do not give your DNA to family roots "research sites" ... I learend this to late
You can help. Do you know who’s been hospitalized with COVID-19 .....They may be eligible to participate in our study that will help scientists search for genetic links to the disease, and potentially help fight it. The above is the new advertising for 23 and me... "covid research via your DNA"... is this to help them "fight disease" or to create diseases for certain or more DNA groups ...
How to make a bio-weapon or a DNA/ RNA alternating drug / vaccine … you first need to get a large data base of DNA, from the general population and how do you get that??? Why you start a trend … and ill-informed people buy into it (such as myself) … yes I am one of
those fools … who thought “family
research is awesome”… I am going to do it … and since, I am all in on my projects … I thought, why not
give my DNA to these sites… after all they promise to track down your “unknown
DNA linked relatives”… how cool is that!!! So I signed up … not once… not twice…
but with three different “family roots sites” … I think that officially makes
me a three time loser and an asshole of epic proportions for doing so …
Yes in 2015, I gave
me first DNA sample to one of these sites… and then had the results transferred
over to (wow… big mistake, from the get go) … then with, the biggest fraudulent site, you have to pay a monthly fee to track
down your relatives … but the kicker is the “ancestry corporation” is not the
ones doing the work that they are charging you for … all research is based upon
those who sign up for the service, and
then do their own independent research into their family lines and upload it to
their family tree on ancestry as soon as you do that it becomes the property of
“ancestry” and then you will have to pay a monthly fee to “see” your own research
… it is a giant scam and people do not know it … I learned of this by researching
the company and interviewing one of its employees …
the Blackstone
Group owns Ancestry having purchased it for $4.7 billion in
2020. As you might expect with a massive profit-based company, the ownership
has split and changed hands over time. In the past is was owned by the Mormon Church,
you know that place where the likes of Mitt Romney and his moral/ ethical character
stems from … it would not surprise me if
the DNA data base from ancestry was sold to China or other communist nations or
given to the USA for experimental use in the level 4 experimental labs ….
DNA testing and
tracing one’s family roots are pretty popular endeavors these days, but they’re
also big business, and one with a potentially dark side, according to Julia
Creet, a professor of English who has a longstanding interest in family
heritage matters.
There are
questions of privacy and of the lack of compensation given to people who
provide these companies with their valuable DNA, said Creet.
“People don’t
realize that the DNA they’re giving to see if they’re 50 per cent this or 23
per cent that, that information you’re giving to a genealogical company is much
more valuable than what you get in return,” she said.
In 2017, Creet
produced a documentary on the subject called Data
Mining the Deceased: Ancestry and the Business of Family.
The question of who owns the DNA you entrust
to a DNA company and what uses it can be put to.
Creet said her
research showed that the DNA people willingly provide to companies has
tremendous financial value.
“All the
information is being sold to the pharmaceutical industry,” she said. “They want
it for research. If you know the disease profile and you know the genealogy,
you can start to trace disease patterns through a family….
But the
information they are getting – DNA, family histories – has financial value,
which is not being realized by the people who send their saliva samples to the
big genetic testing companies, she said. “You’re
giving away your most private information to get back a report on your blood
The pharmaceutical companies that obtain the
genetic material are not bound by privacy issues that constrain the DNA
companies, she warned.
“Everybody says
that DNA is the Wild West of privacy now. Companies are making big money by
using your DNA and we don’t know how this information will be used in the
future. Who will get access to this information in the end? Insurance
companies? It’s a gold mine for them if they get hold of it.”
DNA has been used
in other ways not contemplated by those who provided it, she continued. In the
United States, police used a DNA database to help solve a murder cold case that
had been inactive for 40 years. They had collected a DNA sample from the crime
scene, but could find no match. They created a fake profile and sent the sample
to a company that collects DNA and matches people with their distant relatives.
Police received two matches of distant relatives of the killer. They then
located relatives of the people who had provided their DNA to the company and
made an arrest.
While DNA was
used for a laudable purpose in that case, the way it was used is problematic,
Creet suggested.
“Regardless of
whether we think it’s a good thing, the flip side of it is that now there are
estimates that 60 per cent of white Americans can be identified, whether they
gave DNA or not,” she said.
“My goal is to
get people to think what it means to submit a DNA sample. It’s not a benign
enterprise. You’re not being compensated and you have very little control over
the DNA you give.
“We lose control
of our most private information when we send it to these companies. There is
less control over DNA privacy than Facebook privacy. It’s really quite
frightening how little government oversight there is over the industry.”
I am all about “my
body, my choice”... I believe in spiritual terms it is called “free will”… and
even God himself does not step on this “gift”
… I also believe in the mankind’s sovereign right not to be experimented upon …
be it their own government or “aliens” …
And I believe the
current covid vaccination is an “experiment” … since it has never been tested or
placed into clinical trials, as past drugs have been, prior to its use on human
beings …
What I find truly
amazing is the relatives in my family that refused to give over their DNA for
testing (they were right not to do so) yet they are among the first to line up
for the covid vaccine … as if they have “suspended” their critical thinking in
this area …