Monday, February 15, 2021

Sci-fi mystery ... what happened to the 2020-2021 "flu" season

This all seems so "fishy to me" ... 

Remember the flu season, it happened every year just like Christmas… people would come down, with “flu like symptoms” … headache … achy… cough/ tightness in the chest… low grade fever sometimes higher … tired … sore throat … sometimes it was the flu and sometimes it was just the “common cold” …

Remember  the old saying … feed a cold starve a fever … the thinking in the past was if you had a fever  your body was already working overtime to defend itself and to give it food would cause chemicals reactions in the body that would cause more “heat”… 

Liquids are more important than solids. When you’re sick, your appetite decreases because your body diverts so much of its energy to fighting infection and it has less energy for digestion…

Since, “Seventy percent of the immune system is in the gut,” gut bacterial balance is a key part of your immunity… the best way to get this is via a healthy diet or supplements …

Now prior to 2020 we all knew the above … how to stay healthy and build a healthy immune system and if we had a cold or the flu we also knew what to do … for the most part we just “rode it out”… the old saying,  you will/ might have “symptoms post the illness” for up to a month (such as lingering cough or fatigue) and if you were immune compromised you might develop a secondary infection such as bronchitis or pneumonia … precautions were taken with such individuals … but there was no hysteria attached to a “cold or the flu” and more people died from such pre 2020 than they did from covid post 2020 … numbers do not lie (unless they are manipulated to do so) …

But miraculously “colds and the seasonal flu” … just seemed to disappear in 2020- 2021 … where did it go … well they did not go anywhere, colds and flu were “repackaged and relabeled” as covid-19 … everything nowadays is “covid related” and you should be terrified!

At this rate of illnesses being repackaged … Soon heart disease, cancer, why all diseases will be “covid related” … Sci-fi / twilight zone ...