Saturday, February 6, 2021

No Shit Sherlock! Time magazine article

Our last "free and honest presidential election" was Nov 8,  2016 ... and I fear it will be the last this country ever sees ... 

There has always been voter fraud in our country, on both sides of the Political aisle if you do not believe this wake up Pollyanna and smell the coffee … This is how JFK was elected in 1960 … the Dems have voter fraud down to a science, not that the Republicans don't … but it plays out more with the Democrats … and they knew they could not win the 2020 election fairly so as Joe Biden mentioned in a campaign speech in 2020 … “he does not need your vote to win, for they  have the biggest election fraud system in place”… of course, the main stream media said that is not what Biden meant it was a “gaffe”… no that was one of the only time Biden spoke truth and here we are now … Time Magazine basically admits it …  

I have to say, if I were Hillary Clinton … I would be really pissed off,  they could have done it for her in 2016 … election fraud that is and had her “elected” … but the Dems believed the polls back in 2016 … that she was so far ahead in the polls, there was no need to use the “election fraud” / voter manipulation system for her … but the Dems knew in 2020 … Trump was as shoe in for reelection… so they kept Biden in his basement during the campaign  … no press conferences … his VP pick “Harris”  as well did no press conferences … and then they just “stole the election” and post the election the media kept silent … now if it were Trump the media would have went ape shit and called for another ‘Russian investigation” … no need to look outside the country for such … the enemy  to the election of 2020 is within our own country …  

Below is a video about the Time Magazine article