Monday, March 22, 2021

Forced penetration it used to be called rape... now it is called "being a good citizen"


I am telling more and more customers at work to stand away from me (6 feet at least)… I never did this before … but once I hear they have been vaccinated, I tell them to stand away from me … they seem “offended” and say, again and again they have been vaccinated … being vaccine is starting to be recognized in “main street media” as not being a good thing (or they just are starting to release the truth now so you can prepare for more vaccinations in the near future  ) … you can read it here … Yet for those who have been vaccinated they now think they are bullet proof and cannot get covid nor can they spread covid and both assumptions are false, at times deadly so ... 

Mar 18, 2021,11:57am EST|200,650 views

Covid Spiking In Over A Dozen States—Most With High Vaccination Rates

 If the vaccine keeps virus levels low, as a recent news article states, even mutated viruses, the infected person won't produce enough to spread to other people. Unfortunately, at the moment, scientists can't answer the most basic questions about this process. How much does the virus actually replicate inside a person who has been vaccinated with either one dose or two? And how effective is that vaccine at limiting infection enough so that the virus levels stay low and prevent the spread to other people? Andrew Read at Penn State University says, whatever the answers may be, there will be vaccine resistance or escape

 And in a recent  NPR article they state this … which is giant BINGO … as Robert J Kennedy, Jr. said in his video … the press will start releasing articles that the covid vaccine is not as effective as they thought and you will need boosters … constant  boosters …

This is part of the NPR article ….A virus that has evolved to get around one vaccine is likely to be stopped by another. And that will limit the spread of mutant strains. Drug makers are also keeping a close eye on mutants and are already formulating new vaccines, for covid   that will be more effective … and WTF!!! The article goes on to say this …. To slow this evolutionary process as much as possible, it's important to slow the spread of the virus right now so people who get vaccinated are at lower risk for getting infected in the first place. What the hell… first it was we need to protect the old and vulnerable, those with preexisting conditions … now the article states we need to protect the “vaccinated”… what the fuck was the point of the vaccination … for the article is now backwardly stating, “the vaccinated are more vulnerable and at risk for getting the covid virus … and creating a lethal strain of it to the general public  ....

Variant cases of covid in US spike by 73% ...this means the virus is different than the vaccination currently being given ...

The number of known coronavirus variant cases in the U.S. has surged 73% in the last week alone, according to figures from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released late in February .

The country now reports 944 cases of variants that spread more easily, bypass treatments and immunities, or both.

The CDC has said it may become the dominant strain in the U.S. by March. Last month, U.K. researchers said there's evidence the variant may be more deadly than others, and it's  also considered at least 50% more transmissible than the original strain. Again this is not the strain of covid that you receive in the current vaccination ....

report shows known cases of P.1, a variant first spotted in Brazil that appears to bypass immunities, and now nine cases of B.1.351, a variant that took over South Africa and resists some treatments and vaccines.

Hey remember when every young mother put Johnson and Johnson baby powder on their infants at every diaper change... you know that "fresh smelling powder scent" that every infant smelled of in the past...  well Johnson and Johnson  knew there was asbestos in their baby powder and it caused cancer and they knew it from the get go... but they still sold it to you and said, "they are a family company" that takes care of your family ... well... Johnson and Johnson wants to get back to the baby injury business by launching a new covid vaccine for babies !!! Yes those tiny creatures that  have no voice ... and they who are not at risk for covid at all ... Johnson and Johnson wants to create and fill a medical market we do not need as a matter of fact it is dangerous and life threatening to infants ... but what do they care ... J&J proved that with their baby power made of asbestos ... 

Now Johnson and Johnson wants to vaccine all children with their new vaccine ...
children who have a near 0% of becoming deadly ill from covid ... and they have clinical trials going on now ... 

This truly is criminal behavior against humanity ... of all ages... 

we all thought after WW II such things could no longer happen to people ... this is worse than what Hitler did and his experimentation on human beings this is global and it is being sanctioned by all governments around the world ...  

The FDA and CDC control ice cream better than they do vaccines ...

and a recently leaked document on the dark web.... shows only half of the Pfizer vaccines arrive and are given "in tact"... the company is claiming they were "hacked into"... well God Bless whoever did so ... to get the truth out ... ....

Of course the dug companies immediately went into cover up mode and said... "the hackers manipulated the data"....

When the European Medicines Agency reiterated the safety of the AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine on Thursday, nearly a dozen countries that had suspended use of the shot—including Germany, France and Italy—quickly resumed vaccinations. But some countries have been hesitant to follow suit and one of them, Finland, is defying the proclamation, suspending use of the AZ vaccine on Friday while it investigates two cases of recipients developing blood clots. 

Meanwhile, Denmark, Sweden and Norway are in no rush to restart their AstraZeneca vaccine roll-outs, saying the situation warrants more study.

Meanwhile back in the USA, those who blindly fall into line  ....On Friday, the U.S. was expected to pass the 100 million mark in coronavirus vaccine doses administered, comfortably outpacing the goal set by Joe Biden, whose original target was to reach the benchmark by his 100th day in office. Friday is his 58th day. Biden said he would announce a new goal for the U.S. next week.