in a "2 Party Dictatorship" ... 

The level of ignorance the progressives and those who just have to have the latest and greatest in technology, is stunning,   not wanting to see what is behind the curtain and what is really going …  or they are just so passive they could care less  

Harvard professor Shoshana Zuboff wrote a monumental book about the new economic order that is alarming. "The Age of Surveillance Capitalism," reveals how the biggest tech companies deal with our data. How do we regain control of our data? What is surveillance capitalism? In this documentary, Zuboff takes the lid off Google and Facebook and reveals a merciless form of capitalism in which no natural resources, but the citizen itself, serves as a raw material. How can citizens regain control of their data? It is 2000, and the dot.com crisis has caused deep wounds. How will startup Google survive the bursting of the internet bubble? Founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin don't know anymore how to turn the tide. By chance, Google discovers that the "residual data" that people leave behind in their searches on the internet is very precious and trade-able. This residual data can be used to predict the behavior of the internet user. Internet advertisements can, therefore, be used in a very targeted and effective way. A completely new business model is born: "surveillance capitalism."