Sunday, February 14, 2021

Obstetrical violence and test the cat and dog for covid!


Everyone is going to need to be tested … your dog… your cat … zoo animals … why yes … covid-19  the least deadly virus on this planet as to its survivable… is driving all of the hysteria, the shuts downs and face masks! OMG … what a mind fuck, which society seems to be OK with!  

Do not know how many people are aware of this … but the W.H.O. (world health organization), which is “owned”, by China … said this about covid …

In essence saying, nope China did not mess with the virus in a Wuhan lab … the virus jumped from another species to man that is how it happened … OMG … and of course the progressives and the Biden administration  are going along with this bullshit … yet in the above video … the “saintly” Dr. F’ said there is no evidence the virus jumps, from other species to man … so what the fuck is it … not created in a lab (per W.H.O., from another species according to them) … yet “god” on earth to many Americans,  Dr. F says … nope cannot jump from another species  … but now get your animals tested and wear a mask around them  … they first said "covid" came from a "wet market" in Wuhan ... from eating a "bat"... all I can say is this is all bat shit crazy ... no logic to it and no "real science" behind it ... but so many people are eating it up!

With  a Biden administration we will be ramping up to this level of abuse I am sure ... but the case of "obstetrical violence" I will address in this post happened in Canada... my opinion of Canada, do not worry about about our "southern border" worry about our northern one ... the policies in Canada on human rights are far more destructive ...

If you haven't yet come across this term "obstetric violence," let me first start by defining it: obstetric violence is the physical, sexual, and/or verbal abuse, bullying, coercion, humiliation, and/or assault that occurs to laboring and birthing people by medical staff, including nurses, doctors, and midwives. In short, obstetric violence is anytime a person in labor or birth experiences mistreatment or disrespect of their rights, including being forced into procedures against their will, at the hands of medical personnel.

Obstetric violence happens in hospitals throughout the world, including in the United States

If this topic is unfamiliar, I will share a widely known story that depicts obstetric violence, as well as a short list of examples:

Obstetric violence happens on a wide-ranging spectrum, and includes the following:

  • Vaginal exams without consent
  • Forced cesarean surgery
  • Physical force to prevent birth while waiting on the doctor to arrive
  • Physical restraint during birth
  • Sexual comments or sexual assault during exams or procedures
  • Bullying into procedures, like induction, episiotomy, or cesarean, without medical reason
  • Failing to get consent
  • Being treated/spoken to disrespectfully and/or without regard for autonomy

The reality is that in pregnancy and childbirth, as in life, you have human rights. Per the Human Rights in Childbirth organization: