Thursday, February 25, 2021

Malcolm X

I absolutely 100% believe the story ...

The family members of Malcolm X and their lawyer Benjamin Crump, said the allegations were in a deathbed letter by a former police officer, Raymond Wood. (“dying declarations” …In the law of evidence, a dying declaration is testimony that would normally be barred as hearsay but may in common law nonetheless be admitted as evidence in criminal law trials because it constituted the last words of a dying person. The rationale is that someone who is dying or believes death to be imminent would have less incentive to fabricate testimony, and as such, the hearsay statement carries with it some reliability.)

In the January 25, 2011 letter, Wood, who was on duty the day of Malcolm X's death, said he "participated in actions that in hindsight were deplorable and detrimental to the advancement of my own black people."

"Under the direction of my handlers, I was told to encourage leaders and members of the civil rights groups to commit felonious acts," Wood said in the letter.

Wood stated he was coerced by his NYPD supervisors to entice members of Malcolm X's security detail into committing crimes that resulted in their arrest days before the deadly shooting. 

It was my assignment to draw the two men into a felonious federal crime so that they could be arrested by the FBI and kept away from managing Malcolm X's door security on February 21, 1965," Wood wrote. "At that time, I was not aware that Malcolm X was the target." 

Those arrests were a part of conspiracy between the NYPD and FBI to have Malcolm X killed, according to the letter.

 the FBI, at one time were the Nation’s top cops and the finest… not so much anymore as I and the rest of the world learned how the FBI set up fake operation on a candidate for president, to be able to spy on him and then the sitting President of the USA (Donald Trump) …

Calls into mind what part did they play in the JFK assassinations … what part did they play in the RFK and MLK assassinations and even what part did they play in the Capital riot ... we will never know;  not at this time in history … maybe we  will have to wait  30 or 40 years for someone else to make a “Death bed confession” …

But this I do know …  In a Feb. 16 interview on satellite radio, Harvard Law School professor emeritus and Trump impeachment counsel Alan Dershowitz said he had proof of an allegation that President Barack Obama asked the FBI to investigate someone at the behest of liberal benefactor George Soros, the statement from Dershowitz,  was as follows  ...“I have some information  about the Obama administration — which will be disclosed in a lawsuit at some point, but I’m not prepared to disclose it now — about how President Obama personally asked the FBI to investigate somebody on behalf of George Soros, who was a close ally of his.”

to be fair ....“We’ve seen this kind of White House influence on the Justice Department virtually in every Justice Department,” he said.

Every single president and their “justice department" was and is dirty on some level… this includes Trump’s …“The difference with Trump, he was overt about it, he tweeted about it. President Obama and other Presidents  whispered to the Justice Department about it.”… No doubt Trump had “impulse control issues”, with his tweeting … good for us on some level, for we always knew what was going on … bad for Trump for it made him a target and hated by the corrupt political politicians … and “dirty cops” aka the FBI on the 7th floor …

I feel badly for the Malcolm X family and every Black family who thinks the government has their backs (current one and the ones prior to Donald Trump) … or they think BLM has their backs … it is all about collecting money and slogans to such, not about real change and helping the Black community … odds are the Malcolm X family will be asked,  to “settle this issue out of court”… this is how it is always done … so crimes can continue and nothing changes … and the money for any lawsuit comes out of taxpayers money … so there is no accountable or financial incentives for the behavior to stop … yes certain agents can be fired … but prior to that happening they usually “retire” to save their pensions and then many of them go on to private industry,  or are hired on cable TV news shows … as a “talking head” …  

If you believe in freedom of speech every "voice needs to be heard", even  those you disagree with ... unfortunately, it has been shown again and again that our government and big tech / media does not agree, with freedom of  speech ...  

There were many things I did not agree with Malcolm X about … but I still listened to what he had to say… and I read about his background … his childhood was brutal,  to say the least and society was not kind to him and his family, nor his race and this is fact. Malcolm X lived in a time where Blacks were treated as second class citizens or less and I can understand the anger that can create within a person. So shame on society for doing this to any human being and thinking they are better.

I admire anyone … who tries to rise up and create change … who tries to rise up and tell a story about what is really happening to any group of people … such takes great courage and personal integrity, especially in a highly charged atmosphere of rampant injustice, which Malcolm X lived … and tragically we are starting to see this in society again … to people of all colors, who refuse to obey unconstitutional and illegal laws,  created by small town dictators and federal ones, via executive orders …